
382 33 14


It hurt me to write this chapter 💔

Annabelle Inniss

After giving my speech I was feeling a little hungry. I grab a plate of finger food and walk out the back door to munch quickly. My sister's wedding is going great so far everything was on schedule and going accordingly to plan.  Trust me my mother wouldn't have it any other way. She made sure every detail is carried out to perfection. If the wedding planner didn't work for her money any other time she certainly earned her pay, my mom made sure of it.

"Annabelle Inniss," I heard my name and turn around to see who's calling. My throat went dry as I look into the eyes of the man walking up to me. I quickly look around to see if anyone else is out here but we were all alone. "You're radiant as the day I first saw you. It's like you haven't aged." I stood there at a loss for words wondering who invited him here and why. My blood runs cold as he approaches me and a fear shiver run down my backbone as I stare at the man who gave me nightmares and sent me into hiding for years.

"You're probably wondering why I'm here. It's simple, I'm friends with Alister, Ariel's husband he invited me. I didn't know she was your sister until I heard your speech, I watch you all day you're glowing, and we are unfinished. You went away without a word."

"Jo. John," my voice quiver. I didn't want to sound weak but my voice and heart rate wasn't cooperating with me. "I...I need to go back in." Fear takes over my entire body and I keep looking around for someone, anyone but we are alone out here on the back terrace.

"So soon you haven't even finished eating."

"My boyfriend must be looking for me, I need to go back in." I quickly say hoping he would take the hint and leave me alone. I'm a little relieved my voice didn't crack and I sound a little more confident.

"Boyfriend Anna, I'm your boyfriend you left us unfinished I looked everywhere for you."

"John, it's over between us for years now."

"You don't decide that, I decide when we're over."

"You're delusional, I need to go."

As I try to walk past him, he grabs my arms and walks us to a side door to a secluded area, not far from the terrace where we were standing. "Let go of me, John." I try I push him off but he has a firm grip on my arm.

"I'm not done with you, I haven't had my fill of you, Anna."

"Plea...please don't do this," He shoves me roughly against the wall closing the door. I try to fight him with all the strength I had but I'm no match. I slap him with as much force I can muster but that only infuriates him further. "You whore" his hand came around my neck while his other hand went between my legs. A shiver of disgust fills every fibre of my body. He was too strong for me, all my efforts are in vain. Sean my brain cries out as tears stream down my face. John squeeze my breast roughly over my clothes and I felt disgusted. I try kneeing him between his leg but he grips my leg hard "no stop, please." I scream but he didn't listen he rip the strap of my dress bracing himself to me. Panic fills my entire body because he can feel my baby bump when he braces himself to me.

"Let me go," I keep fighting him the best I can.

"No one can let you go so easy baby,  Shhh you will enjoy it." I scratch his face with my nails but he grips my hair pulling roughly I cry out in pain and he slaps me across my face repeatedly. "Shut up and enjoy it" he barks at me. His hands went between my legs again gripping my underwear, I didn't realize he had unbuckled his belt until I felt the cold metal on my thigh.

"Please," I beg him to leave me alone but all my plea fell on deft ears. I cry for him to stop but he slaps me again "no one will hear you shut up" he barks out again while I keep fighting him. He roughly kisses me biting my lips hard trying to slip his tongue into my mouth.

I open my mouth as soon as his tongue enters my mouth, I bit down hard he groans in pain and punches me to my abdomen. I fell to the floor holding on to my tummy. He bent over me "you little bitch, always fighting me," he shouts gripping my hair pulling me back up. I cry out in pain. He shoves me back up against the wall. "I will show you," he ribs down my dress, his hands went up my thighs pulling my underwear to the side. "Stop! stop! John no! no!." I didn't say a word about my pregnancy I didn't want to worsen the situation. I scream when I feel his hand touch my centre. My body froze I feel disgusted with his touch. I push his chest with my one free hand pushing hard but he didn't move much. My strength is beginning to fail me as I  struggle against him.

The door came flying open and he let go immediately. there Sean stood taking in the scene in front of him. He looks to be red with anger radiating off him as he grabs John, "this isn't what it looks like" he started to say but I can see the anger look on Sean face as he began throwing his fist at John, I slump to the floor crying my heart out uncontrollably.

Sean kept throwing punch after punch at John so hard he coughs up blood. Brian and Aaron had joined us in the room. I pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around myself. Aaron came up to me while Brian went to Sean. I lean my head on my brother crying uncontrollably and shaking.

"The..the.......ba....baby" I cry. I don't know what happened next it's like everything went still and in slow motion. I saw Brian taking John by his collar and saying something to Sean.

Sean came to my side he drops down on his knees ripping off his blazer putting it gently around me. I let go of my brother and grip onto him, I bury my head in his chest. Sobbing and trembling.

He picks me up walking out people are beginning to gather around but Sean walks us to his car and the driver drove us to the hospital on Sean command. I look up at him, the pain I see in his eyes shows how he was feeling but he only "Shhh me rubbing ever so gently on my hair, saying, "my strong beautiful lady." I kept looking at his eyes for comfort and they were red and a lone tear slips out of his eyes. I must have looked terrible. My face and skin are burning with the slaps and hits I received.

My vision is becoming blurry, I blink a few times to stay awake. I  keep looking at Sean eyes but darkness soon takes over me.

SHAPES UNSPOKEN       Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon