𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 37.

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Tony then launched at Bucky as Bucky tried to fight back but he seemed to have no chance against him.

Tony tackled him to the ground and as he was about to fire at him with the ray Caps shield hit him in his back,making Tony stand up. He barged into Cap making him fly back onto the ground.

Tony flew at Bucky again picking him up into the air as they started fighting. The fight was so chaotic the little racket that was supposed to hit Bucky hit the walls of the base making the interior of the base start to tumble down.

The fall of it separated them as they both fell onto the ground to different sides.

Cap ran over to Bucky.

"Get outta here!!" He screamed at him and Bucky did as he said.

There was a way out through the top. Bucky opened the top and started climbing up and as Tony was about to follow him Cap stood in front of him.

"It wasn't him Tony. HYDRA had control over his mind."

"Move!" Tony shouted and flew up but Cap caught him by his leg destroying Tonys boot nozzle with his shield.

Tony fell down,standing up and using his laser ray to destroy the walls,blocking Cap behind it.

He then flew up,struggling because of his destroyed nozzle but it worked just enough get him to Bucky.

He kicked him down.

Bucky fell and as Tony was about to blaster him with the ray Cap suddenly stood in front of him,successfully blocking it with his shield.

He helped Bucky stand up.

"He's not gonna stop. Go." He ordered him to keep climbing.

Tony flew up again, about to go after him but Cap jumped at him taking him completely far down as they fell on the ground.

Tony kneeled, trying to focus on the target and destroy the opening so the getaway would fall back down and Bucky wouldn't be able to escape him.

"The targeting doesn't work Boss." Friday notified him.

"I'm eyeballing it." Tony said firing a rocket on it so the getaway closed and Bucky fell down.

Tony flew up at him again as they started fighting and he suddenly held him in a choke hold.

"Do you even remember them?" Tonys whisper was full of pain.

"I remember all of them." Bucky struggled to get the words out.

But what he said only angered Tony even more.

He grabbed him and spun him around flying up into the air but once again Cap grabbed Tony ripping him away from Bucky as they both fell far down again onto the rock hard ground.

Cap stood up looking at Tony and breathing heavily. "This isn't gonna change what happened."

"I don't care. He killed my mom." Tony said through his teeth flying at Cap as they started fighting. They were punching each other not going easy at all. Tony got on top of Cap but Bucky was quick to react grabbing Caps shield and hitting Tony with it.

And the fight continued. Cap and Bucky vs Tony.

Tony suddenly hit Steve with the nozzle making him hit the wall and fall.
Bucky grabbed Tony smashing him into the wall and gripping his chest blaster trying to rip it out but the laser light from it hit him making him fly back.

As he was lying down he noticed his metal arm was gone,completely destroyed.

Steve ran up on Tony.

Steve ran up on Tony

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And the fight was now happening between the two of them only but Cap was much quicker. He was more skilled and Tony was hardly keeping up with Steves punches.

"You can't beat him hand to hand!" Friday notified him.

"Analyze his fight pattern." Tony ordered her,struggling to even get the words out.


And suddenly when Cap was about to hit him with the shield Tony grabbed it.

"Countermeasures ready."

"Let's kick his ass."

Tony hit him with a blazer making Cap fly away.

He stood up looking into Tonys eyes.

"He was my friend." Cap was breathing heavily.

"So was I."

Tony punched him twice making Cap cough and grabbed him,throwing him away.

"Stay down. Final warning." Tony warned him.

But Cap stood up anyway, just as he expected.

His palms were bailed into fists placed in front of him. "I could do this all day."

Tony aimed his arm blazer at him but Bucky caught him by his leg distracting him. Tony kicked Bucky giving Cap enough time to grab him,pick him up and throw him onto the ground.

The fall was so hard Tony hit his head.

But Cap gave him no time to recover,jumping on top of him and smashing his fists into him. He then grabbed his shield hitting him with it breaking his helmet revealing Tonys bloody face before he hit his center on his chest with the shield.Burrying it into it.

They were looking at each other,both of them were out of breath.

Suddenly Cap stood up ripping the shield out and walking over to Bucky.

He helped him stand up as they started walking away together.

"That shield doesn't belong to you." He heard Tony say.

"You don't deserve it! My father made that shield!" He called out making Cap stop.

He slowly looked up and nodded to himself before dropping the shield and leaving.

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