Chapter 41: First Night and Day

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The following morning was a mess. Not only were the large group of disciples without their swords and given awful meals, but they were also all forced to sleep in the same room. The room was extremely large, almost looking like a huge storage containment. There were rows and rows of beds lined up beside one another, narrow passage ways to walk through. When the group had first entered the place after the introduction ceremony, run through of rules, and reminders of places they couldn't go, yells of outrage had rang out.

"I can't believe this!!!" Jin ZiXuan yelled as Lan Xichen stepped back from the door that had closed in front of him.

The male had gone to see if this was where they'd be staying and the guards had only nodded and said they weren't allowed to leave due to curfew, slamming the door shut.

"It could be worse," Lan WangJi deadpanned, "It is not terrible. It is, different than what we're used to, but we have beds and a stable roof above us,"

A young master from a minor Sect roared, "We're heirs, prominent young masters, and disciples! Not some common folk or servants!"

Jiang Cheng was quick to snap back, "Be thankful for what you have, ungrateful brats!"

Lan Xichen gave a smile of relief, agreeing with Jiang Cheng's words, "Wanyin is correct. We are granted privilege from youth. Yet, we must remember others are not as fortunate,"

"It's not difficult to make a living for yourself," a disciple grumbled.

Jiang Cheng heard his brother snap loudly, "If its so easy why are their elderly who are forced to move their weakened bodies to work, just for basic necessities? Why are their children as young as the age of four running around the streets in rags, being chased by dogs, digging out of trash, and eating from the floor? Why are there people who are so thin, that they could float upon a river? Why are there homeless and poor?"

Everyone looked at the senior disciple who was giving them all stern looks. Wei WuXian swept his gaze over all of them, not sparing a single person, "Its not easy, just because making a living has been blessed upon your ungrateful heads since before birth. Just because you never have to worry about being starved or going cold, doesn't mean other people are the same. And yes, its completely possible to help someone make a living. You can teach the poor to farm, but how can they make a living if they do not have the resources? Resources which they scramble for just to fill their mouths and cover their bones? So tell me, young masters, maidens, is a barrak so bad or would you rather fend on the streets?"

The silence was immaculate.

Even Jiang Cheng, Lan WangJi, Lan Xichen, and Nie Huaisang had fallen into deep thought, despite understanding the other's words, with knowledge of Wei WuXian's past. They were indeed privileged. They did help the poor with money or sometimes food, but what could that do for a long term solution? They didn't know the struggles of the streets. They were never in a situation where they struggled for sleep, food, and warmth. Wei WuXian's words were nothing short of true. They were fortunate, unlike so many others.

A few disciples who did come from poor families, hadn't spoken up nor complained about the situation. They looked at Wei WuXian with admiration in their eyes. Lan WangJi noticed and couldn't help but smile a bit at Wei WuXian, the boy seeing it and eyes softening slightly.

Wei WuXian raised an eyebrow, waiting for a few more seconds. When no one said anything, he smiled brightly, as if he hadn't just schooled everyone in the room, "Wonderful! Let's pick beds shall we? Lan Zhan, do you want to share with me?"

Red faces lit up the room.

"Shameless!" Lan WangJi hissed, ears red but he did not refuse.

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