𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 41.- 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝑾𝒂𝒓

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2 years later

"You know how,when you're having a dream and in the dream you gotta pee,"

"Yeah and then you wake up and in real life you actually have to pee. Everybody has that."

"Yeah that's a point I'm trynna make. Last night I dreamed we had a kid. It was so real. We named him after your uncle. What was his name? Morgan!" Tony stopped in front of Pepper. They were in the park on a run.

"So you woke up and thought that we were-"

"Expecting. Yes?"

"No." Pepper shook her head, smiling in disbelief.

"I had a dream about it! It was so real!"

"If you wanted to have a kid, you wouldn't have done that." She tapped on his chest. "You don't need that."

"I know I had the surgery I'm just trying to protect us. Our future and that's it. Just in case there's a monster in the closet instead of-"

"Shirts?" Pepper finished his sentence.

"You know me so well. You finish all my sentences. But you know what? No more surprises. We will have a nice dinner today and show off this expensive stone." He said pointing at the engagement ring that was perfectly suited for Pepper.

Peppers face lit up. "Yes okay." She leaned in for a kiss and just as their lips connected something interupted them.

"Tony Stark, I'm Doctor Steven Strange. I need you to come with me."
He came through the portal. "Oh and congratulations on the wedding by the way." He added leaving Tony and Pepper completely confused.

"I'm sorry you giving out tickets or something?" Tony sarcastically called out.

"We need your help. The fate of the universe is in stake."

"And who's we?" Tony called out again when sudennly Dr. Banner has appeared next to Strange.

"Hey Tony." He said walking towards him.


He stood in front of Tony with a scared expression on his face.

"You okay?" Tony asked him all concerned when Bruce hugged him, hugging him back.

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


"In the dawn of the universe,there was nothing. And then...boom. Big bang send six elemental crystals. These infinity stones is controlled in a sensual aspect of existence." Wong showed the elemental crystals as a hologram. As if they were floating in the air right in front of them.






"And Time." Strange opened the pendal hanging on his neck revealing the Time stone in all it's glory.

"Tell me his name again." Tony spoke.

"Thanos. He's a plague Tony, he invades planets, he takes what he wants, he wipes off half the population. He send Loki. The attack on New York that's him." Bruces voice was full of fear.

'This is it." Tony mumled under his breath. "What's our timeline?" He looked at Bruce.

"No one knows. He has the Power and Space stone, that already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe. If he gets his hands on all six stones Tony-"

"If Thanos needs all six,why don't we just throw this one in the garbage." Tony stated pointing at Stranges pendant.

"No can do." Strange shook his head and Wong joined him, "We swore to protect the Time stone with our lives."

"Things change." Tony demanded.

"Our oath to protect the Time stone can not change and this stone may be the best chance we have against Thanos."

"Or it can also be his best chance against us!" Tonys voice became angrier.

"If we don't do our jobs-"

"What is your job exactly besides making baloon animals?"

"Protecting your reality,douchebag." Strange smirked at him but his eyes were angry too.

"Okay guys,let's quit this discussion right now. The fact is that we have this stone, we know where it is. Vision is somewhere with the Mind stone and we have to find him, now!" Bruce interrupted them.

"Yeah that's the..thing." Tony looked down.

"What do you mean?"

"Two weeks ago Vision turned off his transmitter. He's offline."

"What?! Tony you lost another superbot??"

"I didn't lose him he's more than that! He's evolving!"

"Who could find Vision?" Dr. Strange asked.

Tony stopped. "Shit." Mumbling under his breath before speaking up, "Probably Steve Rogers...maybe"

Bruce walked up to him. "Call him."

"It's not that easy." Tony turned around to see Bruces face completely confused. "God we haven't caught up in a minute have we? The Avengers broke up. We're toast."

"Broke up? Like a band? Like the Beatles?" Bruce frowned.

"Cap and I fell out hard. We're not on speaking terms."

"Wait what about the girl? Davina was her name?" Bruce asked furrowing his eyebrows not sure if he got the name right it's been quite a long time.

"She's with him" Tony rolled his eyes and Bruces face expression became even more confused. "What??" He asked with his mouth open before continuing, "Wait remember that time Thor said she got her powers from the Power stone?? And Wandas powers are from the Mind stone." He said and Tonys eyes lit up in hope.

"That could help us a lot." Dr. Strange agreed.

"Tony,listen to me. Thor's gone. Thanos is coming, it doesn't matter who you're talking to or not." Bruce tried to talk him into calling Steve. And after a few seconds of Tony just blankly staring at nowhere clearly not wanting to do it he took out a small flip phone,looking at Steves number when they felt the ground shake and wind blow faster.

Something was coming.

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