𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 51.

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Something like that never happened to her. Yes, she could see inside someone's mind but only if she wanted to. This was random. Wierd and new. As if she was destined to see it.

She got into Tony's mind. Seeing them on the planet of Titan. She saw Strange through Tony's eyes levitating with the Time stone shining brightly.
She saw what Strange did. All the possible futures. She saw Tony snap his fingers.

She saw his death.

Then she snapped out of it.

She fell to the ground with Tony's body. Everyone stood around them. Rhodey picked Tony up carrying him into some room with Bruce and Pepper following them.

"What happened?!" Steve asked as he had his hand wrapped around her waist.

Davina was breathing heavily,her eyes were wide open full of fear and anger,devastated about knowing how it's all gonna end. Her head was spinning.

"Davina." Natasha called out for her again since she wasn't responding.

Even Thor was there. Looking at her, shocked.

"I'm good." She said harshly when Natasha tried to take her hand.

Davina stood up walking towards some chair as she sat down. One of her legs was shaking uncontrollably from anxiety.

"Sorry." She mumbled at Natasha and Natasha nodded,understanding.

She saw Steve's concerned face. He didn't dare to provoke it even more. Whatever it was that just happened it was horrible.

"Davina what was that?" Thor asked her but she shook her head,

"I can't tell you. Leave it." She said.

And they did as she said. But their curious and frightened minds were still trying to figure it out.

Rhodey came back,

"Bruce gave him sedatives. He's probably gonna be out for the rest of the day."

"You guys take care of him,and I'll bring him a healing elix when I come back." Carol suddenly started walking towards the exit leaving all the others looking at each other,confused.

"Where are you going?" Steve asked her.

"To kill Thanos." She said, still walking.

Davina suddenly got up, walking after her. "You need to keep your cocky ass in check or it's gonna get you in trouble." She growled from behind Carol,making her turn around and look at her.

"Sorry what?" Carol asked,sarcastically

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"Sorry what?" Carol asked,sarcastically.

"You heard me. Sit your ass down. Who do you think you are? A damn Lord and Savior?." Davina stood her ground but Carol wasn't impressed. She turned around, about to keep walking when Davina suddenly appeared in front of her in a speed of light making Carol stumble back.

They were both frowning at each other and the tension in the room was getting scary.

"Alright that's enough." Cap ordered but they wouldn't budge.

And when Carol had enough she launched at Davina and they both started fighting. They were both very powerful so things around were getting destroyed.

They even almost crushed Rocket but Nebula managed to catch him,getting him out of their way.

Davina kicked Carol so hard she broke through the window taking the fight out of the building. Everyone screamed at them but no one dared to get between them.

They ran outside seeing them still fighting.

It looked like a big blur but everything went quiet when Carol managed to grab Davina by her neck. Davina grabbed her hand and as Carol was trying to squeeze as hard as she could Davina's faced looked relaxed as she smirked at her.

Davina suddenly released her powers surrounding the two of them. It was suffocating Carol completely and breaking her skin into pieces. She tried letting go of Davina but Davina's hand kept her in place.

And as Davina noticed the life from Carol slowly dissapearing she stopped

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And as Davina noticed the life from Carol slowly dissapearing she stopped.

Carol fell to the ground and Davina stood looking down at her.

"Not so tough now,are you?" Davina asked her but Carol wasn't answering. Blood was rushing through her nose as well as she was coughing up blood.

"Davina come here." Cap said. He was looking at her unsure. She did as he said standing next to him without looking into his eyes. She dissapointed him. She knew it.

The others took Carol inside. Only Loki and Thor stayed behind. Loki was chuckling lightly at the situation before speaking up, "I like you." He said and Thor looked at him,

"I knew you two would get along." He said as they both walked inside.

"Davina-" Steve started but she cut him off.

"I got angry."

"Angry makes you vulnerable."

"No. Anger makes me stronger." She asnwered looking into his eyes before she walked back inside with him following her.


After they all calmed down and Carol caught her breath they met in the room again.

Natasha looked at Carol.

"We work as a team here. We realise space is more your territory but this is our fight too." She told her.

"Do you know where he is?" Rhodey asked Carol.

"I know people who might."

"Don't bother." Nebula suddenly spoke from the other side of the room.

"I know where he is. Thanos spent a long time trying to perfect me. And while he did he talked about his great plan. Even disassembled I wanted to please him. I'd ask, where would we go once his plan was complete. And his answer was always the same. To the garden."

"That's cute. Thanos has a retirement plan" Rhodey nagged.

"So where is he?" Steve asked stepping closer to the table.

"When Thanos snapped his fingers, Earth became ground zero for a power impulsion, ridiculously cosmic proportions, no one has ever seen anything like it. Until two days ago,on this planet." Rocket showed them a planot through the holographic device.

"Thanos is there." Nebula nodded.

"He used the stones again." Natasha took a closer look.

"Hey, hey, hey, we're still short handed you know?" Bruce protested.

"He still has the stones so," Rhodey spoke and Carol quickly interrupted him, "So let's get them. And use them to get everyone back."

"Just like that?!" Bruce didn't like the idea.

"Yeah, just like that." Steve answered looking at him.

Steve then looked at Davina.

"Let's go get this son of a bitch."

WEAPON | 𝐒.𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora