Chapter 1: Young Once More

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When Jiang Cheng fluttered his eyes open he raised his hand quickly, blocking out the streams of sunlight. Recalling what had just occurred, he grimaced and pushed himself up. He heard movement behind him and glanced back to see Lan WangJi also gaining his consciousness, golden eyes blinked slowly as they surveyed where they were.

Jiang Cheng stared at the male for a few moments, eyebrow's knitting in confusion. Why did Lan WangJi look different to him?

Ignoring the thought, Jiang Cheng searched the setting as well, realizing the two were no longer in the Jingshi. Instead, they were outside laying in the grass.

"What did you do?" Lan WangJi demanded.

"What did I do?" Jiang Cheng whipped around to glare, "I did nothing! This is probably your fau-"

Jiang Cheng paused at seeing the way Lan WangJi was staring at him. The Jade's eyes were knitted slightly with confusion and he was looking at the violet robed cultivator with full attention.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Jiang Cheng frowned.

"You're 15," Lan WangJi stated and Jiang Cheng's eyes widened slightly.

Now he understood why Lan WangJi looked different! He was the age they had first met!

"So are you!"

The two stared at one another blankly. Lan WangJi stood up, Jiang Cheng following after. The Lan glanced around the area again, before frowning, "We are in Cloud Recesses. The back hill,"

"How did we get here?" Jiang Cheng muttered, "And get younger- im younger than A-Ling now,"

Jiang Cheng glanced down at the old robes he hadn't worn since his parent's died. He gently touched the silver bell with his right hand, before freezing and pulling his hand up to his face, "Zidian is gone!!!"

Lan WangJi looked at him surprised, "You lost it?"

"No, I didn't lose it!" Jiang Cheng sneered, "It's impossible to do so! The only person who is Zidian's master other than me is Jin Ling. And I had Zidian when I came to the Jingshi,"

Lan WangJi began to pat down his robes, searching his sleeves and checking to see if he had everything. He paused when he reached his wrist which was bare. Lan WangJi gulped, "I'm missing something..."

"What are you missing?" Jiang Cheng asked, while searching his own robes.

"Wei Ying's bracelet,"

Jiang Cheng stopped his movement's head snapping up in fury, "You mean- the bracelet he gave you at the wedding? That bracelet? The bracelet that A-Xian has a matching one of, except blue? That one is missing?"

Lan WangJi nodded, feeling panic rise in his chest. He looked at the Sect Leader and spoke quickly, "Let's go back! Maybe we just got transported som-"

"Jiang Cheng!! Lan Zhan!!"

Both boys turned their head to the voice and froze. Hurrying towards them was a boy with silver eyes and black hair tied back in a red ribbon. He wore a radiant smile and was dressed in the purple robes of the YunmengJiang Sect. A sword had a brown and gold sheathe strapped to his waist. The two hadn't seen this face for very long.

"Wei...Ying?" Lan WangJi managed, still appalled by the sight of his husband- who was also in his 15-year-old body.

"That's me! Why are you two staring at me weird?" Wei WuXian glanced between them and then frowned, "Also- when the heck did you two manage to vanish together?"

"A-Xian, you..." Jiang Cheng couldn't put it in words.

Wei WuXian looked taken aback, staring at Jiang Cheng, "Did you just call me A-Xian? Since when do you call me the same thing Shijie does?"

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