Chapter 105: Sinners

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I'm sorry!!!! I promise ill try and be quicker! Thank you for your patience!!

Once again, thank you Sarah! Literally bless your soul! I could not be doing this without you


YueYang was a town controlled by its own cultivation sect so the number of disciples from prominent sects were practically none. Of course, this did not stop Wei WuXian from exercising caution. He had changed Chenqing to a white color and the tassels that usually hung by his waist were hidden between the lapels of his robes, which were a different style and cut than his usual. He had moved away from the usual shades of black and red, slightly altering the color to a brighter red and lightening the black robes to gray. Additionally, he switched the order: his outer robes were red and the inner were gray. It wasn't perfect, but it did its job, extra support provided by the straw hat he wore, attaching thin black cloth to the ends and obscuring his face.

He was lucky in a sense he had so much money and supplies on him, even when he went to the Nie Sect. He'll have to head to Yunmeng eventually and grab the rest of his things, but for now, it was a matter of figuring out what to do and wait until the search dies off. YueYang was a nice town and Wei WuXian had been here a day already. He was currently in a restaurant, eating and drinking as he focused on the conversations around him. He'd also already chatted up the waiters and gotten some information about how the town works.

Wei WuXian poured himself another cup of liquor, sipping the smooth drink. He was listening to the rest of the occupants, gathering gossip and information. The most intriguing was a group of men grumbling about someone known as the 'Delinquent of Kuizhou'.

'Can a kid be so annoying that they're known as the Deliquent of an entire region?'

Wei WuXian shook his head softly. Well, it didn't matter much to him. Cleaning off both plates and jug, Wei WuXian paid with a chunk of silver and left the restaurant. Stepping out onto the streets, Wei WuXian decided he'd roam around and use his cultivation to find any unruly spirits or creatures that needed subduing.

Wandering through the streets of Yueyang, his eyes would occasionally shift to alleys where he spotted glimpses of street-urchins and the homeless people tucked around. YueYang seemed to have a pretty decent poor community. He headed towards the edge of the town and towards the nearby trees to search for a spirit of any kind. Many townspeople played or had jobs that brought them into the woods. Chances of Wei WuXian finding someone to aid was decent.

And- as he expected.

No sooner than ten minutes after entering the small woods, he sensed the familiar presence of resentment. Turning, his pace quicked and he already had Chenqing in his fingers. Ducking in and out of trees, Wei WuXian soon began hearing startled sounds of people and anxious screams.


Wei WuXian burst into a run, catching glimpses of a few lumberers. He burst through the thicket, finding the corpses gaining on the panicked villagers. He quickly burst forward, grabbing the villager on the ground and pulling them out of range. He turned to the other two men, throwing the third towards them. Standing with his back to them, he ordered, "Get out of here! I will handle it!"

"Thank you Gongzi!!" The men stammered and they fled without much of a glance back.

Sensing their receding presences, Wei WuXian checked to make sure they were ought of sight. As he did so, he pushed off his foot and into the air avoiding the swing of long nails. Landing behind the corpses, his flute was brought to his lips and a sharp yet eerie sound echoed in the forest.

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