Chapter 88: To Recollect and Long For - part II

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Yeah so; this one chapter has like over 10 thousand words...enjoy

The next day, Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi returned to the library. They had spoken with one another a bit last night and as they walked here. They had already explored the depths of Taoism and the Yin and Yang Philosophy. So, for the next two days, they were exploring the art of cultivation itself.

Not just swordsmanship, but all types of forms. Ones that were abandoned and ones that are still used today, even if rare. Wei WuXian also explored his own cultivation, writing manuscripts and notes about things he knows and can do, including how he had come about controlling resentment. Of course, these notes were quick to be sealed by a blood seal by Wei WuXian himself, it would be detrimental if notes about mastering the dark arts were left for anyone to sneak a peek at.

All the time they spend in the library absorbing in history and teachings, along with being Wen Yuan's dads, gave Wei WuXian no extra time to even attempt to break rules, not that he wanted to anyway. He was enjoying the silence that was Cloud Recesses, the tranquility was a breath of fresh air from the constant whispers and rumors that he heard from the streets of Yunmeng.

It was probably extremely fortunate for the Elders and possibly Lan Qiren, though the old goat has been rather friendly towards Wei WuXian, nothing like the old man who held a grudge towards a 15-year-old before. Wei WuXian didn't know what brought out this chance of letting his former teacher know him before judgment, but he was thankful. Lan Qiren was quite a decent person and extremely knowledgeable. Unlike Lan WangJi or Jiang Cheng who let Wei WuXian ramble and hum here and there, reminding him and warning him of things, Lan Qiren and him could probably talk for hours about theories and old knowledge being brought back to present time.

Perhaps once he married Lan WangJi officially, Wei WuXian would indulge in some conversations with the teacher. It didn't sound too bad.

But for now, he had his conversations with his fiance, the two going back and forth as they took in the knowledge of history, despite learning this before. Wei WuXian had realized that his soon-to-be husband had read a great number of the books in the library, which definitely helped in time. But it still took them three days of being in the library to find all they could without repeating information.

On the morning of the fourth day after coming to Cloud Recesses, after they dropped off Wen Yuan, they went to the Elegance Hall in search of the Lan Sect Leader. Disciples bowed and greeted them with polite mutters of, "Hanguang Jun and Master Wei,"

Wei WuXian couldn't help but frown as another two disciples greeted them. He turned to Lan WangJi as they walked and asked, "Why do they call me Master?"

"You are logically a master," Lan WangJi answered, "...of demonic cultivation,"

Wei WuXian blinked and then grumbled, "I want a title, so much easier that way. Master makes me sound old...I mean, I know I'm the one who labeled myself as the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, but still..."

Lan WangJi shook his head amused as they entered the Elegance Hall. He did a small bow to the three Lans, who had quickly halted their discussion upon sensing them. He had been informed that the Elder's were being particularly difficult and that subtly taking back their power was beginning to become more and more of a challenge as the Elder's tried to argue in areas they shouldn't be having a say in. And the presence of Wei WuXian was only adding to their complaints, the Elder's watching Wei WuXian at every given moment. It was one of the reasons Lan WangJi was firm on Wen Yuan and Wei WuXian being with him in the Jingshi for their protection and privacy.

This all was being kept from Wei WuXian, of course. Lan WangJi did not want the male to worry about anything nor feel guilty. He saw the way the silver eyes were bright and the males steps seemed lighter. He had noticed the way Wei WuXian would take deep breaths and just relax into the atmosphere with a soft smile.

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