Chapter (13): The New Assistant

Start from the beginning

She arrived and closed her car door, walked to the building and took the elevator. Before it closed, Emily clicked on the button letting it open again. She locked eyes with Wren and looked down as she stepped into the elevator with her. Wren glanced at her then clicked her tongue, turning her body to Emily.

"Emily, come on. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lashed out on you yesterday, okay? You're my friend and my roommate since college and you know me enough to know that when it comes to work I could be the aggressive Wren. I was hard on you and I shouldn't have done that, so I'm sorry. I made up my mind and picked her out of all people and I know my choice, I'm aware of what I did and I just hope that you'll accept that."

"Have you told Madeline?" She looked at her and Wren shook her head.

"No, I haven't because there's no need for that. She'll know eventually but there's no need to make a big deal out of it."

Emily nodded and her lips slowly curled into a smile, making Wren feel relieved. They stepped out of the elevator and Emily touched Wren's arm, grabbing her attention.

"I understand your decision and I will focus on doing my job and will help her out but only because you need a good assistant and I care about you."

She smiled at her. "Thanks, Em. That's all what I wanted to hear."

Wren looked at the empty desk across from Emily's and turned to Emily.

"Um, when she arrives send her to my office immediately, okay?"




Madeline told Sarah that she wouldn't be able to attend the show because her friend needs her for the wedding and she approved as Madeline already finished her job the day before. Madeline and Eva were shopping together to find for Eva the right heels that suits the dress and they took a break, having a cup of coffee at the outdoor café.

"When is your dress gonna arrive?" asked Madeline.

"Umm, probably by the end of the week because last night I went to them and wanted to make some changes in the dress and the veil too. It's gonna take time."

"Mm-hmm and what about Paul? Did he buy his suit?"

"Yes with his sister's help."

"Joanne? Oh god I miss her so much. It's been a long time since I've last seen her."

"Me too. The good part is that we're gonna see her in the wedding."


"... Hey, Madeline? Is Wren upset because I forced her to leave her work and come with us to the store?"

"Nope." She took a sip from her juice. "She was happy to do it actually. She needed a breather from her work and you gave that to her, so she appreciates that."

"I just felt that she was moody yesterday, that's why I'm asking."

"Nothing to worry about. And just so you know, she likes hanging out with you because you make her laugh, Eva. She loves being your friend and you sometimes make her nervous and scared." She chuckled.

She crocked an eyebrow. "Nervous? Are you kidding? She's the one who makes me nervous, Maddie. That's why I act a little tough around her to hide myself from her eyes, but I love Wren and I'm really glad I became a friend of Wren Clermont herself! Who-ho!"

"I know." She released a soft chuckle. "She loves you too."


Wren was working and she can't help but think about Georgina Mathew's arrival. She was waiting for Emily's call so bad and questions were roaming her mind. Questions about how she looks now and if she changed or not. If was capable of handling the job perfectly. She heard the phone on her desk ring and she picked it up and pressed it on her ear, taking a deep breath.

"Miss Wren, Georgina Mathews is here. Shall I send her in?"

"... Yes."

She hung up the phone and folded her hands on the desk, then stood up and walked to the window, calming herself down.

Right after she hung up the phone with Wren, she turned to Georgina with a fake smile.

"She's expecting you. And do as she say if you want to survive here."

Wren heard a knock on the door twice and without looking back she gave her the come in. She sensed the door being opened and heels on the floor echoed through her office and then they stopped. Wren closed her eyes for a sec then reopened them again, turning around to face her new assistant.

Georgina Mathews was a fine sexy woman same age as Wren. She had a long dark black hair, light blue eyes and they were piercing Wren's as their eyes met. Her skin was smooth, white and creamy like Wren expected. The pink lip gloss she was wearing enthralled Wren a little in her place and Wren's eyes raked over her professional attire as she was wearing white dress shirt and the two first buttons were unbuttoned revealing her silver necklace and black mini professional skirt and high heels.

"Hello, Georgina and welcome aboard." said Wren with a professional look, the same look she gave Madeline when they first met. Wren's eyes spotted Georgina's lips curl into a small smile and she couldn't tell what it was about, but she hoped it was nothing but an appreciation for having the job. "Have a seat." said Wren pointing at the chair across from her desk.

Georgina nodded once and sat down and Wren did the same. Wren studied her expression for a moment and Georgina didn't flinch or fidget in her seat for a second and Wren admired that self-confidence.

"I'm not someone to mess with. I work day and night and I'm gonna need you by my side 24 hours and you'll have to do as I say... small or big. When I want something to be done then you get it done. Do you think you can handle this job?" asked Wren professionally.

"I'm sure I can."

Her voice was so feminine and delicate, a music to a man's ears, harmonizing with softness and gracefulness but still Wren considered it nothing compared to Madeline's soothing voice that made her hear race in her chest every time she talks.

"If you're so sure of yourself... then, uh, bring me coffee."

Georgina frowned a little and released a small chuckle indicating her confused state of mind.


Wren grabbed her paper, getting ready to work. "Yes, coffee. You know, the black drink that every human being needs on this planet to stay awake and concentrated during the daylight, especially on a job like this."

"I know what coffee is." She mumbled softly to herself and Wren heard her as she smiled at herself. "Okay. Anything else?"

"Coffee first."

Georgina stood up and Wren returned back to her work, ignoring her presence and when she realized that she was still standing in front of her, she met her eyes and gave her a strict look and by that Georgina excused herself.

As Georgina went out, Emily knocked on Wren's and entered with a smirk across her face and Wren shrugged.

"The coffee test? Really? You think that'll work on Georgina?"

"It worked on Madeline and you, didn't it?"

Emily shook her head smiling and turned around to leave but she heard Wren's voice calling out her name, so she stopped in her tracks without turning around.

"Keep playing along."

Emily smirked at herself and replied. "I love that game."

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