𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 33.

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"Cap." Clint got out of the van.

"You know I wouldn't call if I had any other choice." Steve walked up to him as they shook hands.

"Hey man you're doing me a favor. Besides I owe a debt." He looked behind him at Wanda.

"Thanks for having my back."

"It was time to get off my ass." Wanda stated.

"How about another recruit?"

"He is ready to go. Had to put coffee in him but,should be good." He opened the door of the van revealing the one and only Ant Man. The sound of the door opening woke him up.
He slowly got out of the van.

He stepped in front of Steve in astonishment as they both shook hands. "Captain America."


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"Mr. Lang."

"It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long." He finally let go of his hand and looked around. "Wow. This is awesome. Captain America. I know you too, you're cool." He looked at Davina. She just raised her eyebrow at him. It's probably the first person who thinks killing hundreds of people is cool but she wasn't complaining.

Scott took a good look at Cap as he grabbed his strong board shoulders admiring them while Caps face stayed neutral. "Jeez. Ah. Look I wanna say, i know you know a lot of super people so,thanks for thinking of me." He said making Steve smile a little.

"Hey man." Scott pointed at Sam.

"What's up Tic tac."

"Did they tell you what we're up against?" Cap asked Scott.

"Something about some psycho assasins." He replied making Davina cringe a little knowing she is the worse kind of psycho assasin.

"We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us you're a wanted man." Cap warned him.

"Yeah well, what else is new."

"We should get moving." Bucky spoke.

"The quinjet is waiting." Clint notified when they heard a strange noise. Like an alarm.

"They're evacuating the airport." Bucky called out again and Davina frowned. "Stark."

"Stark?" Scott looked at her.

"Suit up!" Captain ordered as they all did as he said.


"I'll try to talk to him." Cap stated and turned to look at Davina.

"You think it's worth it?"

"I don't know." He shook his head looking down.

They heard something.

"Get to your position." He ordered her and went to step in the clearing.

" He ordered her and went to step in the clearing

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Tony appeared from above him with Rhodey.

"Wow it's so wierd how you run into people at the airport don't you think?" Tony looked at Rhodey.

"Definitely wierd."

"Hear me out Tony. That doctor,psychiatrist,h's behind all of this." Just as he finnished his sentence The Black Panther appeared, jumping and landed next to Tony and Rhodey. "Captain."

"Your highness."

"Anyway. Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you all in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Tony walked closer aiming his question at Steve.

"You're after the wrong guy."

"Your judgement is stupid. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday."

"And there are five more supe soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first Tony,I can't. "

"Steve." Natasha appeared. "You know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"

Cap looked back at Tony who clearly has had enough. "All right I've ran out of patience. Underoos!"

Some sticky stuff stuck to Caps shield and pulled it up. A boy in a red suit has appeared landing on a truck behind Tony and his team with Captain's shield in his hand. Cas hands were also tied with it.

"Nice job kid." Tony applaused.

"Thanks.The landing could be better, it's just the new suit, wait, well it's nothing! Mr. Stark, it's perfect thank you!"

"We don't really need to start a conversation." Tony lessoned him.

"Okay. Cap, Captian, I'm a big fan, Spiderman."

"Yeah we will talk about it later. Just..good job. "

"You've been busy." Cap called Tony out.

"And you've been a complete idiot! Dragging in Clint,getting Wanda, I'm trying to keep from tearing the Avengers apart!"

"You did that when you signed."

"Alright we're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over and you're all gonna come with us,Now! Because it's us! Or sguad of JCOC guys with no compunction of being polite!"

Cap looked to his right,looking at the others that were in the airport building waiting for a signal.

"We found it. The quinjet's in hangar five north runway."

Cap heard Sams voice in the earpiece and looked at Tony. He put his hands up in the air as Clints arrow released Caps hands from web.

"Allright Lang." Cap said and Antman in a miniature form has appeared on his shield,kicking Spiderman grabbing the shield and landing next to Captain at normal size.

"I believe this is yours Captain America." He handed him the shield.

"Ah fuck." Tony cursed, "There's three on the parking deck, one of them is Hale I'm gonna grab her." He flew up in the air, "Rhodey you wanna take Cap?"

"Got two on the terminal, Wilson and Barnes." Rhodey notified getting T'challas attention. "Barnes is mine!"

He ran towards the terminal but Cap was quick to out run him. He grabbed him and threw him away.

"Move Captain. I won't ask a second time." T'challa warned him but Cap stood his ground,knowing he could take him and they both started fighting.

In the meantime Spiderman got to the terminal from the outside climbing the window.

"What the hell is that?" Bucky asked Sam as they were running towards the exit.

"Everyone's got a giving now!"

He suddenly broke through the glass kicking Sam hard as he flew back.
Bucky went to throw a punch at him not expecting the kid to block his punch with his own.

Buckys eyes widened.

"You have a metal arm? That is awesome dude!" And just as he said that Sam flew up grabbing him but didn't get to carry him for too long as he got out of his grasp pretty easily swinging on his web as he landed in one of the cornices.

He shot his web at Sam making him fall to the ground and just as he was about to stand up he secured his hands with his web.

"Those wings cabron-fibre?"

"This stuff coming out of you?"

"I would explain the rigidity flexibility but ratio which gotta say that's awesome."

"I don't know if you've been in a fight before but there's usually not this much talk."

"Alright sorry my bad." He jumped up and swung on the web as Bucky got to Sam, kicking them both to the ground and securing them.

"Guys look, I'd love to keep this up but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, I'm really sorry-" and just as he was about to cover them in even more web his scream filled the airport.

Sam and Bucky both looked up only to see Davina knocking him down and out the airport's window.

"Couldn't she come sooner?" Bucky growled.

"Shut up."

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