Chapter 31: Guilty Memories

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Jiang Cheng resisted the urge to facepalm as he walked into his brother's workspace.

Wei WuXian had called for help on Jiang Yanli's and Nie Huaisang's spiritual weapons he was making for them. When he walked in, he found the room a mess and the sound of frustrated curses.

"Wow," Jiang Cheng said, shutting the door and making his way to the desk in the center of the room, standing opposite of his brother, "This looks wild,"

"Check these," Wei WuXian pushed him two pieces of parchment.

Jiang Cheng took them, eyes widening at the beautiful drawing of two separate pairs of fans. The first pair had one fan with a landscape drawn onto it, a landscape Jiang Cheng knew was Qinghe and the second fan had another landscape that showed a large cliff with a building on the edge trees and clouds elegantly pieced together.

The second pair was more regal and elegant, both fans having a Lotus in the center, surrounded by a Chinese Dragon, yet it wasn't scary nor strong. It was purely elegant, every stroke of the dragon perfectly done to give a touch of warmth.

" drew these?" Jiang Cheng gasped, looking up to see his brother smiling a bit sheepishly, "En,"

"These are- why don't we have art pieces hung around the Pier?" Jiang Cheng demanded, "I'm going to inform Mother at once!"

Wei WuXian glanced up, blushing, "No! Auntie Yu will place them everywhere!"

Jiang Cheng smiled brighter, "That's the point!"

"No, the point is you're here to help me figure out spiritual weapons," Wei WuXian pointed the brush at him and sighed, "I've made the blueprints and I have all the materials for the fans, but I need to figure out how to make it a spiritual weapon,"

"Why are you asking me?" Jiang Cheng raised an eyebrow, "I don't have a spiritual weapon. Mother has Zidian, so shouldn't you ask her?"

"I did," Wei WuXian smiled, "She gave it to me for me to experience,"

Wei WuXian held up his hand where the amethyst ring sat, "She said I could use it, since I don't want her or Uncle to come in here until these fans are done,"

Jiang Cheng felt warmth blossom in his chest. The past week had been a large mess of changes, only the five of them knowing the cause. The disciples and servants were shocked, but easily began to accept the changes and the atmosphere of Lotus Pier had never been brighter. Yu ZiYuan and Jiang Fengmian were quick to show their changes and the three teenagers were quick to feel it. Yu ZiYuan had moved in with Jiang Fengmian, her old place becoming a private quarters and a place the five decided to keep special things enforced by blood seals, except with all their blood.

Yu ZiYuan had expressed her affection, speaking extremely softly to the three of them, especially Jiang Cheng and Wei WuXian. The two brothers had felt like their cores awoken all over again, new found energy and happiness flowing through them. The best part, in Jiang Cheng's opinion, was the way both his mother and brother had clicked together. Jiang Cheng had never had his brother's unlimited curiosity, but it seemed his Mother was much like her nephew when younger, while Jiang Fengmian was more like Jiang Cheng.

"Look, I've summoned Zidian a few times to get a feel of a whip," Wei WuXian stood back, the ring crackling with purple lightning before a whip appeared in his hand, "And I've tested out my mastery over Suiban to see if there was a difference, and shockingly, there was!"

Jiang Cheng blinked. He had been using Zidian and Sandu for years, yet had never found any difference, "Aren't they both spiritual weapons, though?"

"That's what I thought!" Wei WuXian turned Zidian back into a ring, slipping it off and handing it to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng took it, staring at the ring with an almost nostalgic feeling. He was well acquainted already, slipping on the ring and summoning the whip with practiced ease. Wei WuXian was watching him a beautiful smile on his lips, "Look at this, Zidian looks wonderful with you,"

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