𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 58.

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New York 2012

"Alright we all have our assigments. Stay low, keep an eye on the clock."

The city was completely destroyed. It was the time when the fight with chitauri was happening.

They suddenly heard a low scream. They looked to the side seeing the Hulk from the past destroy things all around him.

"Maybe smash a few things along the way." Steve looked at Bruce.

Bruce growled and started punching into a few cars but it all just looked awkward.

"Can we take Hulk back and leave Bruce here?" Davina asked Steve making Bruce frown, "Very funny."


Steve and Davina were walking through the hallways of The Stark Tower,waiting for Tony's signal.

"Alright Cap I got our scepter in the elevator just passing the 80th floor."

Tony notified.

"On it. Head to the lobby."

"I can't be here." Davina spoke.

"What? Why?" He looked at her confused.

"Hydra." She hissed through her teeth looking around making sure no one is looking at them or listening.

"Just hide somewhere we will meet after." He said pecking her lips before entering the elevator.

But the men weren't why she was concerned. This buidling was way too familiar to her.

She took a different elevator down and when she was on the lowest floor she started searching for the old looking door.

When she saw them and tried opening them it was locked, so she broke the handle getting in.

The hallway led to a stairs. She walked down getting to another hallway. It was all getting more an more familiar.

"They did it." She heard Fury's voice at the end of the hallway so she quickly hid in some door when she realised where she was. Another hallway.

That hallway.

She was slowly walking through,breathing heavily as she heard a loud bang and the ground slightly shook

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She was slowly walking through,breathing heavily as she heard a loud bang and the ground slightly shook. She knew exactly where she was. She peeked from around the wall.

 She peeked from around the wall

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It was her past self. Sitting on the cold and hard ground like an animal. Next to her body was a hole in the ground she had probably punched in.

 Next to her body was a hole in the ground she had probably punched in

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Davina used her powers to control her mind from a far. She had to be aware of her own perfect hearing so she had to be careful, making her diconnect for a few seconds,not letting her acknowledge her.

When it worked, Davina walked in front of the cell.
It was the wierdest feeling. All she wanted to do was to tell herself she will be fine. That she only has to wait a few years and suddenly her life will be good. After such a long time she will be at peace with herself.

She will find her purpose,her lover.

She looked to the side seeing a door which confused her. She didn't exactly remember everything. She opened the door and that's when everything went down.

She saw her own files. The names of all the death people,even children that died by her hands.

The pictures of herself. Scary and bloody.

Her heartbeat quickened as she was going through the papers at such a speed. It was like she was having a panic attack and the memories suddenly hit her.

She fell to the ground breathing heavily as her head started spinning.

"Davina?"  She heard Steve ask in the earpiece but she wasn't answering. Her chest was hurting and she was scared she'd lose control. That's something she couldn't let happen.

Not now. Not here.Not when she's this powerful.

"Davina!"  Steve's voice was like an echo in her head.

She punched the ground mutliple times not knowing how to make it stop. It was taking too long and she was still fighting it.

After a few minutes the door flew open.

"Davina." Cap was there. He ran to her trying to pick her up. He looked shocked. Not knowing what this underground place even was.

"No leave!!" Davina grunted with her raspy voice, almost accidently hitting him.

"I'm not leaving you,what happened?!" He was just as terrified as she was.

Then he saw the files on the table and the pictures hanging on the wall.

He kneeled down next to her.

"Davina snap out of it. Talk to me." He tried everything he could.

His voice was becoming more quiet by every second. He then took her face in his hands making her look up at him. Her eyes still weren't completely red. That was a good thing.

"Listen to me. This is all in the past. It's not you anymore. I love you okay? I love you. Listen to me!"

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