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Annabelle Innis

Sean was driving me insane. my mind is hazy, my entire body was on fire for him and my heart was pounding in anticipation of what he's going to do next. The way he rips my lingerie excites me and I want more, "please baby, please" I beg. I remembered the time he told me I was going to beg for it and I didn't think it was possible. Now here I am begging shamelessly. Never thought I'd beg for more, never thought I would find a man like him. Love knows I've never felt so good in one night.

The way he's here caressing my abdomen with his tongue and I swear it has magic in it. He ignites my entire body. I grip the top of his head pushing him down where I am throbbing and needs attention fast. My whole body is calling and need him. I miss him all week.

"Patients baby," he utters on my navel vibrating my entire body. My body aches to be devoured by this gorgeous hunk of a man. His finger edges the rim of my underwear and he bites my T back G string with his teeth and his finger that edge the tiny material pulling it down.

"Hmm" I moan out as he hauls his teeth along my thighs and I don't know but that did something extra to me as my back left the bed and goosebumps scatters my entire body.

I've felt a lot of things during our lovemaking but never this. my body was a ball of flames and was impatient to be put out. Maybe it's the hormones but my body is on high intense alert. He crawls up my body and swings himself so we were upside down each other as I was wondering what the hell he's doing his mouth went down on my labia and all my thoughts flew away. My mind was shot and I couldn't think of a damn thing.

My waist buck forward, Sean press his head into my centre and work his enchanted tongue I was bawling at this point with the throaty moans that escaped me. I couldn't believe he made me make the sounds that elude me. This man has an aim and he's working precisely, expertly, and skillfully to fulfil his purpose. My body is his workshop and he didn't miss a beat when he plunges two fingers into me.

Pure pleasure envelopes me as my walls clench around his fingers with one shake of his head my juices came flying out as he pops his head up altering our position. That has never happened before and it felt magnificent. He smirks "you squirt for me, baby."

When I look up at him, he seems a little distracted all of a sudden looking at my tummy. Before I can process it. He groans when he looks up at me coming down from my high. He traces around my nipple with his fingertip. He settles over me, breathing provocatively over my breast but didn't put his mouth onto it. My body was writhing in pleasure when finally he places his hot tongue teasing me. Finally, he gently bit down on it. "Ahhh" I moan out.

My body is completely at his mercy and he read me accurately and thoroughly. With one long thrust, he slams into me. my breath caught in my throat, my nails sink into his back holding onto precious life as if my life depends on it.

He didn't move but lower his head in the crook of my neck, he grunts and bit my neck sucking hard.

I jolt my hip indicating I am more than ready for him to start moving. He hist "you feel......amazing beautiful" he groans out and I confirmed he felt the same way as ecstasy replenished him. I wrap my arms around his shoulders kissing him slowly at first but it soon becomes heated and I am burning for him. My hand grips the back of his neck as he picks up his stride penetrating me powerfully.

Sean ravages me with every thrust he makes. My knees began to feel week and my mind was overcast as I felt an earth-shattering orgasm was about to hit. My body went limp but Sean didn't falter as he delves into me. "Cum baby" his voice hoarse and ragged. My body pulsates and vibrates as I descend with pure and utter satisfaction and contentment.

Sean didn't move he cradles me wrapping his arms around me, his face buries in the crook of my neck not saying a word.

When he finally spoke every air is knocked out of my lungs and I'm dumbfounded by what he said.

"When were you going to tell me?"

I lay there silent racking my brain trying to find something to say but nothing came. My eyes sting as tears run out my eyes, blurring my vision. He finally raises and looks at me. If the earth could open its doors to me, this would be the time.

He rolls off me, getting off the bed picking up his clothes. He pulls it on not looking at me. I sit up covering myself with my sheet wondering what is going on in his head and why is he so silent.


He didn't answer but say, "get dress, Annabelle." It takes me a minute to register as tears were streaming down my face getting off the bed. I instantly pull on the robe I was wearing before Sean came over. I walk around my bed, walking into my closet. I gathered a loose dress and underwear hastily pulling them on. Sean is sitting on the sofa in my room by the overview window looking down. When I walk out to him.

My heart was beating so loud and fast I swear it would jump out of my throat. I hesitantly walked to the sofa. "Sit," he says so calmly and my body froze. I didn't move and when he looked up at me. I saw real hurt in his eyes. And I knew right there and then I fucked up badly. I should have told him but so much as happened so fast. I was away in Guyana and didn't want to tell him over the phone. What was I supposed to say hi Sean I'm pregnant. I couldn't do it that way and now looking at him I wish I hadn't kept it a secret.

"I thought we had an understanding Annabelle, you promised to talk to me no matter what or how difficult it is."

I didn't say a word, my mind decided to stop working this second. I only look down feeling shame. He made me feel so comfortable, beautiful, desired and most of all loved and here I am breaking his three simple rules, even though rules are meant to be broken right.

"Answer me, God damn it, woman." He barks at me but what Is there to say. He never talks to me this way.

I only sat there mute crying. I'm not usually a cry baby but the hurt on his face was eating at me.

"Was I so horrible to you Annabelle? you couldn't tell me you were pregnant. I ask you for weeks what was wrong to talk to me." He stands up rubbing his face. I knew he was becoming frustrated with me. Worst of all the hurt on his face and his voice.

"Sean," I cry out. The worst feeling settles over me. "You weren't horrible to me. Never. You showed me love more love than I've ever seen. It took some time for me to see but I found what I've been missing and it's you, Sean. It will always be you." I sob.

"Then why didn't you tell me."

"I was going too."

"When Annabelle, when it was time for you to deliver."

"No" I meekly say.

"How did you find out, did my mother, say something to you?" The look on his face put the final nail in my coffin.

"Your mother knows about this and you couldn't tell me. The hell Annabell."

"I didn't tell her she figured it out" I cry. I reach out my hands to touch him but he pulls away.

"How far along are you? apparently far enough that I can feel it. I felt it."


"I swear, I don't understand women anymore," he says.

"Baby," tears kept streaming down my face. He put on his shoes without sparing me a glance.

"Where are you going," I ask.

"I need to think Annabelle," I lower my head holding on to the bedpost. He walks up to me kiss my forehead. "I will call you for us to talk when I can think rationally." His face bears no emotions, my heart couldn't take the way he is looking at me right now.

He walks out and I slump to the floor crying my heart out.

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