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Sean Britto

It has been a week since I saw Anna and we almost kissed. I can't put my finger on it but she awakens something in me. The way my heart was throbbing surprised me. Maybe I need to get laid and I will feel better.

I haven't been in the dating pond for so long. I don't know what it is like anymore. I don't even know what women want anymore these days. I thought settling down and being a good husband taking care of my family was the goal but since Cindy left me I don't know what women want and what I have to offer them.

I was so caught up in Anna the other night. I had to leave through the back with the tent I was pitching. I don't even know if she is dating anyone. There is something there and I want to find out what it is. I know she's not in the country, she's in Guyana working. Other than that I know nothing about her.

When I close my eyes all I can see is the look in her eyes, the way her lips parted, and the feel of her skin on the palm of my hand. The things I want to do to that woman.

Today is Saturday the 20th of July the summer heat is starting to blaze through my window. "Daddy, daddy" Steph runs into my room jumping on my bed. "Hey, buddy you ready for breakfast." I held onto him tickling him, he giggles until he was out of breath, then I let him up.

Steph and I have been really good, he asks for his mother here and there. Whenever I call she answers right away, to talk to Steph. I haven't said a word to her I let her talk to her son then hang up.

It angers me that she can't oblige me and let's be civil about what's going on between us but I guess I was married to a stranger all these years, her feelings and emotions disappear for me.

It hurts my soul that I can't just wake up and it would all be a bad memory.

"So what do you want for breakfast."

"Daddy miss Sarah has already made breakfast, she made oatmeal, waffles with strawberries and syrup. Dad if she keeps making those waffles I will marry her someday."

I laugh looking at my son the things that come out of his mouth amaze me.

"I think you will have a problem there son, miss Sarah is a married woman."

"Dad you don't know, I will steal her from her husband."

" I think you're too grown for your age." I throw him over my shoulders and walk us out of my room and into the kitchen.

Sarah is our housekeeper and cook. She can make mean waffles with raspberries syrup and strawberries.
My stomach growls at the smell in my kitchen.

The dining room is already set as miss Sarah piles my plate with waffles, two boil eggs, and raspberries. "Miss Sarah if you dont move into the new house with me I will have to kidnap you." She knows what I like and has been with me for the past five months and she does a great job.

She serves Steph a whole bunch of healthy snacks during the day and for school, I couldn't be happier.

"Dad when are we moving?" Steph asked with his mouth full of eggs. "As soon as the agent finds a house to my liking. Will mom like the house? did she helped to pick it out?"

"It's a surprise so you're not to tell mom." He looked up at me and smile brightly "cross my heart and hope to die, I wouldn't tell."

"Now pinky swear and we got a deal, you will get the second biggest room."

"Only if it's a big boy room. I will be 5 years old next month. No more kids stuff."

"What, You're so old, man. Five years old already where did the time go." I swear he's going on 50 with the mouth he got on him.

"I will have to start looking for a wife for you since your so grown."

"Me!" he put his hands dramatically on his chest "I'm marrying miss Sarah she steals my heart." He smiles.

Miss Sarah and I burst out laughing. "Boy eat your breakfast," said Miss Sarah laughing walking back to the kitchen.

Steph is really smart for his age, top it off with the private school he attends he can hold a good conversation. He brightens my day, making each day bearable.

I have an appointment with the agent for 10 this morning. I want to get this over with and move out as soon as possible.

I finished my breakfast, went to the bathroom to handle my business, brush my teeth, line up. Have to keep it fresh. Showered and dressed.

Since it's so hot today I choose a navy print short sleeve shirt with tan shorts, with navy Adidas Yeezy.

I was looking fresh and ready to leave. I called my agent making sure everything is set and we are still on for 10 am.

"Steph are you ready I will drop you off at Kaden's," I called out to Steph. young sir, I can take him to his sleepover if you are in a hurry.

It's no worries miss Sarah, his route is on my way. Please help me get him ready while I make a call. I dial Brian's number.

"Why are you calling me this early."

"So young and so grumpy, do you know what time it is."

"What do you want sean."

"I need a favor."

"What's it."

"I need a number for Anna."

"Jinette friend Anna."

"Yes, one in the same."


"Brian what's wrong with you, send me her number."


"Why are you cock blocking me."

"I want no problems in my house sean."

"How am I causing problems in your house."

"Because she's Jinette best friend and once she has problems, I have problems."

"Will you shut up and send the number."

"Only if you promise not to cause trouble in my house."

"Why are you being this way."

"Because I have a little guy in my house that's taking all my wife's attention."

"Trust me I know the feelings," I laugh at him. "You know he will grow up, right."

"So, Anna, I thought you liked them light."

"I don't know there something about her."

"I will text you her number, I'm now getting out of bed, you still didn't promise me."

"Boy hang up your phone."

I laugh cutting the call my Godson is doing a fantastic job in that house. I remember when Steph was a baby he was always in our bed and he took over my wife. Fond memories I shake my head.

"You ready to go, son."

"Yes, daddy."

"You have everything packed."

"Miss Sarah packed my PJ and my night light."

"Did she put sunscreen?"

"I think so, but you can check to be certain."

I checked his backpack making sure he has everything. I held his hand walking up through the door.

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