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Annabelle Innis

I know my family very well and they will try their best to embarrass me.
Particularly my siblings. Thank God Sean has a sense of humour even though he only has one brother.

We walk back to the sitting room with Sean holding my hand. We sit on the love seat next to my dad who sat on the single seat. my mom, brother and sisters sit on the couch on the other side of us and all eyes were focused on us. It was slowly becoming hot of how my mom was staring at Sean but I made her promise not to say anything before I do. The other thing that terrifies me is puking my guts out before lunch is over.

Arizona first sounds off, "Sean you have a son right."

"Yes I do, his name is Steph," he answers.

"Where did you two meet Sean?" Asks my mother.

"I met Annabelle five months ago at the charity gala Brian organized for his late grandfather, but I knew her before when she attended Brian and Jinette's wedding. I was the best man and she was the maid of honour," answers Sean. I like the fact that he made it known we recently began and I wasn't a part of his marriage.

I am surprised the lawyer in my dad hasn't come out and he wasn't asking any questions.

"I don't like to come around the edges Sean, I'm a direct person. Annabelle is our princess and as such I want your assurance that you will treat her that way. You probably know she doesn't date and I don't want you or anyone taking advantage of her." Ok, I expected this from my mom. I look at her attempting to make her lighten up with her interrogation face but it wasn't working. She only gives me a stern look to be quiet.

"Mrs Inniss, let me put your fears to rest. I care very deeply for Annabelle." He pauses looking at me tightening his hold on my hand. In the few months, I've come to know Annabelle she's a very special woman. I fully intend to treat her like the queen that she is and deserve to be treated as."

I couldn't be happier with how he answered and how confident he is around the building tension in the living room. My mother then asks my siblings to check on lunch and to bring whatever Sean wants to drink. He clears his throat asking for some water and they exit the room leaving us with my dad and mom.

"Sean how's the business world," my dad finally spoke.

"To be honest, it has been good. There's always a demand for an architect, even though designing is not my field."

"What is your field," dad asks.

"I'm the landscaper. I make sure the land is prepared and set for construction and once that's completed, I design the layout of the land. How the building is situated and any gardening, fountains or other outdoor design a client may request "

"I see you passionate about your work. They have been some talks about you in the business world I've read about some of the work your company put out, I'm impressed."

"Thank you, sir, but I'm only a partner in that company. Brian builds upon the foundation left by his grandfather."

"I see, modest and humble too."

"Thank you, sir, but I give the credit to my parents who did a great job at raising two boys."

"Where are your parents now?"

"They're in  South Texas."

"What do they do there?" Asks my father. "My mother is a homemaker and my father works at the federal bank."

"Are your parents together?" my mom asks. Sean turns his attention back to my mom.

"Yes, they are Mrs Inniss they've been married for twenty-plus years."

"So you have a good foundation to build on."

"Yes, I do ma'am."

"Are you religious?" she asks and I was beginning to think I was invisible in the room.

"My mom raised us Christians but it's been a while since I've attended service."

"I will have to invite you to our place of worship."

"Mom can we have lunch before you kill him with questions," I ask getting frustrated with this interrogate.

"Do you mind Sean?" asks my mother. "We like to know who our children are dating and how they plan on taking care of our daughters." She angles her eyes at me.

"I don't mind, ma'am. I have a son so I'm a parent and I know the worries of protecting your child in this world."

"Good, so you understand."

"Yes, I do very well ma'am."

"Come, Annabelle let's go set the dining table." Mom stretches out her hands to me.

Sean let go of my hands, standing up as I walk off taking my mom's hand. "He's such a gentleman, that's one of the things I admire about him, he always opens my door or pulls out my chair. He compliments and listens to me. His parents thought him well and that's the type of man I want to raise my children. He's a good groom man and did choose right this time even though I still have my fears.

"Did you had to ask all that right now," I whisper to my mom as we made our way to the kitchen.

"I need to know he's raise right and will give good values to my grandchild. I must admit he isn't what I expected and even though I'm not too keen on his divorce he sounds like a well-groomed young man."

"I told you he's a good man, mom."

We enter the kitchen Ariel and Arizona come to me "he's so cute, you hit the Jackpot Anna."

"Mom you see the way he looks at Anna he's so smitten with her."  

I smile, liking the idea that they like him when they don't even know him as well as I do.

"I can tell he is packing," Arizona whisper in my ears, winking at me. She pulls away smiling. She doesn't know the half of it, I blush. "See I can tell."

"I'm sad I can't tease you about being a lesbian anymore," she says and I roll my eyes at her not wanting to carry this banter any further.

Aaron walks up to me kissing my cheeks. "If he ever needs legal advice he knows he has lawyers as inlaw," I laugh "you're a defence lawyer. "Who are you going to defend him against."

"You, of course, I'm sorry for the poor guy he has to put up with you." he laughs running out just as I was about to smack him behind his head.

We finish setting the table. All the while they tease me about Sean. We place all the food on the table, there were coloured greens, lasagna, baked chicken breast, green salad and apple pie for dessert. Ariel and I did the same to Arizona's husband when we first meet him so I know what they are up to.

I walk to the living room to call my dad and Sean. They looked to be having a deep conversation. "lunch is served" I say announcing my presence. My dad and Sean turn to look at me.  Dad was expressionless while Sean smiles at me nervously. Dad told Sean to go ahead while I should stay with him.

"Is there anything the matter dad," he turns to look at me, he had an expressionless face and I was becoming nervous and wondering what did they talk about and why is he looking at me like that.

My heart is beating instantly and my mind is racing with what happened between them and how I'm about to do damage control.

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