𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 8.

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They all split up. Each one of them fighting on a different floor.

"Thor,static." Captain's voice resounded in the earpiece.

"The girl tried to work my mind! Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately...I am mighty.."

"Mind games could fuck you up. Let me know if you see her." Davina hissed through her teeth as she smashed her fist through another robot.

"Thor?...Steve?" She called their names through the earpiece since she got no response.

"Fuck." She cursed hurrying to get to them.

As she walked through the fance to get on the other side of the ship she felt a presence behind her. It was the girl trying to use her mind controls on Davina.

Davina jumped turning around in the air and kicking her, making her fly back and onto the ground.

"Doesn't work on me." She gave the girl an evil smile and picked her up into the air by the behind of her shirt. From a distance Hawkeye shot the arrow at her, aiming at her forehead making her go into some kind of electric shock. But in a second the boy quickly ripped her from Davina's grasp running away with her.

"Yeah you better run." Clint breathed out and continued, "I'm gonna get Natasha."

Davina nodded at him leaving as well to try and find Steve and Thor.

After she searched for a while she saw Steve. He was walking in front of her, looking at nothing, completely in trance, the girl got him too.

"Steve.." she said, trying if he could hear her but nothing. She started walking behind him and when she was close enough she uncertainly touched Steve's shoulder. She wasn't allowed to use her powers but this wouldn't hurt anyone.

She tried to see inside of his hallucination.

A dancing floor. Lot of people. Everyone was dancing and screaming. Some guys in the back were fighting and Steve was walking in the middle of everyone. Davina stood behind him as he turned around but he wasn't able to see her.
He turned back. Looking around as Davina saw a petite woman walking next to her leading to Steve.

"The war's over Steve." She told him and he immediately looked back at her.

"We can go home. Imagine it." She smiled at him dreamily as Steve kept his expression confused.

He turned away from her and all of a sudden everything was gone. The woman. The people. Only the empty dance floor remained. Steve's face dropped and Davina has had enough.

She placed her other hand on him making him snap out of it.

After that she took a step back letting him catch his breath.

"You good?" She asked and he turned to face her.

He nodded, "Yeah... where are the others?"

Just as he asked that Thor came from behind them.

"We need to leave. Natasha still didn't get out of it Clint took her back to the ship. And Hulk is currently destroying the city."

"Is Tony there?" Steve asked and Thor nodded.

"Let's go."


When they were already inside it didn't take long till Tony brought Bruce back. He was shivering, wrapped in only a
blanket, sitting at the ground not saying anything.

Davina was on the side of the ship, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, face stone cold as she was scanning everyone. On the ground next to her was Natasha, looking completely defeated. She could not sit straight, she looked like she was in pain but Clint was right next to her trying to bring her back to reality.

Thor was standing in the corner. He looked like he was thinking about something, frowning from time to time looking nervous.

Davina looked at the front of the ship.

Tony was quietly looking through something on his 3d technics and Steve sat right at the front by himself.

Quietly looking out the window with a hurt but neutral expression on his face. He then reached into his pocket taking something out and opening it. Davina didn't know what it was but when his eyes closed she realised it was definitely something that meant a lot to him.

 Davina didn't know what it was but when his eyes closed she realised it was definitely something that meant a lot to him

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She couldn't get his hallucination out of her head. Who was the woman? Was it his girlfriend? Does he still love her?


When Natasha finally got better Clint was the one grabbing the steering wheel.

They were in the air for a few minutes when agent Hill appeared on the screen.

"The news is loving you guys.Nobody else is.There's been no official call for Banner's arrest but it's in the air."

"Stark's relief fondation?" Tony asked,

"Already on the scene. How's the team?"

"Everyone's... We took it. We're shaken off."

"Well for now I'd stay in ghost mode and stay away from here."

"So, run and hide." Tony stated.

"Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer."

"Neither do we." Tony agreed looking at the defeated Avengers.

He turned the call off and went to stand next to Clint.

"Hey wanna switch up?"

"No I'm good. If you wanna get some rest, now's a good time, there's still a few hours left." Clint said confusing Tony.

"Few hours to where?"

"A safe house."

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