Chapter (11): Crucial Decision

Start from the beginning

She moved an arm around Madeline, pulling her closer. "We bought the dress, finally, after trying out fourteen dresses." She chuckled.

"Fourteen?! That's a lot."

"Well, you know how picky Eva is when it comes to fashion and dresses and heels."

"Yeah... I know what you mean by 'Picky'."

They stayed silent for a minute and then Madeline chuckled, making Wren turn to her with a question mark on her face.

"What's so funny?"

"It's just, uh, I remembered Eva telling me something today." She met Wren's eyes. "She wants to help you in buying your wedding suit since you aren't girly and into dresses."

She laughed. "I don't mind as long as I won't wear a dress and won't be one of the bridesmaids."

"She has a good taste in suits except for that one time in high school when she chose a formal attire for her boyfriend. He looked like a magician with the dark red suit."

"And what? She was wearing a witch costume too?"

"No, she was wearing short red dress. Just call her whenever you are free because if you didn't give her a date, she will storm in your company and drag you from your ear."

"Okay... that sounds a little bit intimidating."

They laughed together and then Wren got up, stretching and Madeline followed her. Wren turned off the TV and grabbed her hand, taking them to the bedroom.

Madeline was already in her PJs and she was waiting for Wren to join her in the bed. Wren changed into her white sleeve shirt and grey shorts then crawled into bed beside her, with one arm opened for Madeline to rest her head on her shoulder.

"Can I ask you something?" said Madeline playing with her shirt.


"How many girls have you dated in your life?"

Wren chuckled and opened her eyes, looking up at the ceiling. "A lot actually."

"Can they be counted?"

"Uh, I guess so, but I only remember a few... like my first girlfriend in school, then some other girls after like the twins that you met before, Sophia and Isabelle. Before college I was a womanizer but then I met..." She sighed. "I met this girl... who I fell in love with or I thought I was, but, um, she cheated on me several times behind my back and I didn't know about that until the day I caught her with two of my male friends... a threesome." She rubbed her eyes. "And then I was devastated for a few months which led me to sleep with my roommate and ended up breaking her heart because I didn't know that she had a crush on me."

"You mean Emily?"

"... Yeah, how did you know about that?" She frowned.

"She told me when I worked for you. I was curious and kind of forced her to tell me your story."

"Well... It doesn't matter now. A couple of weeks later after I slept with her I met Monique at a club and we became officially together for a while but then I broke up with her because I didn't love her like I loved Georgina, the one who broke my heart and Monique and I stayed friends with benefits."

"Do you still love her? I mean Georgina... do you?"

She kissed her forehead and looked down at her. "No."

"I fell in love with someone who restored my heart back to its rightful place and I don't think I was ever in love with Georgina." She smiled at her and earned a soft kiss from Madeline leaving both of them smiley.

"I wonder who that person is. Seems wonderful to me."

Wren chuckled softly and Madeline nestled herself closer to Wren as they started to give up to a peaceful slumber.


It was after midnight and Wren woke up, unable to go back to sleep as thoughts about Georgina roamed her mind over and over again. Emily's words also concerned her because there is a chance that Georgina's return may add salt to an open wound that was almost closed by Madeline. She soundlessly sat on the bed and swung her feet to the side of the bed to get out but glanced over her shoulder at Madeline who was already asleep. Wren got out of the room and went to her study, opening the door and turned on the lamp on the desk, while taking a seat and rummaging through some papers.

She put her hands on her cheeks as her eyes roamed over the CVs and the picture of Georgina. She was still the same except in the photo her hair grew longer and she is very much qualified for the job.

Wren sighed heavily, putting her head on the desk and running a hand through her hair and her other hand tapped the desk a few times thoughtfully before raising her head and looking back at the CV, then she heard footsteps approaching her study and caught Madeline entering the room with her sleepy eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Uh, nothing." She closed the folder and put it back in her bag. "Just checking on some work. It's no big deal... go back to sleep."

Madeline crossed her arms and gave Wren a look, making Wren grin and chuckle softly. "Alright, I'm coming."

She got up and walked to Madeline, taking her hand and they both went to the bedroom together. Madeline turned to her side and took Wren's arm wrapping it around herself and pulling their bodies together for a spooning position.

"I love you." Wren whispered in her ear and gave her a kiss on the temple and Madeline nodded sleepily.


The following morning, Wren woke up before Madeline, leaving her a note, saying she went early to work and will call her later.

Wren stared at the CV one last time and grabbed the phone from the desk calling the human resource of her company.

"Yes, miss Wren?"

"E-mail Georgina Mathews... She's hired."

"Right away."

She hung up the phone and started her day as if nothing ever happened and will happen. A few minutes later, Emily arrived and knocked on Wren's office, poked her head and Wren motioned for her to enter. She walked to the desk with her eyes fixed on Wren.

"I thought about it... and, uh, I hired her. Peter will e-mail her about our approval."

Emily closed her eyes, sighing. "Your approval, Wren. Yours! Not mine and not ours! I can't believe I have to work with this bitch sitting on the desk across from me and I have to see her ugly face every day."

"Look... I don't care about that. The past remains in the past, alright? It was a tough decision to make. Now, I hired her because of her qualification and she won't affect me or my job, do you understand?" Her words were stern like a boss treating her employee and Emily knew that Wren now is being the bossy Wren and not the friendly one. "When she gets here tomorrow, you'll help her like you helped Madeline and I don't want to hear any word from you about how much you hate her. This is a work place and not some sort of school. Do your job, I'll do mine and she'll do hers as well. Just put your emotions aside and focus on your job. Am I clear?"

"Yes." She gave her a firm nod while gritting her teeth.

"Good, now get back to your desk."

She turned on her heel and stepped out of the office but she was fuming. Emily pulled out her phone and started dialing a number.

"Hey, we need to talk.... It's urgent."

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