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Sean Britto

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday went by pretty quietly with just short phone calls from Annabelle and I'm starting to think she's avoiding me. I'm on edge waiting for her. Didn't she miss me? as I miss her.  She's being pretty elusive and it's beginning to unsettle me I'm on the verge of showing up at her parent's house and drag her home with me. She has ignited a desire in me and only her flames are cooling me down. Besides that something is going on with her and it's driving me insane that she wouldn't talk to me.

I'm sitting at my desk, I can't seem to concentrate much. I'm trying all possible scenarios in my head when there's a knock on my door "come in" I answer.

"Hello, I was just visiting Brian and I thought I would drop by and drop off steph uniform from Friday."

"Thank you Jinette, you didn't have to. I would've dropped by."

"It's ok Sean, Steph is my Godson I don't mind helping out. I love him you know."

"Thank you, that means so much, you do so much for us." She sits down opposite me and I get the feeling that she's here for more than dropping off Steph's clothes.

"Look Sean I haven't said anything before concerning you and Annabelle's relationship. Annabelle is a sister to me, I know her, she's in love with you and it terrifies her." I sit here looking at Jinette wandering if Annabelle is terrified of me. "She went through a difficult time in college and I don't want her hurt in that way again."

"Jinette I understand you care about her, I do as well. I'm not going to hurt her, if I do it's not intentional. Never intentional."

"Ok," she points a finger at me "I'm holding you to your word Sean she's been through a lot already."

"You have my word."

"So, how are you, you look a little pale," I ask.

"I have a doctor's appointment in a few hours, I decided to drop by and surprise Brian."

Her phone rings and she quickly answered. I sit there zoned out maybe I should show up at her parent's home and threw her over my shoulder and bring her home with me.

I look up when I heard Jinettes voice, I didn't realize she had finished talking and stood up. "Your mind is elsewhere are you alright."

"I'm alright, I just have some stuff to complete let me walk you out." I get up rounded my desk and walk with Jinette walking her out. When she gets onto the elevator, I walk back to my office sending Annabelle a text message.

"Annabelle, I want you in my house tonight, I'm not taking another excuse, be ready to talk, if I don't see you by 7 PM I'm coming for you."

I don't know how to handle her sometimes. I don't want to ruff her up because of what she went through and I don't want to scare her into hiding again. Her avoiding me have me wilding and beginning to doubt my abilities in the bedroom, maybe I need to up my game or something.

I kept looking at my phone, hoping to see a response from her but nothing. I put my phone away and willed my mind on concentrating on all I had to do for the rest of the day.

I was so focused on getting everything done that I didn't notice the day roll by so quickly. My phone vibrates indicating I have a message. The biggest smile edges on my face when I see her reply.

Baby, I've been helping Ariel with her wedding, you know it's coming up in 3 weeks I'm not avoiding you. You know I'm the maid of honour right, Sean please be patient with me, instead of going to your house can we meet at my apartment, I have to make arrangements for Ariel's bridal shower, I want to surprise her. Please meet me there and I promise to make it up to you don't be mad baby, I love you.

Now I feel guilty for running away with the wrong idea, but it still hasn't calmed my nagging suspicion that something is going on with her and there is something she's not telling me. When I check my time it was 4:45 pm. I call miss Sarah to find out if she can babysit Steph for tonight she says she didn't have any plans and she will be right over. I respond to Annabelle's message.

I understand your helping your sister but with each passing day I'm going crazy not seeing you, I miss you, beautiful lady. I can't wait to see you, I will be there at 7 sharp. I love you too.

If I leave now I can pick up Steph from school have dinner with him and spend some time with him before heading to Annabelle's.

I call my secretary told her I'm done for the day. I pack up my desk collect my briefcase and cellphone I was ready to leave.
It was now not 6:55 pm. I was on my way to Annabelle's. I was more than excited to see her, I miss her too much and it has been way too long since I've seen her. I need to feel her.

I park my car and walk up to the lift. As soon as I knock on her door it swings open. There she is, our eyes connect and the desire and fire I see in her eyes were burning me up. I couldn't resist when she jumps onto me attacking my lips with her's. I hold on to her as she wraps her legs around my waist. I return her kiss with the same heat and passion. I dive my tongue into her mouth walking us into her apartment kicking the door shut. We didn't say a word our kiss and body spoke loud as I can hear her heart thumps in her chest my own was throbbing uncontrollably as I walk us to her room. I sit on the edge of her bed with her saddling my thighs, she grinds her womanhood onto the bulge in my pants as I squeeze her butt bringing her closer to me.

She wraps her arms around me pulling me close as if she wasn't getting enough. A moan escapes her throat and it sends me over the edge as I grip her hip feeling the heat that illuminates from her surrounding the both of us. I had to break the kiss that engulfs us as my lungs cry out for air. I draw in a soothing breathe as I attack her neck nipping and sucking. Biting that spot just beneath her ears causing her to shiver in my arms. "I miss you, baby."

Annabelle was becoming impatient as she yanks my tee-shirt over my head. She pushes me back to rest on the bed as she climbs off my lap taking off her lingerie only then did I notice the thin black lingerie she was wearing and the slow tunes playing in the background. She turned around swaying her hips seductively to the beat of the music and I swear I cum in my pants.

I raise on my elbows stunned at the performance in front of me all my senses scream at me to hold on to her.

I spring up circling my arms around her but she pushes me back onto the bed "you're only to watch the show Mr Britto" she says and it blows my sense and my composer was slipping by the second. Fuck this woman will give me a heart attack. Slowly she began to slip the straps of her lingerie down closing her eyes, licking her tongue out tantalizingly around her lips and I'm driven by pure ecstasy as I spring up again meeting her in one big stride. I lift her covering her breast with my mouth. It takes her by surprise she yelps at the sudden impact but moans as I drag my teeth on her arouse nipples. I threw her onto the bed ripping the front of her lingerie straight down to her centre.

She blushes playing shy as if she wasn't being a temptress a moment ago. I pull off my jeans and boxers in a hurry climbing over her. I kiss her lips, trailing my hot tongue along her chin then her neckline travelling down her collar bone. I didn't stop there I went all the way down the valley of her breast and I can see the goosebumps that erupt all over her arms and shoulders.

I was seriously thinking about this the whole damn day and I wasn't going to stop until I lick and taste every inch of her body.

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