𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 2.

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At Stark tower:

"So Ultron is now with the twins." Tony said as he was trying to find their current location.

"He has an eso." Dr Banner nodded but Tony interrupted him,

"We have one too." His gaze moved to Davina.

She was sitting a bit far away from the Avengers. Looking at the ground not really listening while the collar on her neck was still blicking blue.

"Hey demon!." He provoked her.

"Tony." Captain scolded him but the girl was now piercing her eyes through the one and only Iron man.

"I'm not a demon." She growled.

Everyone's attention was on her, expecting her anger to burst.

Thor grabbing his hammer,Natasha reaching for her gun.

"You attack one of us. You attack all of us." Hawkeye warned her.

"That's too funny. Thinking that joke could ever make me lose it. It's not as easy to make me lose control. That's what they tell just so you don't try your luck. But now I really want someone to try it." She pointed at Stark who made an offended face.

"Davina. We are not your enemies." Natasha tried aproaching her with a friendly manner.

Davina kept her eyes on her for a second then without a word turned away.

"Can you tell us more about your powers?" Natasha kept going. Davina looked at her again.

"It's not a like I know a lot about them. Fury said not to use them If I don't have to. That I should just use my speed and strength."

"I understand."
The room went quiet for a few seconds. She seemed determined to listen to go by Fury's words.

"You all realize I'm going to snap one day right? The other me could set the world on fire and call it rain."

"We will do everything to not let that happen." Steve walked closer to her.
"Now we need to discuss our plan. We have to make a team before we attack. The attack will happen in only two days. You need to trust us." He continued.

After a while Tony's phone rang.

It was Fury.

"Mr. Stark, I hope everything is going well."

"Yeah of course, we are all alive for now." He stated making some of the Avengers roll their eyes, including Davina's.

"Wouldn't want to hear anything else. I need someone to take Davina under their wing. She needs to stay somewhere for now and the only person I know that won't piss her off is Captain. Captain please take Dr. Banner with you as well."

"Shouldn't be a problem." Steve said in a neutral tone.

"Take me? If anything goes wrong are you expecting me to just change and stop her? Many people wouldn't survive that." Bruce clearly didn't like this plan.

"Nothing will go wrong if you won't set her off. I trust you on that one."

With that the call ended.

Davina released the deep breath she has been holding. Going somewhere with people she doesn't know and still doesn't trust.

"I hope you are fine with it." Steve turned to her and she just gave him a nod. What else could she do..

"Alright well I think we are done here." Tony stood up and all the others did too.

"See you tommorow."

An hour later:

"There are two bedrooms, you can just take it I'll stay on the couch." Said Steve making his way towards kitchen.

Seemed like Dr Banner felt at home there, they were chatting together, disscusing the fight as Davina just awkwardly stood there. After the quiet ride she didn't really know how to feel.

"You can keep the bed... I don't sleep." Davina spoke and both of them turned to look at her.

"Like at all?" Asked Bruce with a suprised tone in his voice.

"I do If I want to, but I don't need it. I don't get tired."

"That's impressive." Dr. Bruce again spoke now much more quietly and then made his way towards the bedroom with no more words.

"Well, alright." Steve nodded, "Aren't you hungry or something?" He tried making a small talk.

"No, I'll just go take a shower." And then she left hoping to come back without Steve being still in the living room. After two years of not interrogating with people almost at all, she needed her peace and quiet.


When she came back, the living room was empty. She sat on the couch, turned towards the big glass door that lead to a balcony,not trying to think at all.

Altough her mind powers were making it harder for her.

After almost an hour she stood up and walked to the balcony, closing the glass door and sitting on the ground. Appreciating clear air. The cars, buildings and city lights. People who were walking through the city even this late at night.

"I'm not gonna lie I almost freaked out when I didn't see you inside." Steves voice came from behind her. She didn't even flinch, her great hearing made it impossible for him to suprise her.

"Well you did lock the door but forgot about the balcony." She said not taking her eyes of the view.

Steve smiled to himself. Just for a short second and sat down next to her.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked but it took her a bit of a time to answer.

"I'm trying to not think at all." She said and he nodded to show her he understands.

"If you don't mind me asking, happened to you?"

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