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Annabelle Innis

I've been sick all week no matter how I try to shake this feeling my stomach doesn't want to cooperate and I don't want to hold anything down. It's driving me crazy. Every few minutes I'm rushing to the bathroom to empty the little I can manage to keep down.

My period is two months late and I know what's the cause. I'm scared because I don't want Sean thinking I did this on purpose or I'm trying to trap him. I don't want the media thinking I'm his mistress or I broke up his marriage either.

My mother will go crazy when I tell her I got knock up and I'm yet to tell her about my relationship with Sean. I'm sure I'm in love with him. He said he loves me but sometimes it feels too good to be true and we've barely begun. Moreover so much is happening so fast and I can't wrap my head around it.

It's so early in our relationship for this and I don't know how he's going to react to it. Is he even ready for any of it? Is he even ready for it with me? My mind is going crazy with possible outcomes. What I do know is when his ex-wife became pregnant he proposes. I don't want him feeling obligated to me because of it.

That was my biggest stressor this entire week on top of moving back and starting my career. I haven't confirmed my suspicions but it's pretty obvious and I'm so scared of it all.

Before I get on the plane I decided to call my mom. She told me to come straight to her before going to my apartment which I'm yet to see since Sean picked it out and didn't show me he wants to surprise me. He's such a thoughtful boyfriend and I know he's going to do right by me I just don't want to force it on him. Sean may or may not take it the wrong way that I'm staying over at my parents but I just need my mom right now. She always seems to make sense of me and knows me better than I know myself.

When I saw him in the airport moments ago my emotions increased and get the best of me. I missed him so much, crown it off with my hormones. We've been talking so much and making so many plans and now I just don't know what I'm going to do because I don't want to be away from him. It feels so good being in his arms, I want to stay with him. My hormones are running wild and I can't seem to control myself. The way he touches and holds me do things to me I never know I could feel in this lifetime.

Currently, we are sitting in his vehicle at the airport parking lot. Sean has this worried expression on his face and I didn't want to stress him but he needs to know I'm staying with my parents.

"Tell me, Annabelle, what's wrong," he asks all concerned and in distress.

"Nothings wrong," I say lowering my head.

"Why were you crying earlier, baby?"

"I miss you," he reaches over cupping my cheeks. "I miss you more, I can't wait to show you just how much."

He leans in kissing me excitedly it soon become passionate but I couldn't let it go any further. "you're holding back, what is wrong baby. Talk to me, Annabelle." He says frustration laces his voice.

"That's what I want to talk to you about, my mom wants me to come over, to spend the night there."

"I know it's your parents but can't you go tomorrow."

"It can't wait, it's my mom Sean."

He leans back on his seat and close his eyes. "I know some things wrong here Annabelle. We promised to talk about everything, that you will come to me first no matter what. You remember that."

I didn't know what to say at this point. I want to introduce him to my parents before I tell him what is going on.

"Baby" he reaches for my hands, "tell me, I can sense something is wrong. What am I missing here."

"It's nothing, my mom wants me to come over, she misses me and I didn't visit her the last time I was here."

"When are you going to tell her about me, about us? Isn't our relationship important to you Annabelle?"

"Please, I don't want to fight. I'm tired and they're a lot I need to get done."

"I'm not trying to fight with you. I just need to know what's going on with my girl. Don't patronize me either because I know something is happening here."

"Our relationship is important to me Sean. This is all new to me, give me a chance to do it the right way, that's all I'm asking."

"Annabelle, you know whatever it is you can tell me, there is something more than what you're telling me here."

"I know I can tell you and I will."

He leans over in his seat cupping my cheeks, he looks defeated all I want to do is kiss all his worries away. "I love you and I miss you, baby" he mumbles. "I swear I don't mean to be difficult it's just that I need time to sort everything out," I let out.

He takes a deep breath "are you leaving me, Annabelle?"

"What! No Sean, I'm a little emotional because I miss you and I have to be at my parents."

I kiss his lips climbing over to his seat saddling his lap, his hands went around my back caressing me. I halt the kiss bracing my forehead against his. "What is it, baby?"

"I love you too Sean," I whisper. This makes me feel like a teenager sneaking out with my boyfriend. I moan when he grips my hips grinding me onto his hardened member. He kisses me hungrily showing me how much he misses me.

He pulls away breathing heavily "promise me, you will talk to me about whatever is going with you."

"I promise."

He kisses my neck sucking on my sweet spot, "you're so sweet beautiful lady, you've gotten so thick, you make me feel like a teenage boy making out in my car," he chuckles.

"Some teenagers we are in an airport parking lot," we both laughs. he interlocks his lips with mine again giving me a lingering kiss.

"Mmmm, come home with me. I will take you to your mom's place after. I was thinking we can christen your apartment." he gives me one last peck before I climb back into my seat.

"Where to miss Innis?" he question.

"My apartment."

The entire drive to my apartment Sean and I talk about Steph and how he is doing in school. We pull up in front of my apartment building I was pleasantly surprised to see he chose Englewood residential with security and cameras. He takes out my luggage which consists of two suitcases and my handpiece.

My strong man fetches everything up to my apartment. He hands over my keys telling me to open up. Everything was neatly arranged and in its place. They're an open kitchen not too far from the dining area. There is an open glass view in the sitting room. "You did good mr Britto" I place my arms around his shoulder pecking his lips.

"Glad to have your approval beautiful lady, turn around," he say. He places one hand over my eyes, "close your eyes" he whispers in my ears. He places one hand around my abdomen walking me to somewhere in the apartment.

He removes his hand "open your eyes" when I open my eyes there on my bedroom wall is a huge picture of me sitting on Sean's lap wrapped in a blanket on his balcony, from the last time I came to visit.

I turn around hugging him "I love it, when did you have time to do all this," I ask pecking his lips.

"I told you, I will show you how queens are to be treated. Since your my queen I make time for you."

"How about we christen this bed and apartment," I whisper in his ears.

"I like the sound of that," he says picking me up walking to my bed.

True to my words we made love in the bedroom, kitchen, and living room. Sean leaves the other rooms until we had more time to properly christened them. I was so tired by the time we were finished. I closed my eyes for a little while before going to my parents.

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