Chapter 37: Wen Xu's Warning

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Lan WangJi felt his eyes turn dark as a disciple rushed into the Elegance Hall, panting, "The Wens!"

At once, the four Lan's stood up and rushed outside. Even as they rushed forward, they heard yells and the harsh laughter of Wen Xu. Lan WangJi felt his jaw clench, bursting into a run, his Father, Uncle, and Brother following.

The smell of burning wood and smoke began to waft around the once quiet place. Lan WangJi at once, paused, activating the illusion talisman, his brother doing the same. They had set them all up, allowing remote access of them with their spiritual energy.

However, there was also fighting.

"Young Master Wen!!" Lan HuiLang called out, once they saw the heir to Qishan.

A few Lan Sect disciples were fighting against the Wen soldiers, defending their wounded friends. Lan WangJi understood at once, these disciples had either been injured or burned.


"I know,"

"Sect Leader Lan," Wen Xu smirked.

"You three, go and help," Lan HuiLang ordered them.

Lan WangJi hesitated, but one small smile from his Father was enough. He unsheathed Bichen and attacked the Wen soldiers, helping the injured disciples and ordering them to go and find others. The back hill was announced as a safety measure for any injured or young disciples, to avoid fighting.

As the soldiers began to fight Lan WangJi, the young Jade fought back easily, keeping an eye on his Father, who had begun fighting Wen Xu. His Father was a powerful man, Lan WangJi knew this. But he also knew his Father couldn't risk injuring Wen Xu. He could only defend and kick the male away.

Wen Xu's maniac cackles were horrible. He yelled madly, "Burn it! Burn it all! The GusuLan Sect must learn their lesson!!"

"Young Master Wen, I have to ask you to leave," Lan HuiLang spat.

Lan WangJi heard a cackle and then he saw someone behind his Father. Fear took over him as memories of having a glimpse of his Father's injured form being rushed to the Hanshi. The inevitable news of his Father dying. His brother missing. Lan WangJi didn't even think before sending Bichen out, a terrified yell escaping his throat, "FATHER!"

Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren both looked alarmed, only to see Bichen's blue glare light up behind Lan HuiLang, who had pushed Wen Xu back with his sword. Turning around, Lan HuiLang saw a Wen soldier on the ground in a pool of blood, gasping in pain. Bichen was impaled in his arm, a sword fallen down. This man had almost reached the Sect Leader.

Lan HuiLang's eyes grew wide, before he heard mad laughter, "Fall back!"

At once, all the Wen soldiers fell back, except for one group. Lan HuiLang glanced over and froze, Lan Xichen calling out, "A-Zhan!!"

Lan WangJi growled, punching and kicking the Wen soldiers away from him. With a small decision of seeing his Uncle head towards his Father, he summoned Bichen back and slashed with spiritual energy before jumping back to his family's side, the four of them standing together and glaring at Wen Xu, who smirked.

"Lan WangJi, Lan WangJi, you know why I wanted to take this little fun lesson?" Wen Xu sickered, "Cause I'd get to meet you!"

Lan WangJi was unphased. Lan Xichen, being the protective older brother demanded, "Why?"

"For the pretty boy of course!" Wen Xu's eyes turned mad, "From Yunmeng. Wei WuXian,"

Lan WangJi's whole demeanor turned cold, his family casting glances at him as he spat, "Stay away from him,"

Brother in Laws ||Mo Dao Zu Shi||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon