Chapter 97: Greed - V

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updates will still be slow due to upcoming finals and work, but I'm getting a feel and hope to have this book finished by the end of this year or the beginning of next!!

Thank you so much for all your support with my health, I'm very comforted!


Wei WuXian had always felt that his place in the YumengJiang Sect was replaceable, that he owed them everything, a debt. He had felt that he had never truly belonged here, a part of him always longing to explore the world. To be like his parents. That had changed after the Gusu Lectures after Jiang Cheng had seemingly snapped. After Wei WuXian had found the love of his life and soulmate.

After so long he had felt that he maybe, just maybe, did belong here. That this was his home, his family. And it had grown ever larger since then, even though Wei WuXian had almost lost it all a few years prior. And the present time, it felt like he was in a new place. It didn't feel like home, it felt like a farce. Yu ZiYuan and Jiang Fengmian didn't feel like family, but rather people he had to be wary of. He wasn't afraid of them, not like before. But there was a seed of distrust planted in his heart.

It had been a few weeks since his return to Yunmeng from Lanling. At the beginning, he tried to ignore it, tried to pick up on things and prove to himself that what Jin Guangshan had told him were nothing more than the rambles of a drunk man. He had no such luck. Wei WuXian had subtly tried to mention his parents, yet the unease had remained. He could not mention them still. It was a bruise on the pier's floor. One that was unhealed and had to remain un-prodded at for a little longer.

Well, Wei WuXian had waited quite long. He was his parent's only son, did he not have a right to know about them? Did he not have the right to have a face and personality to grieve? So how was it that the man that claimed to be the closest friend couldn't bring them up except in rare comments of "you look like your father doing that," or "ChangZe used to that as well,".

So, Wei WuXian had committed to searching. To find the truth and sniff out if there was any evidence of foul play. If his parents were murdered and he was nothing more than a trophy. He started off easy and small, regularly doing his duties without fail. He went to every practice, led every hunt, attended his duties in the orphanage and Wen village. He helped with the trade systems and agricultural issues of smaller villages in their territory, going over them with Jiang Cheng and Jiang Fengmian. He acted to perfection that nothing was wrong.

They had no idea that Wei WuXian had begun to make a schedule. Began to mark the things he had to do days in advance. He found the time slots he was free and began to cross reference those with the schedules he gathered about the rest of the pier, about his seniors. It was easy, too easy, and Wei WuXian felt a thick sense of guilt at every conversation. They all trusted him, their head disciple, without a single drop of doubt. They freely told him what they had to do and when, Wei WuXian easily controlling and manipulating the conversation. He knew how to use words, he knew how to distract with words.

He started in the offices of the older officials, more confident and less guilty in snooping around there. He had found nothing of use as he slowly went through the senior guard that was Jiang Fengmian's age. Wei WuXian was hit with the hyperrealism that these people had trained with his father and yet had never even mentioned their former head disciple. Had never even bothered to tell Wei WuXian anything.

His distrust grew further.

His schedules were not always accurate, unexpected interruptions would either grant him a longer amount of time to search or less. He switched his attention to the sect library, searching deeply despite having read almost all of these books before. He carried books and the Jiang Sect historical scrolls with him to a dark and clustered corner of the large building, easily hiding from other disciples and avoiding questions. Wei WuXian had snuck around this pier his whole life, hell, his early years of life were consisted mostly of sneaking past people in the market to steal some food or avoid a scary adult trying to beat him. Not to mention his time in the Burial Mounds.

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