𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 48.

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The ground beneath them massively shook.

Everyone was looking around, not knowing where it was coming from while still fighting.

Suddenly giant orbs broke through the ground coming right at them.

Suddenly giant orbs broke through the ground coming right at them

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Davina acted right away.

She flew up and jumped right in front of them,rising them up into the air with her powers. She pushed her hands down,moving the orbs to hit the ground smashing hundreds of enemies.

 She pushed her hands down,moving the orbs to hit the ground smashing hundreds of enemies

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She looked back,making sure no one if theirs got hurt.

She locked eyes with Cap as he gave her an admiring nod.

But when she looked to the side she saw Wanda on the battlefield,destroying a bunch of monsters that were coming at few of T'challa's people.

Davian touched her earpiece.

"Wanda get back to Vision!"

"I'm on it!" Wanda answered.

Davina sprinted towards them so that she could take over the situation and Wanda could get back to Vision but in the meantime Proxima,the female that led the enemies got her hands on her,hitting her in the head,making Wanda fall down.

"He'll die alone,as will you." Proxima qrowled stepping on Wanda's body as she struggled to get up. Her head was pounding.

"She's not alone."

Proxima turned around as she stood face to face with Davina.

She growled again,jumping up into the air as Davina did the same then Davina landed on the ground and as she stood up, Wanda's mouth fell open.

Davina was standing in front of her with Proxima's ripped off head in her hand.

"They got Vision." Sam notified.

Davina and Wanda nodded at each other as Wanda flew up to get to him and Davina stayed on the field.

She turned around seeing a long blade coming right at her as someone caught it.

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