𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 38.

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Tony was opening a package that came. The Zemo guy was already arrested and everything just kind of calmed down.

He took out a letter on which was written Tony.

And just as he started reading he already knew who it was from.

"Tony.I'm glad you're back at the compound.I don't like the idea of you wandering around the mansion by yourself.We all need family.
The Avengers are yours. Maybe more so than mine. I've been on my own since I was eighteen. I never really fit in,anywhere, even in the army. My fate's in...people,I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say that for the most part, they haven't let me down. Which is why I can't let them down either. Locks can be replaced,but,maybe they shouldn't. I know I hurt you Tony. I guess I thought, by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you but,I can see now that I was really sparing myself and I'm sorry.
Hopefully one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the accords I really do. I know you're doing what you believe in and that's what any of us can do,that's what any of us should. So no matter what, I promise you, If you need us,If you need me, I'll be there."

"Priority call from Secretary Ross. There's been a breach at the Raft prison." Friday notified Tony.

"Yeah put him through."

"Tony we have a problem."

"Ah please hold."

"Noo don't!-"


Davina was sitting in her cell. She got used to freedom so even these last two days felt like years. All of a sudden she heard so much noise and banging until it stopped. She waited in anticipation,curious about what was happening when she saw a tall figure walking towards her cell.

It was Steve.

But the grin plastered on his face didn't quite match Davinas frown

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But the grin plastered on his face didn't quite match Davinas frown.

She opened her cell using her strength to get out the prison clothes and ripped the shockcollar from her neck.

"What the hell were you thinking." She looked up at him.

"I know you're angry." Steve said.

"You could have die. Did you get them?"

"The doctor killed them before we got there. I will tell you the rest after." He reassured her but her face expression didn't change.

He placed his palm on the side of her face. "Stop thinking about the worst. I'm here." He told her and as if she finally calmed down.

"That's good. Because I'm not planning on losing you." She said looking deeply into his eyes.Davina wasn't the type of person to talk about her feelings. So everytime she did it, iy always affected him. He gently smiled before kissing her lips softly.

"Let's let the others out." Cap ordered as they did as he said.

They first let Wanda out since her cell wasn't so far away from Davinas. The hallways were full of unconscious bodies.

"Well, welcome to the criminal life Captain." Davina looked at Steve with a smirk on her face as he smirked back,shaking his head before they made their way to the rest of the cells.


Steve and Davina went into Steves apartment to get her things.

"Where's everything?" She asked looking around the apartment.

"We won't be able to stay here for some time." Steve said and Davina nodded,understanding before she went to get her things.

When she had all the things needed they walked out with all the others waiting for them.

Steve walked up to Sam,grabbing him by his shoulder. "You guys are gonna be fine?" Steve asked.

"We will figure something out." Sam smiled shaking Steves hand.

"You're good to go." Clint spoke and just now Davina noticed a quinjet placed at the end of the empty street with T'challa standing in front of it.

Steve gave Clint a nod as a thank you before grabbing Davinas bags. "C'mon." He said and both Davina and Bucky followed him.

"Where are we going? And since when are we friends with this guy?" Davina asked all confused looking at T'challa.


After a few long hours

Davina's been up the whole time talking to Steve while T'challa flew the jet and Bucky has been most of the ride asleep. In the meantime Steve told her everything that happened with Tony. And she wasn't too happy about it. She actually felt bad for the cocky Stark.

"We're almost there." T'challa notified.

Davina looked in front of them, seeing the beautiful nature. It was captivating and she couldn't take her eyes off of the view. She could see so many exotic animals just seeming to live such a peaceful life.

But the quinjet suddenly headed towards the trees and T'challa didn't look like he was gonna go pass them.

Davina closed her eyes in the rush expecting them to crush but nothing happened.
She then opened them, seeing something even more mesmerising.

 She then opened them, seeing something even more mesmerising

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"What is this place?" She looked at Steve.

"This is Wakanda. My home." T'challa answered for him as Davinas gaze moved to look at the view again.

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