𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 13.

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He ran into the building only to see Helen Cho sitting on the ground with a bleeding wound.

"Doctor Cho," he ran to her sitting down so he was on the same level as her and tried to stop the bleeding.

"He's uploading himself into the body." She said, almost breathless.

"Where?" Steve asked but when she wasn't answering he tried standing up to let the others know and try to catch him but Helen stopped him from doing so by putting her hand on his arm making him stop and look at her.

"The real power is inside the regenerator. The gem. It's power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the regenerator to Stark."

"First I have to find it." Steve said standing up and running off.

"Did you guys copy that?"

"We did." Clint answered for both him and Davina.

"There. It's a truck from the lab." Davina pointed at it.

"Right above you Cap. On the bridge." Clint directed him. ,,I could take out the driver."

"Negative. That truck crashes..the gem could level the city. We need to keep Ultron busy." Steve notified through the earpiece.

After he said that, Clint and Davina noticed him jumping from the upper bridge onto the lower, landing on the truck where Ultron was.

He moved to the door of the truck but Ultron blew them off from the inside, making them explode but Cap was quick to catch it, hanging on them.

"Well he is definitely unhappy. I'm gonna try and keep it that way."

Steve jumped on a random car behind them and back on the truck. Ultron was already on top of it,waiting for him.

"You know what's in this truck? The power to make real change and that terrifies you."

"I wouldn't call it a comfort." Cap said throwing his shield at him with an incredible force and the fight begun.
It was going well, he was keeping up but when Ultron threw his shield away and with his powers made him fly off to another car, Clint launched plan B.

Davina got ready and placed herself where the ships drop off is.

"Okay..3...2...show him hell." And he pushed the button releasing Davina onto the highway.

She sprinted through the cars trying to find Caps shield. After a while she did. She ran to it, picking it up.

"Davina, to the right. Now." Clint directed her.

She turned right and kept running.

"You're way too fast I lost you."

"That's cool I got it." She answered when she saw the truck. Steve was on top of it again, fighting Ultron.

She got to the side of the truck throwing the shield up and Steve caught it right away, hitting Ultron with it making him stomp back but It didn't take him long to get back into it, kicking Steve of the truck as Davina caught him in the air falling to the ground with him. She made sure he's not hurt and ran behind the truck, jumping on it.

Now it was her vs Ultron but he was no match to her, she was way too fast and strong.

"Okay then." Steve stayed on the highway by himself breathing heavily watching Davina fight Ultron until the truck took a turn and he could no longer see it.

"Clint, take out the guards of the regenerator." He ordered him and Clint did as he was told.

He started firing at them making them fly out and follow him up into the air.

Davina threw Ultron off the truck as he landed on the side of the road.

Steve jumped out of a motorcycle he probably stole on the way,picking Ultron up and throwing him into a train ending up with him in it and he started smashing his fists into him not giving Ultron even a chance to stand up.

Davina ran to follow the speeding train.

"Natasha got to the truck, she's inside.I will keep an eye on her." Clint notified them.

Davina sprinted on the rails getting closer and closer to the train.

She jumped on it and got in through the window. Making her way through the vagons until she reached Steve and Ultron. She slammed with her body force into Ultron throwing him away from Steve.

But they weren't expecting Ultron to get up and fly out of the train.

"Shit, we lost him." Steve cursed and in a second they noticed the train was not stopping and it was off the rails.

"Ultron's got Nat!" Clint shouted.

"If you have the package get it to Stark,go!"

"I need to find Nat."

"Go!!" He screamed again and looked at Davina. ,,Civilians are in our path."

Davina understood and as she was about to take care of it she noticed someone was already doing the job.

"The Maximoff guy's taking care of it." She said, making Steve come closer to the window to see and he turned his attention towards Davina again.

"Can you stop this thing?" He asked in a husky voice and Davina nodded.

She jumped out, running to the front.
She pushed with both her hands into the train with all her strength. Her feet were slightly burrying into the ground as she pushed even harder,slowing it.

In the meantime Cap was protecting the people that were inside the train and the boy was still clearing out the way.

After a while Davina stopped the train completely.

Steve got out breathing heavily and Davina noticed the other twin,the girl, already standing there waiting for her brother, asking if he's okay as he tried to catch his breath.

"I'm good, I just need to take a minute." He answered and Captain overheard him say it,walking towards them with Davina right behind him. "I'm very tempted not to give you one." He stated and the girl spoke:

"The regenerator, did you get it?" She asked Steve.

"Stark will take care of it."

"No he won't. " She took a step back with a frightened expression on her face as they all just stayed looking at each other for a few seconds.

"You don't know what you're talking about Stark's not crazy." Steve defended him but the girl stood her ground.

"He will do anything to make things right. Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?"

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