𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 11.

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Steve closed the door and looked at Davina. She was sitting on the bed with a neutral expression while Steve kept a childish smile on his face.

"Not funny." Davina stated now smiling a little too, making him chuckle.

... meanwhile

"Honey?" Laura walked into Clints and her bedroom. Clint was already half asleep.


"What's going on between Steve and the girl Davina?" Her words woke him up almost completely as he turned to face her at the same time she was getting into bed.

"What do you mean?"

"I think I just walked in on them."

"Doing what?" He asked confused and sat up.

"Getting...heated up." She said making Clint laugh.

"What the hell. I didn't notice anything between them." He said smirking and frowning at the same time.

"Don't tell anyone! they will know I told you."

"I won't. The others would be furious."

"Why?" Laura frowned a little and added, "He deserves happines too."

"Yes but why with the most dangerous out of control killer out there?"

"Wait is that what she is? And she is in our house? What about our kids??"

"Don't worry, most of the time she has been behaving and she has a shock collar that will put her in a trance if she tries anything.

The next morning:

Davina woke up looking around her but without finding Steve. She slept for only an hour while Steve was getting his sleep fully. Her thoughts were keeping her up the whole night so it was a long time since right after Laura left they went to sleep.

She stood up to do the morning hygiene and when she was about to leave the room to walk downstairs she noticed her shock collar on Steves table. She walked up to it and put it on. It was better that way. For everyone.

"Hey." Natasha greeted her in the kitchen.

"Hey." Davina sat down next to her with a glass of water.

"Are you girls hungry?" Laura came in and Davina just looked away. She was hoping she won't say anything about yesterday night. She already knew how the others would react. It would turn crazy.

"Well I already ate. What about you Davina?"

"Where is everyone?"

"Clints playing with kids, Steve and Tony are outside helping with wood and Dr. Banner is probably still sleeping." Laura answered.

"Right I'm gonna go check on him." Natasha stood up and left.

"Would you mind bringing this to Clint?" Laura asked handing Davina a plate of food.


"Thor didn't say where he was going for answers?" Tony said out of breath.

"Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things." Steve answered looking directly at Clint from a far and continued, "I was kinda hoping Thor would be the exception."

"Yeah, give him time. We don't know what the Maximoff kid showed him."

"They pulled us apart like cotton candy." Steve mumbled as he sheared into the pile of wood.

"Seems like you and obviously Davina walked away alright." Tony nagged making Steve stop to look Tony up and down as they both noticed Davina how she's handing Clint a plate.

"Is that a problem?" He asked,his attention on Tony again.

"I don't trust a guy without a dark side."

"Well let's just say you haven't seen it yet."

"You know Ultron's trynna tear us apart, right?" Tony asked.

"Well I guess you'd know." This time Steve was the one nagging.

"Banner and I were doing research."

"That would affect the team."

"That would end the team!. Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the why we fight, to end the fight? so we get to go home?!" Tonys words made Steve so furious he teared the wood with his bare hands in half making Tony blankly stare at it for a few seconds.

Davina heard the sound turning around to look at them.

"Everytime someone tries to end the war before it starts, innocent people die. Everytime." Steve wasn't easy to give up. But the argument ended when Laura approached them.

"I'm sorry..Mr. Stark, Clint said you wouldn't mind, our tractor doesn't seem to wanna start at all."

"Yeah okay, I'll look at it." Tony answered looking at Steve one more time before leaving.

"Don't take from my pile." He pointed at his pile. Davina heard him, making her laugh since his pile was much smaller then Steves.


Tony walked into their shed making his way over to their tractor.
He started checking it , figuring out what's wrong when a very well known voice interrupted him.

"Do me a favor. Try not to bring it to life." Fury was standing in front of him with his hands in his pockets.

"Maria Hill called you right? Was she ever not working for you?" Tony asked steping closer to him and started speaking again, "Look yesterday has been a really long day, like really fucking long so how about we skip to the part where you're usefull."

"Look me in the eye and tell me you're going to shut him down." Fury interrupted him.

"You're not the director of me." Tony stated in a defensive tone.

"I'm not the director of anybody. I'm just an old man.. who cares very much about you." He looked straight into Tonys eyes.

"And I'm the man who killed the Avengers. I saw it. I didn't tell the team. How could I.. I saw them dead Nick, the whole world too. Because of me. I wasn't ready. I didn't do what I could."

"The Maximoff girl, she's working you Stark." Fury said trying to get Tony back in the game and continued, "That's why I gave you Davina."

"You won't let her use her powers against hers." Tony hissed.

"She would probably kill you all by an accident if I did. Her powers are much more powerful than the Maximoff girls. It's not easy to control them. She'd need to work with them by herself locked up in something but we have no time for that. It doesn't matter that much because she can still protect you from Maximoffs powers with hers even if she's not using it. "

Fury noticed Tonys confused expression and continued to explain,

"Maximoffs powers don't work on Davina. She can also protect you from them or end them sooner then they mess up your mind."

Tony just stayed looking at him both impressed and more calm.

"Let's go inside I wanna see you all."

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