Chapter 15: Surprising Interactions

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"Come on," Jiang Cheng ordered the moment class ended, Lan WangJi following away and towards the Elegance Hall where Wei WuXian would still be serving his punishment...and most likely playing with Ant's.

They both walked silently, glancing around in front of them to catch sight of the back of Wei WuXian's head. When they began to near the Elegance Hall, Lan WangJi spotted Wei WuXian first. He then suddenly stopped walking, grabbing Jiang Cheng to make him halt as well.

"What?" Jiang Cheng frowned, deepening it as Lan WangJi motioned for him to be silent.

"Wei Ying isn't in the same place," Lan WangJi muttered.

Jiang Cheng looked towards his brother. He was kneeling dutifully head slightly hung. His shoulders were shaking slightly, but not too much. Jiang Cheng's eyes narrowed with confusion as he scanned the area around his brother. Wei WuXian was seated in a different area than he was last time, but he was still on the stone path. However, instead of facing the small bushes and stones where an anthill would be located, he was facing down the path.

"He..." Jiang Cheng mumbled confused, before softly taking a few steps forward.

Lan WangJi suddenly fisted Jiang Cheng's sleeve tightly. Jiang Cheng glanced back annoyed and confused, anger fading as he saw the shock and worry on the other's face. (Yes, he had long since become used to reading a few emotions. But only a few). The next sentence Lan WangJi murmured made him still, "Crying..."

Jiang Cheng looked at Wei WuXian, concentrating his hearing. When he heard the small sniffles and mumble of curse words, his eyes widened. He broke free, striding forward fast, "A-Xian!!"

Wei WuXian jumped at the call and Jiang Cheng saw the older quickly raise his hands to his face, before turning around and grinning brightly, "A-Cheng!"

Jiang Cheng knelt down quickly, Lan WangJi walking up behind him. The future Sect Leader looked over Wei WuXian's face and frowned worriedly, "Were you crying?"

"What?" Wei WuXian choked, reaching up and patting his face with sleeves, "No! Do I look like it?"

"We heard...crying," Lan WangJi informed.

"Well you must've heard wrong," Wei WuXian teased but Jiang Cheng couldn't help but feel as if the other was purposely avoiding the conversation.

He sighed, shaking his head, "Father's here,"

"Yeah, I know. He's in there with Qingheng Jun and Sect Leader Jin," Wei WuXian nodded towards the Elegance Hall.

Jiang Cheng stood up just as a Lan disciple walked over to the three. He bowed politely and glanced at them saying, "You can stop kneeling now, Young Master Wei,"

Wei WuXian sprang up, bowing in thanks as the disciple walked away. Smiling, Wei WuXian looked at Lan WangJi, "Gege, thank you for protecting me from that peacock,"

Lan WangJi smoothly pulled Wei WuXian into a chaste kiss, mumbling against the younger's lips, "Will always protect Wei Ying,"

Jiang Cheng resisted the urge to vomit.

The three of them waited outside the Elegance Hall patiently, chatting away with one another. Or more accurately, Wei WuXian chatted with the both of them, who only responded to Wei WuXian and never each other. Jiang Cheng and Lan WangJi occasionally sent a couple of glares at one another if they disagreed on something and the silver-eyed male was always quick to move on to some other topic.

When the doors slid open, the three boy's turned to look towards the three people walking out. Lan HuiLang was in the center. To his right was a man who wore the peony-embroidered robes of the LanlingJin Sect with a vermillion mark on his forehead. He had handsome features and a square-shaped face. Jiang Cheng and Lan WangJi both felt bitterness flushing within them at the sight of Jin Guangshan.

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