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Annabelle Inniss

Today is Sunday. Yesterday Sean and I didn't get to go out. We had an emotional day and he spent the evening holding me in his arms. We haven't gone out of the hotel since he arrived on Friday. He made plans to dine out tonight because he's leaving early in the morning. I wanted to take him to the marketplace where he could've met the locals, taste fresh fruits and the main dishes of the country. Everything turned around with the emotional evening we had.

I haven't slept in my apartment since Sean came. Last night when I told him I will be leaving he held me onto the bed tickling me until I promise to stay. True to his word he didn't try any funny business and respected my space. we talked until the wee hours of the morning getting to know each other.

It's very early in our relationship but I'm catching all kinds of feelings and I'm still to tell Jinette about us. I know I shouldn't rush into things with him, it's wrong because he's married but it feels so good.......

After my first orgasm yesterday. My emotions win the best of me and I broke down telling him everything. The way he held me and cuddled me without making love to me even when I asked him to, he's amazing. I don't understand why Cindy left him. I know I dont know him very well but what he shows me so far makes him an honorable man in my sight. After seeing me naked and doing all he did to me he didn't carry it further.

He's a touche man, he's always holding my hand, hugging me, or placing his hands on my thighs not that I'm complaining. I love that he gives me that attention. When he calls me a beautiful lady oh it does something to me, if loving him is wrong I don't want to be right.

I'm currently sitting on the bed with my thought while Sean is in the corner of the room on a side desk and chair doing some work on his laptop.

I think I should call Jinette. I pick up my phone to dial her but it rings instead. It is my mother. "Hello mom, how are you?" I answer promptly.

"Hello my child, I'm doing great I have good news."

"Share I'm listening, mom."

"Your sister Ariel is getting marry."

I scream onto the phone, Sean's head shoots up looking at me. He knit his brows walking up to me.

"Calm down child, you will blow my ear," said mom. Are you alright asks Sean. I quickly put my hands over my phone trying to block his voice from my mother.

I nod at Sean but he kept looking at me sitting on the bed next to me.

"Mom, that's great news I will call her later this afternoon, has she decided on a date and month."

"Is that a man's voice I heard Annabelle?"

"Mom it's my friend."

"What kind of friend." I can hear the teasing in her voice.


"Annabelle are you seeing someone."

"Mom can we not talk about this right now."

"Child, you never date, never brought someone home are you a lesbian."

"Mom! I'm no lesbian," I scrunch my face up.

"So when do I meet this mystery friend."

"Mom I have to go we will talk more about Ariel's wedding."

"Annabelle remember to call your sister and be safe, don't think I'm over this young lady."

"Bye mom, take care." I cut the call if I continue to talk to her she will make me tell her everything and tease me about it. "Your mom thinks your a lesbian" he looks at me curiously then burst out laughing. "Shut up, she doesn't think I'm a lesbian. I've never brought anyone home, that's all."

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