Chapter 40: The QishanWen Sect Indoctrination

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Jiang Cheng breathed in the air surrounding Qishan with bitterness. He hated it everywhere. The red was blinding and the city was loud. For a good reason or not was uncertain. Briefly gripping the sword on his waist, he looked at Wei WuXian, who offered back a small smile. They glanced back to look at the other 18 disciples, who gave the brother's shrugs and wary glances. Sighing, Jiang Cheng briefly took his brother's hand - much to the older's shock - and they walked together.

They paused when a few Wen soldiers saw them and walked over. Bowing respectfully, they guided the group towards the pavilion. It screamed arrogance, the structure a huge staircase going higher and higher to a small top pavilion.

"This is insane," Wei WuXian muttered, squeezing his brother's hand, the younger nodding in agreement.

They found a bunch of other sects standing, their different robes spreading some flashes of culture in the rather barren setting. Wei WuXian's figure jumped a bit, seeing the Twin Jade's of Lan.

"Lan Zhan! Er-Ge!" Wei WuXian tugged Jiang Cheng over, the sect heir sending a silent command to the other disciples.

The twin Jade's glanced over, both of their gazes relaxing (Lan Xichen's more than his brothers) at the sight of the two. Lan WangJi automatically wrapped a hand around his lover's waist, Wei WuXian letting go of Jiang Cheng's hand to lean against the older, "I wasn't sure if you were gonna come,"

"I heard you were going," Lan WangJi spoke, reaching up and flicking away some dust on Wei WuXian's nose, "And I would not let Ge go alone. With Father and Uncle at home, Gusu is well taken care of,"

Lan Xichen agreed, "It felt better for the both of us to come,"

Wei WuXian chuckled, agreeing as he glanced towards his own brother, who smirked at him. Wei WuXian's eyes flowed over the area, and he frowned, "There's girls here,"

The group looked over in the direction of his eyes, to see a small group of about five females talking with one another. Jiang Cheng glanced around the rest of the area, hearing Lan Xichen sigh, seeing people like Jin ZiXuan and the Twin Jade's have different swords strapped to their waists. At first glance, there was nothing wrong, all the fake swords having wonderful sheathes and had the respective signature of the owners Sect. Jiang Cheng smiled, "Everyone got my Father's letter?"

Jin ZiXuan and Nie Huaisang, who had been not too far, strode over the group at the question, the fan cultivator speaking up, "Yeah. I even brought false fans,"

Nie Huaisang pulled out two fans from his sleeves. Jin ZiXuan saw them and chuckled, "No where close to the original,"

"Of course not, I can make that in a few days," Wei WuXian shook his head, "I spent months on those fans,"

Jin ZiXuan looked surprised, "Do you make spiritual tools often?"

"Why do you want to know?" Wei WuXian narrowed his eyes, "Didn't you want nothing to do with my sect?"

Jin ZiXuan rolled his eyes, "I never said that,"

"No, just insulted my sister," Wei WuXian smirked and Jiang Cheng had his own smirk when he saw Jin ZiXuan wince and regret flash on his face.

However, knowing the truth, Jiang Cheng placed a hand on the Jin's shoulder, "Does Young Master Jin have anything to tell us?"

Jin ZiXuan promptly gritted his teeth. He then looked at the ground, "I apologize for the words I said about your sister. It was ill considerate and..."

"And?" Lan Xichen raised an eyebrow.

Jin ZiXuan clenched his fists, "And I was very wrong about Maiden Jiang...very...very wrong,"

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