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Sean Britto

It felt so good to hold her in my arms but my mind wouldn't turn off with the thought of Annabelle. I know something was going on with her. Something she doesn't want to tell me. I seriously don't want to think worst-case scenario so I will be patient, I wish she would talk to me though.

It finally dawns on me, I never asked her about birth control. We never had that discussion and I hope she's taking the pills or something because I've never used any form of protection with her. After feeling her raw I don't intend on using any either. I'm not worried about STDs because she wasn't sexually active but I'm worried about her becoming pregnant when I didn't even meet her parents. I don't want her parents thinking I impregnated their daughter before I came to them as a responsible man. I will have to talk to Annabelle about it when she gets back from visiting her parents.

I wasn't brought up that way and I want to do right by Annabelle. She certainly deserves to be treated with respect and like the queen that she is.

I stroke her cheeks trying to wake her up it's now 12:30 am and she has to go to her parent's house. She turns to the other side making herself more comfortable, "wake up beautiful" I whisper in her ears. She groans turning over on her tummy. "Baby remember you have to go to your mom's place."

She groans even louder, I chuckle "come on I will help you up," I told her. She turns to my chest throwing her arms around me "I don't want to move you so warm and comfortable" she said. "I don't want to move either but your mom might be worried." She springs up "I didn't take my phone off of aeroplane mode." She rushes off the bed running out of the room I chuckle at her reaction getting up to put on my clothes.

"My mother will kill me 30 miss calls and 25 voice messages. 20 calls from my dad and text messages of how they're going to the police by day clean."

"I've started on the wrong side of my inlaws before even meeting them. Hurry up before they contact the officials." We hurriedly put on our clothes leaving the apartment.

I lock her apartment door. hold her hand as we walk out of her building with her hand luggage. I place her in my car putting her bag in the back seat, getting in the driver's seat. I drove off to her mother place putting her in her direction, which is about 20 minutes drive from her apartment. Annabelle was tired she close her eyes leaning on the car seat.

"Your really tired baby, as soon as you reach home you will get some rest. I look over at her, jetlag must be getting to her now.

We arrive at her parent's home, I lean over stroking her cheeks "beautiful lady we're here" I said. She groans opening her eyes. "Come on let me walk you up to your door."

"Do I have to?"

"You're the one who made this arrangement so come on, I was perfectly happy to cuddle up next to you."

"Funny, but you don't know my mother."

"Mother's love me, wait you'll see."

"Let see when you meet my mother, how much she likes you."

I kiss her forehead "let's go it's so late already, let get you to bed."

I went around my car opening the door for her. I held her hand walking us to her door. I watch as she reaches for her key, she opens the door I curled my hand around hers giving her one long lingering kiss, the warm feeling of her breath is inviting. I drag both of my hands around her pull her into me. She releases a moan deep within her throat holding onto my shirt. Her lips were so soft pulling me into her like rain in the desert sand. I didn't want to let go but I had to give air to my lungs. When I pull away I kiss her neck I can feel the heat radiating off her body and I want nothing more than to scoop her up in my arms.

She melts against me and didn't want to let go but it was too late and I didn't want to disrespect her parent's home, so I pull away "If you don't close the door behind you now I wouldn't be able to control myself any further."

She flings her arms around my neck, I "love you, baby." My heart thumps in my chest because it's the first time she used any endearment towards me. I love you more beautiful lady. I hug her tight not wanting to let go.

A few minutes later, I let go but she held on to me "baby I have to go, I will call you first thing tomorrow."

"Come on baby girl we can't stand here all night." Finally, she let go of me walking inside closing the door behind her.

I walk back to my car smiling the entire driving home wondering how I'm going to sleep without her in my arms for the rest of the night.

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