𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 57.

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Avengers base

Thor walked through the hallway with his sunglasses on and a beer in his hand as Tony walked pass him, carrying some equipments for the time travel machine. Loki refused to come with them so he stayed in the New Asgard.

"How is it going Rachet?" Tony called out making Rocket frown. "I'm Rocket. Take it easy, you're only an genious on Earth pal."


Bruce,Scott,Rhodey and Nebula were testing out the suit.

"Time travel suit,not bad." Rhodey nodded his head when he saw Scott already dressed up in it.

"Hey hey hey easy!" Scott frowned at Bruce.

"I'm being very careful."

"No you're being very Hulky."

"I'm being careful!"

"These are pym particles alright?! And every since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence this is! This is what we have. We're not making anymore." He held the particle up.

"Scott calm down." Rhodey spoke.

"Sorry. We've got enough for one round each. That's it. No do overs. Plus two test runs." Scott said placing the particle into the suit himself when he suddenky screamed. He wasted one.

"One test run. Alright. I'm not ready for this." Scott shut his eyes when suddenly Clint spoke.

"I am. I'll do it." He was leaning against the doorframe.


Clint stood on the machine with the suit on. The machine was massive.

"Alright Clint, we're going in 3...2...1"
And Bruce pushed the button.

Davina was standing next to Bruce with Steve who had his arm around her and Thor and Natasha.

"I'm bringing him back." Bruce said pushing a button and he did bring him back. But Clint was on the ground breathing heavily as all the others ran up to him.

"Hey,look at me! You're okay?" Natasha asked him,picking him up.

"Yeah It worked. It worked." Clint said,pleasing everyone with the statement.


They all stood in one room watching the holographic screens, showing the stones when Steve spoke,

"Okay so the how works. Now we gotta figure out the when and where. Almost everyone in the room has had an encounter with one of the six Infinity stones."

"We only have one particle for one round each and these stones has been at a lot of different places throughout the history." Bruce stated.

"Our history." Tony added.

"So,let's start with the Aether. Thor, what do you now?" Steve asked him and everyone looked at Thor. He was sitting on a chair in the corner of the room with his sunglasses still on,not responding.

"Is he asleep?" Natasha asked but Davina shook her head, "No. I'm pretty sure he's dead."

Then Thor suddenly stood up walking up to the table. The Reality stone appeared on the screen.

Thor took off his sunglasses.

"The Aether is not the stone, someone in the past just called him a stone before. Um, here is an interesting story tho, about Aether. My grandfather many years ago had to hide the stone from the dark elfs. Wooo. Scary beings. So Jane, actually, an old flame of mine, you know she stuck her hand inside a rock this one time and Aether stuck itself inside her. And she became very very sick and so I had to take her to Asgard which is where I'm from and we had fo try and fix her. We were dating at the time I had to go introduce her to my mother" he frowned as he was about to cry but continued speaking, "Who is dead and you know Jane and I aren't even dating anymore so,"

 We were dating at the time I had to go introduce her to my mother" he frowned as he was about to cry but continued speaking, "Who is dead and you know Jane and I aren't even dating anymore so,"

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"Eggs? Breakfast?" Tony grabbed him by the shoulder trying to get him to stop talking.

"No I'd like a bloody Mary." He smiled suddenly.

Davina and Steve exchanged a gaze.

"Quill stole the Power stone from Morague." Rocket said as this time the Power stone appeared on the screen.

"Is that a person?" Bruce asked with his mouth full of food.

"No it's a planet. Quill was a person."

"Your powers are from the Power stone aren't they? We can find it where they used it on you." Scott looked at Davina.

"That's definitely not gonna be the best time to do that." Steve spoke instead of Davina.

"Thanos found the Soul stone on Vormir." Nebula suddenly spoke.

"What's a Vormir?" Natasha asked as she was writing all the informations inside her notes.

"A planet where death rules. That's where Thanos murdered my sister. Everyone became quiet for a few seconds.

"What about the Time stone guy?" Natasha asked.

"He was a doctor."

"And he lived in New York?" Natasha asked.

"If we pick the right time there were three infinity stones in New York." Davina said and Bruce looked at her in a shock when it all clicked.

"Shut the front door."

Steve walked up to the screen.

"Alright we have a plan. Six stones, three teams,one shot. Five years ago we lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves. Today we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams,you know your missions. Get the stones,get them back."

They all got the suits on. Walking towards the machine ready to change everything that was destroyed. Ready to bring back everything they've lost.

They stood at the top of the machine in a circle. Davina stood between Steve and Tony when Steve spoke up again,

"One round trip each. No mistakes. No do overs. Most of us is going somewhere we know,that doesn't mean you should know what to expect. Be careful,look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're gonna win." Steve and Tony looked at each other before Steve added, "Whatever it takes."

Tony smiled at him.

"He's pretty good at that." Rocket nodded his head.

"Right?!" Scott agreed.

"Alright. You heard the man. Let's go!" Tony shouted.

"See you in a minute." Nat said,smiling.

" Nat said,smiling

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