Chapter 77: New Dawn

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Lan WangJi had rarely experienced fear in his first life. But, it seems in the second where everything was going better than his first, he seems to be experiencing worse fear. And that fear was very present when his fiance had collapsed and blood began to spill from his nose and mouth.

They all panicked, Wen Qing bursting into her duties and the older three shouting orders at the disciples to clear out the palace and get medical supplies from somewhere! After a few hours of rushing for medical attention, Wen Qing got them into an empty room, Lan WangJi laying his lover down on the bed just as Wei WuXian's condition worsened.

He began to bleed from his ears and his body began to spasm. Lan WangJi had never felt so much fear in his life, both Jiang Cheng and Lan WangJi having to be held back by Lan Xichen and Nie MingJue as they let Wen Qing do what she could. Wei WuXian's condition had been stabilized by multiple of Wen Qing's needles and spiritual energy.

It was two hours of pure agony, Jin ZiXuan reluctantly leaving the room to manage the Campaign and send letters for the sect's next steps. He also made sure to send urgent butterflies to the three sects other than his own and Jiang Yanli speaking of Wei WuXian's condition.

He made sure to work with Jiang TengFei to get the War prisoners situated and have all the custody go to the YunmengJiang Sect. It had been a discussion he had once had with Jiang Cheng, the younger mentioning Yunmeng should get custody and responsibility due to suffering the most and needing labor help to rebuild the entire sect again.

Jin ZiXuan worked tirelessly for hours, trying to give as much leeway as he could for his friends. By the time everything had been taken care of and Nightless City had been completely taken control by the Sunshot Campaign and the bodies were being cleared, multiple colored robes flew in from swords in the middle of the night. Jin ZiXuan almost cried in relief when he saw the Jiang and Lan Sect leaders.

"Sect Leader Jiang! Sect Leader Lan! Madam Yu! Master Lan!" He exclaimed in tired relief.

"Young Master Jin, where is my nephew?" Yu ZiYuan cut to the chase.

"I will bring you to him, but I can't leave...this," He motioned to the chaos going on.

Lan Qiren looked at his brother, "I'll take charge of things here, go find WuXian. Young Master Jin, thank you for your work, please get some rest,"

Jin ZiXuan bowed deeply and led the way into the Sun Palace. As they walked he explained with complete detail of what had gone down. He explained the green flames, the resentment, the ravens, the Dire Owl, the collapse, the amulet, Wen Ruohan almost killing Wei WuXian, everything! It was safe to say, he was VERY glad Lan HuiLang and Jiang Fengmian were there or else Yu ZiYuan would've probably stormed the entire palace with how much anger and concern she was experiencing.

He threw open the door and found Lan WangJi and Jiang Cheng near the bed, Lan Xichen and Nie MingJue walking with slightly pale and worried eyes. Wen Qing was moving around the room, shuffling through a bunch of thighs with narrowed eyes.


"A-Zhan! A-Huan!"

Eyes snapped over and Jiang Cheng's mouth erupted into panic, "Mother, Father, A-Xian! He- he-"

"He what? Is he not stabilized?" Jin ZiXuan asked, worried.

"He almost Qi deviated," Lan WangJi looked at his Father with unhidden fear, "Father, Wei Ying almost died!"

"Oh, oh, A-Zhan," Lan HuiLang rushed forward, pulling his youngest son into a tight hug, the two Jiang's doing the same to Jiang Cheng, who was shaking and informing with a shaky voice, "He was bleeding and he kept convulsing! Lady Wen had to put in so many needles and completely freeze his meridians!"

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