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Annabelle Innis

I open my eyes, the first person my eyes set on is Sean. Then my mother, father, Arizona, and Aaron are also in the room. They were talking they didn't see me open my eyes. I look around the room and everything came crashing back to me. I held my tummy, I groan as I touch the tender spot on my stomach. Sean was at my side in seconds.

"Beautiful lady," he said, "don't move." I kept looking at his face but he only smiles at me, "how are you feeling" he ask. But I was feeling so drowsy it's like I couldn't comprehend what was happening around me. I kept looking around at everyone's face. Then the doctor walks into the room.

"How are you feeling he asks," I nod my head. it's like my words aren't coming out.

"Ok she needs rest and for the medication to wear off. Are you feeling any pain miss Innis?" I nod my head and my eyes were closing again, dosing off.

When I open my eyes again Sean was asleep on a chair next to my bed and his clothes were changed. Although I didn't feel any better all I wanted at this point is to be wrapped in his arms in our bed and put all of this behind me. I run my fingers through his hair and he raises his head looking at me. "Your up beautiful lady." I know I must look horrible and he's calling me beautiful. I try rolling my eyes but it hurt.

"Are you ok baby?" He kisses my fingers, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken my eyes off you."

I finally find my voice "this is not your fault," I touch his face. "You didn't do this." My throat is parched. After hearing me speak Sean brought the glass of water to my lips. I take a few sips and hand it back to him.

My baby bump is still here but I'm scared to ask if our baby is alright. I wasn't prepared to hear if I wasn't expecting any more. Sean saw the worried look on my face and said "don't worry our babies are doing just fine" he kisses my tummy then my forehead.

"Babies," I ask looking at him. He had this infectious smile on his face and nod his head, "my sex is that good it gives you two of them." I laugh "ouch awww" I  quiver at the pain I was feeling on my face, throat and neck. "I'm sorry baby don't laugh." My entire body hurt, my face especially. I couldn't celebrate having twins like I want to.

He looks at me seriously, "I don't want to upset you. But how did this happened?"

I sigh, "can we not talk about it right now." He cups my cheeks."I'm sorry baby, we don't have to, right now." He kisses my fingers "he's never going to hurt you ever again."

He climbs into bed with me holding me gently, kissing my head. I wrap my arms around him holding on to him. "My mom came to see you, but you were sleeping."

"How many days has it been, she saw me like this."

"You are beautiful baby, my strong beautiful lady. It's four days since you're here. I haven't left your side."

"She's coming back this afternoon with your parents, she went to freshen up and they know we're having twins."

"Where Steph?" I groan raising to look at him.

"Lay back baby, you're hurting yourself. Steph is fine he was staying with Jinette but then your mom took him." He fusses over me trying to make me comfortable.

"That is so like her, you know she will spoil him rotten, she has been begging Arizona like forever for grandkids." He chuckles vibrating my entire body.


"Hmm," he hums. "Thank you."

"For what baby."

"For coming that day."

"You don't have to thank me. I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner." Sean places his arm under my head holding me close. I lay there feeling contented thinking I'm having twins, with my gorgeous hero.
Two weeks later

I was discharged from the hospital a week ago, I had to report to work today but the bloodshot in my eyes and the swelling on my face weren't completely gone. But it's much better than a week ago. John throw all my plans out the window, I should've been in my office this minute, but I'm here layed up in bed, trying to get rid of all the marks and bruises on my skin and face. The twins are doing great, their heartbeat went back to normal and they are progressing nicely. The puking is getting to me though, it's like the twins don't rest until my stomach is empty. I can't wait for this trimester to be over.

Sean and his mother fuss over me this entire week, it was so sweet. I can't get out of bed except for using the bathroom. I can't cook or do anything at all, they treat me like an egg, who's about to break. Not that I don't like the attention and pampering but it's becoming too much. Sean's mom is a wonderful woman, she's funny as hell and doesn't spear Sean with all his embarrassing growing-up stories.

Sean took a week off and he is my hands and feet. He's so sweet but I wish he will act normal with me, it's like he's afraid to make love to me and he walks around on eggshell trying not to offend me. It is sometimes difficult for me to sleep, when I close my eyes there's John face tormenting me. Sean would sit with me for hours even though he has to work the following day. I wish the nightmare will come to an end, I want it to be over with.

We're currently having dinner and I'm hoping since Mrs Britto cooks dinner, I can clean up but no she ushers me off to my room to freshen up and go to bed. she's spoiling me too much.

I walk to our room with Sean close behind. I close the door bracing him onto it. I put my arms around his neck pressing his head into me for a kiss. It starts slow but starts to heat up quickly he picks me up walking to the bed, he lay me down gently, settling between my leg. He cups my cheeks, kissing me all over my face. I giggle feeling giddy, his hand went to my thigh caressing his way up to my abdomen.

I groan when his hand when to the tender spot on my abdomen. He immediately gets off me. "No, no don't stop baby," I sit up. "You haven't touched me in weeks."

"I'm hurting you, Annabelle."

"You're not, I need this, I need you."

"Not when I touch you it hurts you."

"Stop saying that. You're not hurting me. I want to feel your touch instead of his filthy hands that roam about my body. Please, please replace his touch with your, I need you." I beg him.

"I don't know beautiful lady, but your so cute when you beg," he smiles at me.

"Please baby," I say pouting my lips.

He settles over me again. "I don't want to cause you any more pain."

"You're not baby," I press my lips to him, he soothingly worshipped my body taking his time not to hurt me. So must pleasure fills me as I'm wrap up in the arms of the man I love and adores.

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