Chapter 96: Greed - IV

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Jiang Cheng wants to punch someone.

Like, really badly. The moment he heard about Wei WuXian swearing loyalty to that golden slug he was furious! He was fully prepared to kill Jin Guangshan when he and his mother went to Koi Tower. Consequences be damned! The only people objecting would be those who got advantages from Jin Guangshan's rule. Other than that, Jiang Cheng really didn't think anyone cared!

Hell, he was surprised that last time, Madam Jin hadn't brought a partner to Jin GuangShan's funeral!

Long story short, Jiang Cheng was fuming. Because not only did he not kill Jin Guangshan, but his brother had told them he did it on his own accord. His brother had defended Jin Guangshan. His brother had sworn loyalty to the sect that had been trying to ruin him for almost three years!

His mother seemed to have come to a bitter acceptance, but Jiang Cheng was not accepting shit. Jin Guangshan was no fool, he, out of everyone, knew that. He had let that man manipulate him and it had cost him everything.

When they reached Lotus Pier, Yu ZiYuan had given him a small glance before saying, "Go to the archery field. You look like you're about to destroy everything you see,"

"Just everything with that damned peony on it," Jiang Cheng hissed, but turned to head in the direction of the archery field.

He storms through the halls, unaware of just how dark his expression was. If he had Zidian, it would be thundering, purple sparks popping and sizzling with no pause. The Archery Field is empty, which Jiang Cheng is glad for. He grabs a bow and a cluster of arrows. Standing under the sun, he glares at the target and releases an arrow, watching as it hit the center. He does it again and again, the twang of the string and impact with the painted wood echoing in the silent field.

As he shoots, his thoughts spiral into the former timeline, while also thinking of everything going on in this one. Jiang Cheng doesn't understand why his brother was acting differently, the small hesitance he had seen back in Lanling telling him that something had happened. Something Wei WuXian was not telling them. And Jiang Cheng didn't know if it was a good or bad thing.

Wei WuXian keeping secrets screws with his mind because he keeps recalling that fucking day. That fateful evening where his brother had finally entered Lotus Pier. Where he had fucked it up by letting his storm take over and ignore the things creating it. He remembers watching his brother faint and Lan WangJi catching him. He remembers Wen Ning coming out of nowhere and he remembers being angry. Being furious at Wen Ning and stupid perfect Lan WangJi for protecting his brother.

It wasn't right!

He was supposed to be with his brother- so how the fuck did it end up with their "enemies" protecting Wei WuXian while he was opposing him.

He remembers Wen Ning holding up the sword, daring him to unsheathe it. Jiang Cheng had acted to mock him, thinking the fierce corpse wasn't aware that it was sealed. But then it had fucking unsheathed. It had unsheathed with Jiang Cheng's hand and all the anger and amusement seemed to have vanished in a moment.

He remembers seeing the hardened gaze of frustration in Wen Ning, watching as Jiang Cheng's expression turned into pure shock as he stared down at the unsheathed blade. He remembers seeing Lan WangJi's expression of stoicness falter just a bit, before turning to stare at the unconscious Wei WuXian. He remembers the denial, the guilt, the horror, the hurricane that Wen Ning had released inside him by telling him why.

By giving him every answer he ever wanted. Why his brother had left so easily. Why his brother had acted so boldly to save the Wens. Why he never used his sword. Why he couldn't stay with Jiang Cheng. Why he used the dark path. Why, why, why.

Brother in Laws ||Mo Dao Zu Shi||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ