𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 7.

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Salvage yard
African Coast

They left the flying ship with Bruce in the woods.
Davina,Steve,Tony,Thor,Clint and Natasha started walking there. There were three huge ships.

"He's in the middle one." Stark pointed at it.

"So how are we gonna get there?" Clint asked and Tony looked at him.

"I've got a plan."


They got in.

The ship looked even bigger from the inside.

Davina put her finger to her lips,signalizing them to shut up.

"I hear them" She said as they all tried to focus on it.

They could hear the whole conversation.

It was Klaue, the twins and Ultron.

"Me,Captain,Thor and Davina will wait here. Natasha and Clint go to the back, I'm sure you will be needed there. This place is full of armed men." Tony gave the orders and they did as he said the ones who stayed kept listening to the conversation.

"On this rock, I will build my church. Vibranium." It was probably Ultron. The voice sounded way too robotic.

"It's worth billions."

"Now so are you. It's all under your dummy holdings finances. I always say, keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which."

What he said seemed to caught Tony's attention.



"Tony Stark used to say that. To me. You're one of his."

"What?' I'm not one of his puppets. I mean look at me, do I look like Iron Man?!" There was a sudden sound of movements and they could hear Klaue grunt in pain.

"Ooh I'm sorry, It's just that I don't understand, don't compare me with Stark! He's a - he's a sickness!"

"ah Junior, you're gonna break your old man's heart." The Avengers appeared behind Ultron and twins. Standing face to face on something that looked like a little bridge connecting the sides of the higher floor of the ship.

Tony stood in the front and the other three right behind him.

"If I have to." Ultron warned.

"Nobody has to break anything." Thor tried to calm the conversation.

"Clearly you've never made an omelette." Ultron took a step closer but they were still a bit far apart.

"He beat me by one second." Tony joked making one of the twins speak up.

"Aah this is funny, Mr. Stark. It's what, comfortable? Like old times?" The boy looked down to his left. There was a lot of explosives.

"This was never my life." Tony said defensively but there was sorrow hid in his voice.

"You two can still walk away from this." Cap now stood next to Tony,trying to convince the twins to be on their side.

"Oh we will." In a cocky voice the girl invoked, making Davina's blood boil.

She could feel the girls energy from miles away not sure if she could feel her's too.

"I know you've suffered," Steve spoke again but Ultron was quick to interrupt him.

"agh, Captain America, God's righteous man.Pretending you could've live without a war."

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it." Thor tried again.

"I think you're confusing peace with hectic." Ultron pointed at Davina and she immediately frowned. All this tension before a fight was taking too long.

"Powerful. Dangerous. But what are you? A dog? What is that collar on your neck about? Are you with them? Or they are against you?" He grunted.

All the space was filled with Davinas deep growl as she was about to walk towards Ultron, Captain's hand stopped her from doing so.

"Uhuh. What's the vibranium for?" Tony was done playing games.

"I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan!"

There was a bright radiation coming from Ultron,aiming straight at Tony.
It pushed him back into the wall but he was quick to dodge it as he flew at Ultron and they started fighting in the air.

From the sides started running out robots that were much more similiar to Iron Mans suit.

Steve destroyed one,splitting him in half with his shield as Thor smashed his hammer in another. As he did, Davina noticed the boy running and pushing Thor. He was her's. She was the only one that could catch up with him.

She sprinted behing him and It didn't take long for her to catch him and flip him over the railing so he ended up on the first floor of the ship. But she knew with his speed he'd be back up there in a minute, she took one last look to make sure he survived the fall.

To her right she could see Natasha and Clint fighting off Klaue's men and suddenly she heard a louder bang.

The girl pushed Steve into the wall with her powers and ran off.

Davina ran over to them and they a started destroying the robots together as Iron Man continued to fight with Ultron.

Davina had the fastest kills, without too much efford she was just easily ripping them apart but she had to stop when she saw the boy again, he was running towards Cap, about to throw a punch at him but Davinas kick in the ribs made him fly a few meters away from Captain landing in some empty stock of boxes.

He was trying to get up but Captains shield made him fall to the ground again.

"Stay down kid." He warned him,turning to look at Davina.

He gave her a nod as a thank you and they got back to fighting.

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