Chapter 8: The First Change

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Lan WangJi bent down and softly connected his lips to Wei WuXian's, both silver and gold eyes fluttering closed. The kiss was gentle and soft, filled with a tender affection. For Wei WuXian, this was his first kiss. For Lan WangJi, it was not his first, but it was something he had been missing for a long time.

The love of his life.

When they parted, they remained centimeters apart, carefully opening their eyes and staring at one another. The silence was heavy and neither knew exactly how to break it.

"Wei Ying..." Lan WangJi spoke helplessly, leaning their foreheads against one another, unsure of what else to do in such a calm situation.

In the last timeline, Lan WangJi had confessed; once, when his lover was in an absolute emotional disarray after not only seeing the death of the people he was trying to protect, but experiencing the death of Jiang Yanli, which, now that Lan WangJi thought about, was probably an awful time to reveal his feelings; A second time when drunk and Wei WuXian, being the smart dumbass he is, thought Lan WangJi was talking about Bichen; and a third time in a hostage situation after Wei WuXian had shamelessly yelled the words, "I really wanted to sleep with you!"

Which - let it be known - made Lan WangJi completely forget the fact that he had locked down his spiritual powers, his brother had been powerless, Wei WuXian's nephew was standing there, and they were at a temple, being held prisoners by a man who was the reason for everything that went wrong after the Sunshot Campaign.

Wei WuXian smiled, releasing the rabbit in his lap and placing his hands on the sides of the Jade's face. The younger placed a small kiss at the edge of Lan WangJi's lips, "Lan Zhan, you're great. I really like you. I like you a lot,"

Wei WuXian bit his lip nervously, "I want this, Lan Zhan. Can we do this? Do you want this?"

Lan WangJi captured the other's lips desperately. Wei WuXian accepted easily, returning the gesture just as fierce. They parted to breath, heavy pants and hot breaths fanning on their faces. Lan WangJi mumbled against Wei WuXian's lips, "I want this,"


"I like you,"


"Want you,"


"No one else..."


"Just you,"


"Only you,"


"Just Wei Ying,"

Wei WuXian smiled against the other, "Yours. All yours,"

Lan WangJi parted far enough to pin the younger with a tender look. Leaning down and placing a soft kiss against the crown of Wei WuXian's head, "Mine,"

Wei WuXian laughed joyfully, "You're mine too now, you know?"

Lan WangJi nodded, "All Wei Ying's,"

Wei WuXian beamed, resting his head against the older's shoulder. Lan WangJi smiled, flickering his eyes over to the two rabbits. They were still where they had been set down, nuzzling one another and glancing at the two cultivators. Lan Zhan reached forward, stroking softly with one hand as the other was gently wrapped around Wei WuXian's waist.

"I can't believe you like rabbits and you like me," Wei WuXian broke the silence with laughter, "Are you the same aloof Er Gege who told me to get lost because I tricked you into looking at porn?"

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