𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 25.

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"What legal authority does an enhanced criminal like Davina Hale have to operate in Nigeria?"

The Tv got turned off. Davina looked to her left only to see Steve leaning against the doorway.

"It's my fault." She said,not looking at him.

"That's not true."

"Well turn the TV back on, they're being very specific."

"I should have clocked that bomb vest long before we had to deal with it." He started walking towards the bed she was sitting on. ,,Rumlow said Bucky and, all of a sudden I was a 16 year old kid from Brooklyn." He sat down next to her. ,,People died. That's on me."

Davina scoffed,shaking her head. She disagreed,taking the fault on herself.

"This job...we try to save as many people as we can. Sometime it doesn't mean everybody but if we can't find a way to live with that, next time...maybe nobody gets saved." He looked at her,placing his hand on her thigh as she placed hers on top of his. As if she didn't want him to let go of her.

"They will lock me up." She laughed sarcastically.

"You weren't turned. And it was my fault too,they shouldn't take you. If the bomb went off on the ground,people would die as well.
..including us." He assured her but she just kept looking down. "I won't let them take you. I owe you my life." That caught her attention.

She looked up and he kissed her just as her eyes met his. The kiss was short but affectionate.

"I'm not one of you Steve. I don't deserve to be." She said when their lips parted. He looked at her as if he was hurting for her. Because even though she was tough and powerful, he knew when she was in his presence she'd melt and show her soft side.

Suddenly Vision quietly entered the room through a wall.

"Captain Rogers,you wanted to know when Mr. Stark arrives," he said and Steve nodded, "Thank you,I'll be right down."

"Oh and apparently he's brought a guest." Vision turned too lok at them before leaving as both Davina and Cap looked at him. Steve frowned,

"You know who it is?"

"The secretary of state."


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"The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt.You have fought for us,protected us,risked your lives but while great many people see you as heroes..there are some,who prefer the word "vigilantes"." The secretary of state started his speech as everyone was at the table.

" The secretary of state started his speech as everyone was at the table

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"And what word would you use mister secretary?" Natasha asked him.

"How about dangerous?" He asked, looking and aiming at Davina,making both her and Steve shrink they're eyebrows as he continued talking,

"What would you call a group of US based enhances individuals who routinely ignore southern borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who frankly seem unconcerned of what they leave behind." He turned on some video screen,showing them the localities were they fought.

"New York." He started showing them all the catastrophes.All the deaths of people and damage that was done.

"Washington DC."


"Lagos." It showed the explosion of the building. Dead bodies laying everywhere as Davina looked away,taking a deep breath while her face stayed stone cold with no emotion.

Steve noticed, dropping his hand on the table. "Okay..That's enough."

"Is it Captain?" Mr. Secretary looked at him, grabbing the remote and switching some records on the screen.

"I have done a research on Davina Hale. 256 brutal deaths in only one day." He turned the record on showing some news pages. Censored dead bodies. Davina clenched her jaw as the others watched with anticipation and Steve watched too but with an angry expression on his face, not liking Ministers childish actions at all.

"It's written here, that she would rip their hearts out with her bare hands and many other nasty killing options..and it didn't even take her 10 seconds to do so." Davinas this time clenched her fists under the table,Steve noticed placing his large hands over hers.

"Means If that day,that happened only few days ago, you didn't find her before she got to the city, the past would be repeated. But at what cost? She almost killed you! If they didn't send the helicopters with gas you'd be dead and many other poeple as well!" He shouted making Davinas blood boil even more.

"These pictures of her were taken 3 days after it happened for the first time." He showed pictures of her. Tied up, blood red eyes,blood of her victims all over her clothes.

"And you're trying to provoke her right now because you know, what happened in Lagos wasn't only her fault and you can't lock her up for it just like that." Steve spoke up,not willing to listen to him anymore.

All the others looked at Davina. She looked as if she was in pain,trying to hold her anger together as they all became alarmed without being too obvious.. but still,

"Your friends are scared of you." The minister ignored Steve looking at Davina. "I'm sorry Captian,didn't know you had a soft spot for her." He turned the screen off but Davina kept watching him with her piercing eyes,imagining what it would be like if she killed him.

"But now to the important stuff. For the past four years you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments can no longer tolerate."

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