Chapter 27: The Mind of Sect Leader, Heart of a Brother - part II

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Jiang Cheng opened the door in front of him, carrying a tray in the other. The male in the room glanced over at him from the desk offering a smile, which made Jiang Cheng scowl.

"Mother asked where you were, " Jiang Cheng placed the tray of food next to the older.

Wei WuXian paused whatever he was writing, "Oh..."

Jiang Cheng sighed, "The shidi's are asking for you, they're worried that something has gone wrong or you've fainted again...A-Jie is getting more and more worried, she's wondering if she should send a letter to WangJi-"

"No!" Wei WuXian looked at Jiang Cheng, "Don't tell him anything,"

Jiang Cheng sighed again, "It's been three days. Don't you think you've done this stupid thing long enough?"

"I kinda like it here," Wei WuXian shrugged, "I don't have to do my duties, can't really cause trouble to get myself more punishments, and I can just work on my communication talisman and the fans I'm making for Nie-xiong and shijie,"

Jiang Cheng grimaced, "Yeah, but while you're in here being all peaceful, outside is a war zone. Father is really upset with what Mother said, he's completely focused himself in Sect work. Mother hasn't yelled at anyone and she's been going easy on the disciples, mostly just observing silently when I train them, I think you've shocked her. A-Jie is training and she's getting better, but she's really worried about you. And then there's me, running around between everyone trying to fix things and assure everyone that you're fine since you won't let anyone else inside!"

Wei WuXian winced at the truth in Jiang Cheng's words. He looked at his brother and slowly asked, "Do you think I was in the wrong?"


"For what happened to that pea- Young Master Jin,"

Jiang Cheng's expression darkened, "Of course not! He dared to say there's nothing great about A-Jie and that she doesn't deserve him!"

Wei WuXian's eyes hardened and nodded, "Yeah, you're right. He deserved it,"

"Exactly, so get your ass up and come outside of this room, before A-Jie sends a letter to your not-official fiance and he comes down here Guqin and sword in hand ready to fight my mother, even though she was wrong," Jiang Cheng snapped.

Wei WuXian looked at him with wide eyes, before laughing. He nodded and motioned for the other to sit down in the other chair in the room. The two of them ate lunch together, Wei WuXian explaining a bit about the progress of the communication talisman/spell he's making. Jiang Cheng was surprised to see how much progress his brother had made in just three days, but then again, his brother had created the Compass of Evil and the Phantom Attract Flags, living as a reject of the cultivation world. Inventions, said cultivation world had so shamelessly used after slaughtering him.

When they were done, Wei WuXian quickly changed into his robes, strapping Suiban to his waist. He then quickly put all of his notes in a hidden compartment that was locked by a blood seal, only allowing Wei WuXian to access it and picked up the tray. The two left the bedroom, walking towards the kitchen to drop off the tray. After that, Jiang Cheng took his brother to their sister's favorite pavilion, where she had been training. She paused the moment she saw them, grinning brightly and breaking into a dash, "A-Xian!"

Wei WuXian hugged her back, giggling and pouting, "Sorry for making you worry,"

Jiang Yanli stepped back and quickly, flicked the younger on the head, "No apologies! Silly boy, never do that again, especially for something that had long since been resolved,"

Wei WuXian nodded and Jiang Cheng hated to call this short, "Jie, I think the disciples will be pleased to know our senior disciple is back,"

"Ah, yes!" Jiang Yanli agreed and then smiled, "You know...about all of them are very curious to know how you and WangJi got close,"

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