𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 17.

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They all surrounded the core.

"Is that the best you can do?!" Thor shouted towards a levitating Ultron

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"Is that the best you can do?!" Thor shouted towards a levitating Ultron.

Suddenly from behind him appeared hundreds of his robots all at once, running towards them.

"You had to ask." Steve nagged.

"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted, all of you, against all of me.How can you possibly hope to stop me?"

"Like the old men said," Tony said and him and Steve both looked at each other. "Together."

Hulks roar filled the city and the fight begun.

They were all fighting side by side,destroying them one by one while protecting the core so none of his minions could get to it. Iron Man and Vision were fighting in the air and It didn't take long until they cleared em all out. All of a sudden Ultron flew at Vision but Vision was quick to act and together with Tony and Thor, they held him back.

 All of a sudden Ultron flew at Vision but Vision was quick to act and together with Tony and Thor, they held him back

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Suddenly Hulk broke through them,catching Ultron and throwing him far away.

"We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air's getting thin.You guys get to the boats, I'll make sure everything is clear then I'll be right behind you." Cap stepped out.

"What about the core?" Clint asked.

"I'll protect it." Wanda said standing next to it.

They separated and Davina followed Steve.

"What are you doing, I said go to the boats." Steve complained while running. Davina was running next to him,adapted to his speed. "I don't take orders from anyone." She grinned and sped up.

"Thor, I'm gonna need you back in the church. You know, if this works,we maybe don't walk away." They heard Tonys voice.

"Maybe not." Thor answered.

Davinas stone face suddenly changed into a shocked one. Steve looked at her, "Maximoff boy." She looked back at him and Steve understood what was going on. Davinas power sensed him. And far behind them was an power explosion. Wanda.

Thor went to do what Tony said and Steve with Davina ran up to Pietro and Clint. He was laying on the ground when Steve picked him up, carrying his body into one of the safe boats.Hulk brought Natasha on the helicarrier and jumped on a flying ship that flew by.

Davina noticed Ultron flying body that Hulk threw out of the ship land in the city.

"Wanda. He's yours." She notified,


The city started to fall at a rapid speed. All the people where already on the boats, Cap quickly jumped on it,catching Davina and pulling her up with him.

Now Sokovia was in Tonys and Thors hands. They could see the lighting up there and meanwhile Vision arrived at the helicarrier with Wanda in his arms.

"Now!" Tonys shout ringed in the earpiece and Thor hit the core,causing explosion.


It was over. The people from Sokovia were saved,but the city didn't was gone.
Thor and Tony joined the others at the helicarrier.

"And you've done it again." Fury came to them. Everyone was in one of the labs just sitting behind a table catching their breaths. Vision was comforting crying Wanda. Davina could feel her shattered heart miles away.

"So what now?" Steve asked him.

"You all will get your deserved rest."

"What about Bruce?" Tony asked and Fury just shook his head, ,,He left. The quinjet fell into the Bandas sea,he probably jumped out and swam to Figi." Natashas head dropped,looking sad.

"He'll come back one day. I've got a great team." Fury smiled making Natasha sarcastically scoff. "Nothing lasts forever."

"Trouble. No matter what happens trouble will still be around." Fury answeres looking at all of them.

"Davina." He spoke making her look at him. "You'll stay free,under our watch."

Steve's apartment:

"So no one knows I left with you?" Davina asked Steve as they emtered his apartment.

"Fury does,"

"And he didn't ask why?"

"Told him it will be better if you stay under my watch for some time." He smirked looking at her and she smirked back.

"Oh really?" She stepped closer looking at him seductively.

He was standing his ground,absorbing her with his eyes trying not to look at her bruised neck from the collar he took off of her a few minutes ago.

She grabbed him by his shirt and locked their lips together.
His strong arms wrapped around her pulling her closer. She nibbled on his lip making him laugh a little.

Suddenly he picked her up and carried her to the bathrom. They started removing each others clothes until they were only in their underwear. They got into the shower,not letting go of each other as Steve turned the water on.

The kiss became deeper and they started breathing heavily.

"I need you." She whispered making him pull away and look at her for a few seconds. On his lips appeared that warm smile she was slowly becoming addicted to as he kissed her again and reached behind her to unclip her bra.

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