Chapter 93: Greed - I

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Wei WuXian knew it would not be long before word would travel from Koi Tower to the outside, so he settled himself to begin his tasks so he could get out and forget about the entire ordeal. Thus, he was walking around with Jin Guangshan, who gave him a relaxed tour around Koi Tower and explained how it worked. Wei WuXian already despised hearing the man speak during conferences, so walking up and down the entirety of a great sect with a first class tour was causing his hair to gray.

Thankfully, he had a lot of practice pretending. He also distracted himself by only asking questions if he absolutely needed it. Yet, due to how reluctant he was to listen, he found himself forgetting things and most likely missing key things. By the time they were three hours into the tour, they had reached the cluster of rooms and hallways that ran beneath the golden castle.

Since Koi Tower's entrance was a tremendous staircase, it wasn't incorrect to say the tower was built on a mountain in the middle of a city. That being said, the staircase led to the main complex and held most of the necessities including living spaces, offices, infirmary, a treasury, gardens, courtyards, training yards, and kitchens.

"So...what's down here then?" Wei WuXian asked as they entered from a hatch in Jin Guangshan's office tiled floor.

Jin Guangshan was in front of him as they descended, his voice echoing slightly, "It's main purpose is a dungeon and escape route, but, in time, its served as a hidden treasury and there have been rooms built and furnished throughout,"

Wei WuXian found himself asking, "Oh? Have you used any?"

Jin Guangshan didn't answer with words, but rather a soft chuckle. That was all the answer Wei WuXian needed. Once more, he was reminded by the leech he had just kneeled to hours before. Shaking the thoughts away, Wei WuXian let Jin Guangshan guide him through the tunnels.

There weren't that many tunnels and they weren't just dug out either. They had been constructed with precision, the walls decorated thinly along with lanterns lighting the way. A few times down here and Wei WuXian had no doubt he would be able to maneuver through the mini maze with ease.

In total, through the tunnels, there were a total of eight exits. Two in the front of the "mountain", four on the back side, and one on each side. These exits were sealed and spelled, the outermost walls of the tunnels warded and refined with metal rods to ensure the earth could not just be dug through.

All in all, Wei WuXian could not help but be impressed. When they reached the final exit, Jin Guangshan snapped his finger, revealing the yellow array that surrounded the circular door. Wei WuXian glanced at it, taking in the sigils and raising an eyebrow, "This is ancient,"

"Indeed," Jin Guangshan smiled letting the array fade again, before leading the way back to the main complex, "The tunnels are probably the oldest part of the complex,"

Wei WuXian hummed softly. He thought over everything and chuckled, "I might have to request a physical blueprint,"

Jin Guangshan smiles, "I have one in the treasury," he then says, glancing over with what Wei WuXian assumes is supposed to be an apologetic look, "You'll have to be watched if I take it out of there. Safety reasons, you understand?"

Wei WuXian hates this man.

"Of course,"

And that leads him to days of seclusion as he begins to design and tests wards, time with two guards standing outside his room due to his possession of the complete blueprints of the Koi Tower. Wei WuXian only eats and takes breaks when Jiang Yanli comes in at meal times with meals. She's scolding and insistent that he rests. She also seems to be a little angry at him, and Wei WuXian realizes after the third visit, its because Jin ZiXuan had probably explained the oath and what it entailed.

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