𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 47.

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They got to the battlefield. Everyone was ready, standing together proudly.

T'challa, Cap and Davina walked over to the barrier when they saw two creatures stand behind it.

It was the female.One of the two creatures that attacked Wanda and Vision,only that this time next to her was a different creature, as big as the Hulk was.

They stood in front of each other. Only the barrier was separating them.

"Had to replace your friend?" Davina provoked, smirking at the female making her growl in anger

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"Had to replace your friend?" Davina provoked, smirking at the female making her growl in anger.

"You'll pay for his life with yours." The female answered but Davina's smirk only grew bigger, "No. You'll be the one to join him."

"Thanos will get the stone." The female creature said.

"That's not gonna happen." Cap said calmly but sturdily.

Suddenly T'challa spoke,

"You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will get nothing but dust and blood."

"We, have blood to spare." The female replied,raising her hand as a signal and the getaways of the enemy spaceships opened immediately.

Davina gave her one last look before she,Cap and T'challa walked back to others.

They stood in the front.

"Did they surrender?" Bucky asked Cap.

"Not exactly."

Wakanda's war cry was heard all over the battlefield.

The creatures were set free. Thousands of them running towards the barrier.

"What the hell." Davina heard Bucky say.

"Looks like you pissed her off." Natasha looked at her.

Then Davina and Steve looked at each other.

The monsters were trying to get through the barrier,not caring they're bodies were being cut in half while doing so.

"They're killing themselves." Okoye said.

Some creatures managed to get through. Everyone had became alarmed. Shooting at them and getting rid of them from the distance.

Sam and Rhodey flew up,killing them from above.

"You see their fangs?!" Sam called out through the earpiece.

"Alright back up Sam you're gonna get your wings singed." Rhodey replied dropping a few bombs from the sky.

"Cap if these things circle us and get behind us, there's nothing between them and Vision." Through the earpiece they heard Bruce say.

"Then we better keep them in front of us." Cap replied,looking in front of him.

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