Chapter 99: A Distant Voice - II

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the chapters are shorter both due to my schedule and purposeful plot reasons. Also, there's a lot going on here so pay attention.


"I'm sorry,"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry,"

The words swam through his head and onto his tongue, his lips moving to pronounce the characters as his voice echoed for only his own ears to catch. His hands were shaking as he stared at the open chest in his arms, the trinkets and items of his name stored away beneath the pier and river.

Oddly enough, not a single bit of resentment escaped, that's incorrect. Not a single conscious bit of resentment escaped him. As he fell to his knees, knuckles turning white from how tightly he was gripping the beautiful wooden box, wisps of black curled around him and filtered from his tainted meridians and mind. His eyes were a sorrowful crimson, skin shades paler than his usual.

"I'm sorry,"

"I'm sorry,"

Who was he apologizing to, he did not know.

Was it Jiang Cheng, who had supported him through the years, that had grown tired and fought for something no one thought entirely possible, who had given him a family at last?

Was it Jiang Yanli, who had been more a mother than sister due to the failings of what was supposed to be, who had loved him unconditionally, soothed his wounds, had been his haven when there was nowhere safer than her embrace?

Was it Lan WangJi, the love of his life, his soulmate, his everything, who was by his side at any call, had trusted him regardless, was currently fighting for their future and marriage against the Lan Elders?

Was it his parents, his lovely beautiful parents who had been taken from him, his own mind locking away their memories to avoid the pain their loss left behind, to pretend none of it existed? Was he apologizing to his parents whose names had been spit on, dragged through filth, were disrespected all around him for years while he, their sole son, only smiled and paraded through a life trying so desperately to break him?

Or perhaps, it was to himself. Apologizing brokenly for believing he could live such a life, that a thing like him could get so luck with such a high end life, could have such a place to call his, a family to call his.

Part of him knows a bit of his apology is targetted to the future of what was being built. To them.

Jiang Fengmian and Yu ZiYuan, the two who had taken him in. Had raised him. Had failed him and yet had grown and were trying harder than ever so they could all be happy and home.

As if they could be his home after this.

As if he could benefit their sect, their disciples, their lives when they had ruined his so many years ago.

As if he could let them win any longer when they had destroyed his home, only to take him in as a trophy. No wonder she hated him. No wonder he never stopped her.

No wonder no one tried to speak of his blood. His name.

Wei Ying, courtesy WuXian.

How could they for when they all knew of his intelligence he had not hesitated to use to grow stronger? How could they risk mentioning Wei ChangZe or CangSe Sanren in anything but rumors incase a singular slip-up revealed the truth?

"I'm sorry,"

"I'm sorry,"



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