𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1.- 𝑨𝒈𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑼𝒍𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒏

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"She is creating tissue." Doctor Banner spoke, completely amazed with Helen Cho's work.
"If you brought him to my lab the regeneration creator could do this in 20 minutes."

"I need to talk to you all. It's important." Fury came in the lab in a hurry and on his call everyone came to him.

"Sir, this is very risky. I don't think she's ready yet." Agent Hill barged into the room right after him with worry written all over her face.

"Wait, so, who are we even talking about?" The conversation caught Tony's attention especially.

"She is a living weapon. A weapon we need right now. She will help you defeat Ultron."
Everyone looked at each other.

"Her name is Davina Hale. She is only 19 years old. We still don't know who created her." Agent Hill spoke,

"Created her?" Natasha left the table where Clint was healing to stand closer.

"She's incredibly fast,strong and has scary energy powers."

"Should we be scared since you said scary?" Tony jokingly said as Thor rolled his eyes at him and joined the conversation too.

"What kind of powers?"

"We don't know exactly. But she does not have them under control, that's for sure. She gets out of control easily." Agent Hill interrupted again. Clearly not happy about Fury's plan.

"Seems like she was an experiment. We are pretty sure she killed everyone who had anything to do with it after losing her control that's why we know nothing about them."

"Great, another ticking bomb." Dr. Banner laughed sarcastically while shaking his head.

"I should probably warn you that she is not too friendly. But I believe you will do just fine."

"When is she supposed to come?" Steve asked curiously and a bit concerned as Fury placed a tablet in front of the Avengers.

"This is where she is now."

Showing the just 19 year old girl tied up in a cell with her eyes barely open and a collar around her neck.

"What is that collar about?" Hawkeye's voice was heard from the distance.

"It is a shock collar.Really capable one.I will give each one of you an electric key to it. Only use it for necessity." Fury placed the little electric keys in front of them.

"You can also notice one of her eyes is blue and one is red. How do you know she turned into a fucking demon?! Both of her eyes turn red. If that happens, don't try to fight her. Get her away from civilization and that will work.Just keep her as busy as you will be able to."

"We are the Avengers we stopped so many bad guys, I mean you really think we wouldn't be able to stop her?" That offended Thors ego.

"Maybe you would, but I wouldn't try it. She was made to not just kill, but rip apart. Get bloody. Unless you want that to happen to you do as I say."

"Well this should be fun." Clapped his hands Tony.

"With her everything could go even more downhill." Bruce tried to change Fury's mind, clearly warning him but Fury had his mind already made up.

"I'm already having her transferred over to us." He said and they all exchanged an unsure look.

In only a few minutes the door flew open and there she was. Her hands and legs were chained.

Five agents from S.H.I.E.L.D were accompanying her.

"Miss Hale, how are you feeling?" Fury tried to make a conversation to which she just glared at him and with a raspy voice answered: "How do you think I'm feeling?"

"I promise if you behave well, you will
get your freedom. If not, we will have to kill you."

Davina just snorted at his statement but said nothing. Her head facing down, not really caring to look at her now team.

Everyone from the Avengers started exchanging gazes as if to decide what to think about this whole thing.

"Miss Hale." He tried catching her attention again, this time she lifted her head up. Her eyes scanning the people in front of her.

Steve furrowed his eyebrows, trying to read her.
But the pale girl with long black hair kept her expressions still as stone.

Then she turned her face to Fury.

"These are the people you will be working with. The Avengers. I believe our people already told you about all of them. You will be free under their control for now."

"I'm everything you can't control."

"You are starting tommorow." Fury added ignoring her words.

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