Chapter 14: Jin ZiXuan

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Lan WangJi ignored the muffled whines and presumably curses coming out of the other male. He tightened his grip on the sleeve of the violet robes, finally managing to get Jiang Cheng into the guest room the brothers from Yunmeng were using. He pushed Jiang Cheng to sit and at last, released the Silence Spell.

"You strong little fucker!" Jiang Cheng swore like the adult he was mentally, "What the hell is this about?"

Lan WangJi gave the younger a sharp glare, "Wayin, have you forgotten the events looming in our future?"

Jiang Cheng's scowl twisted with the accusation, "Of course I didnt! I lost everything! My home, my parents, my brother, my sister, my Sect! How could I dare to-"

Jiang Cheng snapped his jaw shut, turning away from Lan WangJi's eyes. Lan WangJi stayed silent, a small part of him feeling bad for accusing the younger of forgetting. He hadn't meant it in that way. He knew Jiang Cheng wouldn't forget such events for he still hadn't got over the truth of his golden core in the first time line, even five years after Guayin Temple. Lan WangJi had a good idea of how much Jiang Cheng was stressing for the event that would occur very soon.

Which was the reason he dragged the boy here.

"Ehm, how will you manage Jin ZiXuan?" Lan WangJi asked, changing the topic.

Jiang Cheng turned back and sighed, "All right, I don't know. I keep thinking of the pros and the cons, but I don't know what to do,"

Lan WangJi nodded understandably. It was a small event, but inevitably, it had its effects. Without the engagement getting called off, Jiang Yanli and Jin ZiXuan never married out of love and Jin ZiXuan would never truly understand his feelings. However, if Wei WuXian punched Jin ZiXuan, he might be leaving for Lotus Pier with Jiang Fengmian and cause a further divide between Yu ZiYuan and her husband.

"Last time, I was not there," Lan WangJi informed, "I will be there this time and may be of assistance,"

Jiang Cheng scowled, "I was thinking I could punch Jin ZiXuan instead. But the problem is A-Xian. He wouldn't let me,"

Lan WangJi nodded in agreement, "Perhaps I could intervene at the and stop them"

Jiang Cheng raised an eyebrow, "But...we need the engagement to break off,"

"If you want, we can let Wei Ying hit Jin ZiXuan, but I can intervene before Wei Ying get's hit back," Lan WangJi thought, catching the slight spark of approval.

Jiang Cheng hummed, "that's reasonable..."

Before they could talk anymore, the door slid open. Wei WuXian's eyes lit up with surprise before breaking into a grin. He strolled inside and exclaimed, "A-Cheng! Lan Zhan! I found you!"

Lan WangJi gave a soft 'mn', before placing a small peck on the top of Wei WuXian's head. Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes then asked, "Were you looking for us?"

"Class is about to start," Wei WuXian informed with a cheeky grin, "Ha! Now I'm the one telling you both not to be late!"

Lan WangJi and Jiang Cheng both smiled fondly at him, before following Wei WuXian towards the location they would be learning. In the Cloud Recesses, there was a long wall. Every seven steps, there would be a hollowed out window with intricate designs. All of the designs were different—playing an instrument amid tall mountains, flying in the air on a sword, fighting monsters and beasts, and so on. Lan QiRen explained that the designs of every hollowed out window on this wall was about the life of each ancestor of the GusuLan Sect. The oldest and most famous four windows told the life of the founder of the Lan Sect, Lan An.

Lan Qiren did not even bat an eyelash in the direction of Lan WangJi, Jiang Cheng, and Wei WuXian. When they entered together and made small eye contact, Lan Qiren turned around and walked away, beginning his lecture. Wei WuXian found it funny, snickering endlessly. Jiang Cheng also chuckled a bit, before glancing at Lan WangJi and nudging Wei WuXian to stop.

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