Chapter 13: A Father's Blessing

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Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi sat down, Wei WuXian across from Lan HuiLang and Lan WangJi in between them. Lan HuiLang handed them both a cup of tea and then smiled apologetically, "I apologize Young Master Wei, I do not have much other than tea,"

Wei WuXian grinned, "It is fine, Sect Leader Lan. Tea, while may not be my preferred drink, it is still wonderful,"

Lan HuiLang smiled, "You truly are you parent's son,"

Wei WuXian paused, eyes widening. Lan WangJi was equally surprised, placing the tea cup he had just drank from down, "Father, you know Wei Ying's parents?"

"I do," Lan HuiLang spoke with a fond voice, laughing somberly, "When the news of their death reached me, I was quite shocked. Both of them were so gifted and so talented. For it was truly a shock to their old friends what an accident could have happened...that to leave their child alone at so young, you should have been...what, five at the time?"

Lan WangJi glanced over at Wei WuXian, whose eyes were sparkling with a mixture of love, curiosity, and sorrow. He knew that Wei WuXian knew nothing of his parents since his adoptive parents never talked much about them. All the disciple knew was that his Father, Wei ChangZe, was Jiang Fengmian's best friend and subordinate. And his Mother, CangSe Sanren, was the favorite student of the famous immortal Baoshan Sanren.

Wei WuXian nodded, swallowing a heavy lump, "Yes...I was five. Uncle Jiang took me in when I was 9,"

Lan HuiLang frowned somberly, "four years alone, you poor child,"

Wei WuXian smiled, shaking his head, "Ah, it's alright. I think I was much too young to understand how awful my situation was. I just knew that my parents weren't coming back, when I was hungry, and when to run,"

"Survival instincts," Lan WangJi said softly, "You've learned them at young. No wonder you are so skilled,"

Wei WuXian laughed at that. He smiled softly, glancing at Lan HuiLang with a hesitant gaze, "Sect Leader Lan...can you...tell me about my parents? Uncle Jiang doesn't talk about them...and Madam Yu..."

Wei WuXian frowned a bit, "She doesn't really give me any information except for the fact my mother and Uncle Jiang were close, and my father was a servant,"

Lan HuiLang hummed, "ZiYuan truly hasn't changed, has she? No matter, of course I will tell you. I do believe for Fengmian, it is difficult to talk about a woman he once loved and his martial brother, without fueling his wife's anger and jealousy,"

Wei WuXian hung his head. Lan WangJi felt a flame of anger for the Jiang Family suddenly spark in his heart. He was definitely going to talk to Jiang Cheng about fixing everything. Lan WangJi reached over, taking Wei WuXian's one hand softly. Wei WuXian smiled tenderly, giving a small squeeze.

Lan HuiLang noticed and he smiled. "Yes, this boy needs WangJi, just as much as he needs him,"

"ChangZe grew up close with Fengmian. They attended the lectures when they were your age. Much like you and your shidi, Young Master Jiang, they were as close as brothers," Lan HuiLang began and Wei WuXian gave his full attention, eager to learn about his parents, "Your Mother, I only ever met her a few times, the first, during a Nighthunt with Qiren, Fengmian, and ChangZe. Fengmian and ChangZe had almost died that night due to Qiren's law abiding nature and your mother, haha, shaved his beard off in retaliation!"

Wei WuXian's eyes widened and mouth gaped, "No wonder he looked ready to murder me so much after I shaved his beard off..."

Lan WangJi froze, "You what?"

Wei WuXian grinned sheepishly, "I didn't know!"

Lan HuiLang let out a loud laugh, "Oh, no wonder I've been detecting the use of spiritual energy around him,"

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