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Sean Britto

I was breathing heavily and fully aroused at this point. My entire body shut off as I realize that we had to break this up.

I pull Annabelle behind me. She is flushed and needs a minute to contain herself.

I adjust myself then look up at Cindy.

"Is Steph asleep?" I ask.

"Is that what you want to talk about, this minute Sean. Is this what you have my son around."

"What else is there to talk about Cindy. Annabelle has never been around Steph."

"We are married for goodness sake and your down here with this....."

"Hold the fuck right there. Don't you dear disrespect my woman, especially in my home." I cut her off. I am not about to stand here and let her disrespect, my lady. It can't happen in front of me.

"Your home Sean, your home" she yells at me.

"Cindy don't you dare push me. I'm trying my best to be civil with you. Don't take it for, nothing more than what it is."

"Sean I'm here now let's talk about it."

"What is there to talk about Cindy, don't cause a scene in my house. I told you we will talk but not tonight."

I turn around looking at Annabelle. "Take your thing up to my room. I'm sorry about this, give me a couple of minutes to handle this." I watch as she walks past Cindy up the stairs giving me one last sympathetic look.

"Cindy don't you dare do that again. Never in our marriage have I let someone disrespect you, don't try it here. There's no marriage here between us. You give up on me, all I wanted was you by my side. I never would have thrown you aside for my career. It never crosses my mind. Even when I made partner I called you but it meant nothing to you. It still hurt me to this day you said I was suffocating you. My God, you hurt my soul and I was done with you at that moment."

"Sean," she cries out but it didn't soften my heart. My heart belongs to Annabelle Innis. My blood was boiling at how angry she was getting me at this point.

"No point in crying, go back to your career, and all the fulfilment it gives. Cindy, I have moved on." I look her directly in her eyes. I want her to see the seriousness in me, "Annabelle and I have something and my heart beats for her. Are you hearing me? We are over Cindy. Their no fighting here it's over and done." I say to let her know I'm serious and I wasn't playing around.

I watch as her chest rises and falls. Tears stream down her face and it hurt me. She had to go through this but she opens the door to this type of hurt and emotional turmoil. There is a right and wrong way of doing things and she chooses the wrong path.

"It hurt me to have to do this to you but leave my house. You have my number it hasn't changed use it whenever you're coming over. If ever you try starting some shit with Annabelle, Cindy your not going to like my wrath."

I walked over to the front door unlocking it for her to walk out.

As soon as I close the door behind her, I walk to the bar in my dining room pouring myself a glass of tequila. I pull out a bar stool sit down playing with glass in my hand.

This is not how I plan my day. Annabelle on the other hand is frustrating the hell out of me. I just don't have my luck right now. What in God's name do women want.

I devoted my time and energy to building the life I wanted, with the woman I wanted. Then she up and left me because she's chasting a career I never stop her from getting. Just when I thought it wouldn't get any better I met Annabelle but she doesn't believe in me and I don't know how much more I can reassure her when I need her comfort right now.

I don't know how my life turned into this shit show and I'm living it every damn second of every day.

Is this what growing up is about or is it karma for all the hearts I've broken. I thought I paid for that with all the hard time Cindy gave me when I was courting her. Annabelle was my peace in all this mess now she is adding to my list of worries.

I thought the new house and new beginning is where I am headed but I guess it's not my time. I lean my glass to my mouth knocking back my drink pouring myself another. The thing is I've fallen in love with Annabelle. Now I have to walk away from this too. I drink the last of my drink slamming the glass on the counter. I sat still when I felt arms around my waist and head laid on my back. I immediately knew who it is. I couldn't miss her scent anywhere. We didn't say a single word. The invisible connection that drew us together did all the talking as my heart thumps loudly in my chest. I can feel her heart beating against my back and I know she felt it too.

For the first time in my life, I am so uncertain about the future and all the unspoken revelations to come. It feels as though everything I try, seems to fail me when it comes to women. I'm respectful of them, caring, loving put their feelings first and nothing works. Maybe I should live alone with my son. I just can't figure it out and it is beginning to frustrate me further. I just can't deal with any of it anymore.

"Annabelle, think over what you want and why you want it, take your time to consider your feelings and why you're feeling them. I don't think I can do this anymore," I mumbled.

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