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Annabelle Innis

I finally pull away from Sean walking into my family house after placing the keys back into the bird's feed on the porch. My mother always says never to wake her unless it's an emergency. I walk up to my old room as quietly as I can trying not to wake anyone.

My room looks the same with my favourite boy band poster on the wall and my favourite movie star Denzel Washington smiling at me. My single bed looks neatly and newly made in the corner next to the single window of my room.

I change my clothes and curl into my warm bed that smells of lavender and very inviting with my underwear and bra. Mr Ale-berry my childhood bear plops neatly at my head side. I pull him close to me for comfort, smelling him.

My hand glides down my midsection rubbing my tummy, I can feel a slight stiffness in my lower tummy and I knew it's our baby.

It terrifies me to tell Sean. not that I don't think he will step up and take care of his responsibility or be a great dad as he is to Steph. I don't want him to feel obligated to me and our child or worst off if he thinks I did this on purpose to trap him. "Oh my God," what if the media gets a hold of this and think or publish I'm the reason for his divorce. "Uhh," I groan its all so complicated so fast. The media can be vicious and attack your personality when they know nothing about you or the truth. I don't want the tabloids saying I was his mistress or something along those lines.

We've never talked about the future with us or where we plan on taking things because it's so early in our relationship and the distance did make future talk romantic. We only plan on being exclusive with each other. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I don't want him thinking I did this on purpose and want to trap him "oh Annabelle it's only been 5 months what have you gotten yourself into." I spoke in the quiet room trying to reason with myself.

I was hoping we can date for a while before all the serious stuff. He already has a son. Steph is so young then to add a child and child-mother to the equation so early. I honestly don't know what I was thinking. "It must be love on the brain," I voice out again. "Mmm" he makes me feel so good and I can't think straight, I can't get enough of him, he got me like "hmm."

I'm completely in love with Sean our relationship has developed quickly and it scares me. Even though we made love the sexual tension between us is off the rails and I can't get enough. The way he touches and looks at me blows my mind, it feels incredible when I'm in his arms.

I don't know how long I lay there thinking about our relationship until I dose off.
Early the next morning my stomach made a backflip and my insides were ready to pour out. I place my hand over my mouth rushing out of my room to the bathroom two doors down the hallway. I pass my mother on my way walking in the direction of my room, looking at me as if she'd seen a ghost.

I hurry past her emptying the contents of my stomach with wasn't much because I didn't eat much yesterday. I didn't want to throw up on the plane.  I hurl over the toilet until I feel better. I didn't notice my mother enter the bathroom until I was at the face sink washing my mouth and face.

My mother stood with her arms folded looking me up and down. After washing my hands and mouth she finally broke the silence. "Annabelle Rosa Antoinette Innis you're pregnant." She states matter of factly more than asking a question. "Don't you dare lie to me either because I'm seeing as clear as day."


"Speak young lady and don't you try to make circles around me because I know you better than you know yourself."

I look down fiddling with the sheet wrap around me. My mother had a stern look on her face staring at me as if I'm a teenager being scolded. My sister rushes into the bathroom hugging me "Anna we miss you. It's been so long since I saw you, you're glowing big sis."

"Mom do you see how Anna is glowing," she turns around looking at my mother who didn't change her expression on her face looking at us. I hug Ariel, "I've missed you too."

"Whoo, you're in trouble" Ariel tease rushing out of the bathroom leaving me to my mother's wrath. Mom step over to the bathroom door closing it. "Do you know how worried your father and I were when we didn't get you, yesterday? You told me your flight lands at 6 PM. where were you, Annabelle." She said in her stern motherly voice, I know she meant business, "start talking."

"Mom," I nervously said.

"Don't mom me, I want to know who's responsible for your pregnancy and why you're having unprotected sex with a man I don't know. Is this how I brought you up? Is it someone from Guyana?" She asks all at once.

"Mom, I've met someone and no he's not from Guyana."

"Doesn't he has a name and location?"


"What's his name? Annabelle."

Hesitantly I said "Sean Britto," she repeated his name twice frowning her brows as if she knew him or heard about him. "Annabelle Rosa Antoinette Inniss did you break up that man's marriage."

"Mom! I didn't break up his marriage."

"The news said there was a secret love affair."

"Mom Sean and I meet after his wife left him. We made things official after his divorce was final."

"So how come you're with a child already when his divorce went public a couple of weeks ago."

"Mom do I need to tell you how it happened and everyone knows not to believe those tabloids."

"Don't play smart with me child," she sticks her finger out at me. "Annabelle I will go call your father right now."

"Mom, please don't. Sean doesn't know I'm pregnant, I want him to meet you and dad first."

"He doesn't know about it. What are you waiting for?. You know what your father said about being married." My father has a strict marriage policy for his children part of the reason I never brought anyone home. If he finds out I'm pregnant he's not going to take it lightly. "Why didn't you tell him, is they're someone else, Annabelle?"

"Mom there isn't someone else. Like I say I want him to meet you first. I don't want him feeling obligated. Please don't tell daddy let him meet Sean first, he's a good man momma."

"Annabelle you never brought a man home, now you're pregnant and still I haven't seen a man. Pregnancy is written all over you, your glowing and look like a woman in love. Does he feel the same way about you, my child?" She looks worried and I know it's her mother's care and she's worried about me.

" I think so," I frown at her for asking. "you think so Annabelle."

"Don't worry mom, your a great judge of character let me call him over for dinner and you can see for yourself."

"He works with Jinette's husband right."

"He's a partner in Chesney Smith incorporated," I told.

"Are you sure you didn't break up his marriage?" I roll my eyes at her "mom I'm no home wrecker."

"I know I didn't raise one, now go call him, let me see the arse that impregnates my baby." she embraces me in a tight hug rubbing my back. "How far along are you, baby."

"About two months."

"I swear you will give me a heart attack child." She pulls away looking at me. "That long and you haven't told the father," I nod my head thinking how will he react to this news.

"Ok, go call him, let him bring his arse over here now. Get some clothes on and greet your father."

"Mom, it's so early and it's Saturday, why not wait until dinner."

"Lunch and I'm not debating this Annabelle."

"Ok, ok" I bend my head opening the bathroom door walking out going to my room.

I took out my phone dialling Sean.

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