𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 61.

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"Scott!" Steve shouted at him.

"I tried to stop her but it was impossible! How could I even?!" He shouted back.

Steve waved his arm in the air out of frustration. "Where is she?!"

"Vormir. She's on Vormir." Clint answered, he seemed to be out of breath.

"Yeah Vormir! That's how it's called! We were just sitting in that car waiting when she started talking about how that blue girl was saying Thanos killed her sister there and how it's a planet of death or whatever and then she just dissapeared!" Scott was blabbering all around.

"Clint. What happened there?!"  Steve asked walking up to him as the others were just watching in anticipation, scared to death.

"To get the Soul stone you have to trade it for one. Davina just appeared there when me and Natasha fought. She created this tall wall, like a shield or something and jumped. I'm sorry Cap I don't know what happened I tried to stop her and I accidentally pushed the button.." Clint looked at Cap with eyes full of sorrow.

Steve gulped hard falling down to the ground as he was blankly staring at it. His eyes started filling up with tears as he tried to control his emotions.

"Maybe she's not death, c'mon get up don't do this." Thor walked up to Cap trying to cheer him up but even he wasn't feeling very optimistic. His smile soon faded as he sat down next to him.

"What are we gonna do now?" Rocket asked calmly.

"Wait. We're gonna wait." Tony sadly replied as him and the others walked down.

Steve's tears started falling down. He buried his face into his hands and Thor was still sitting next to him.

After a few seconds Steve got up walking out of the building.

10 minutes later

"I actually liked her. Except all of you she was cool." Rocket shrugged his shoulders making Bruce frown.

"Where's Cap?" Tony asked. He was leaning against a counter examining the stones they managed to get.

"Still outside." Scott replied.

"It's all my fault." Thor started getting frustrated but Rhodey walked up to him placing his hand on his shoulder,

"You need to stop blaming yourself. What happened before,happened."

"Guys! Uh I think something's happening."  Rocket mumbled looking at the time machine.

The machine lit up and they all ran up to it,waiting.

The light blinded their eyes for a second and when it stopped they were looking at not one but two female figures.

They all felt the biggest relief as they ran up to make sure they're okay.

Meanwhile Rhodey went to call Steve in. He sprinted inside getting on the machine as he pushed through everyone to get to Davina. Her body was full of bruises and cuts, even the floor was dirty from the blood.

"Oh my god. Oh god." He grabbed her face trying to get her to open her eyes. He looked to the side,Natasha was okay so now everyone was standing around Davina.

He released a sigh of relief when she finally opened her eyes. She extended her arm out,slowly opening her palm revealing the Soul stone.

Tony took it as he kneeled down next to her. Her cuts and bruises were slowly healing and dissapearing.

"What were you thinking?!" Steve whispered,his eyes were still red from crying.

"When I jumped? Probably about how I heal fast." She smirked with her eyes closed making him shake his head at her ridiculousness with a smile on his face.

"Thank you." Natasha said with glossy eyes from behind Thor and Davina just nodded,sighing.

"But if you had to pay with your soul for the stone, how come you have it if you're not dead?" Scott asked,confused.

Steve picked Davina up but she was getting back to normal almost standing on her own.

"I was dead for a few seconds. I busted my head open and died I think. And when I healed I just woke up at some wierd place with the stone in my hand." She answered. Even she was suprised it worked it was a risk but it was worth it. She was counting on it.

"You see you've always reminded me of Loki but now you took that to another level." Thor patted her back making Steve roll his eyes and the others laugh.

"Let's finish it." Bruce said smiling.


"You scared the hell out of me." Steve said smirking while looking at Davina. She was sitting on a table and he was standing between her legs.

"Oh did I really?" She nagged wrapping her legs around him as she pulled him closer. Steve's smirk grew bigger as their lips met.

Steve's hands rested on her waist and then they slowly slid down to her thighs.

Davina smiled into the kiss when Steve furrowed his eyebrows kissing her even more passionately.

They're tongues were intertwined as the kiss became quicker.

"Hey the glove is done!" They heard Rocket shout from a far.

Davina pecked Steve's lips one last time before getting from the table and dragging him by his hand to get to  others.

"The question is, who's gonna snap the freaking fingers?" Rocket said as they all were in the room.

"I'll do it." Thor said walking towards him.

"No you're not." Steve pushed him back.

"Thor just wait. We haven't decided yet who's gonna put that on yet." Steve said taking his hand off of him.

"So we'll be just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity? Staring at the thing is not gonna bring everybody back." Thor stood his ground.

"Thor stop. I'm telling you, you're in no condition." This time Tony was the one pushing him back.

"Do you know what's running through my veins right now? A lighting."

"Lighting won't help you pal. It's gotta be me." Bruce spoke from the other side of the room.

"The stones almost killed Thanos. None of you could survive." He walked up to the table where the glove was.

"How do we know you will?" Steve asked him.

"We don't. But the radiation is mostly gamma. It's like I was made for this. " He grabbed the iron glove and put it on. "Let's do it."

Everyone stood in a circle around him.

Everyone put their suits on. Tony was protecting shield with a new technology shield and Thor stood in front of Rocket. Davina was standing next to Steve covering Natasha and Steve was shielding his body with his shield.

"Friday do me a favor and close everything." Tony ordered. All the windows of the building were covered.

Everyone watched in anticipation when he put it on. The stones immediately activated making him kneel with a scream draining from his throat.

"Take it off! Take it off!!" Thor screamed.

"No wait! Bruce are you okay?!" Steve stepped closer to him.

"Talk to me Banner." Tony ordered also becoming a little scared.

"I'm okay." Bruce sighed while still screaming and being in pain.

He picked his hand up still screaming and then, he snapped his fingers.

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