Chapter 94: Greed - II

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Merry Christmas (or if you don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays)

Wei WuXian remained at Koi Tower for another week as he built and adjusted the wards. Jin Guangshan wasn't always around when Wei WuXian was working, but the two did have meals and tea together. Wei WuXian made sure to keep his communication with the Jin Sect Leader on a downlow, especially from Jiang Yanli and the Jin disciples. Jin Guangshan seemed to have realized and asked about it, Wei WuXian reminding the sect leader that, "I'm an engaged cut-sleeve. You visit brothels every three days,"

Jin Guangshan never brought it up again.

Their meals were quick and mostly Jin Guangshan talking about his school days in Cloud Recesses, more primarily focused on what he knew of Wei ChangZe and CangSe Sanren. Wei WuXian enjoyed these meetings, drinking up every and all information.

He learned about the night hunt that had almost cost Jiang Fengmian's and Wei ChangZe's life, CangSe Sanren luckily saving the day by going against the Lan rules which Lan Qiren had been implying heavily that day. Wei WuXian barked out a loud laugh when he heard about his mother shaving off his former teacher's beard in retaliation.

"I did the same thing back in lectures!" Wei WuXian laughed and Jin Guangshan just stared at him, before joining with a chuckle.

He learned about his father's rise in the Jiang Sect and how he had been well respected amongst the head disciples of the great sects. He learned that his father didn't talk much, was more quiet and serious, and relied more on built trust than kind gestures.

Jin Guangshan sighed with a shake of his head, "Your father was very talented, despite the hindrance he received from Fengmian's Father,"

Wei WuXian frowned, "Late Sect Leader Jin didn't like my father?"

Jin Guangshan snorted, "Didn't like? That man despised the friendship they had. In fact, when he found out those two swore brotherhood, he was livid to the point that he probably beat ChangZe black and blue!"

Wei WuXian frowned deeper, "He was abusive?"

"Fengmian's Father was nothing like your uncle. Except perhaps in stubbornness. Despite his father against his wishes and about to kill someone every time he publicly addressed ChangZe as his own brother, Fengmian never listened and kept persisting with the friendship. In fact, Fengmian was probably the only reason ChangZe remained his position for as long as he did since he protected the male and by swearing brotherhood, it gave ChangZe a status protection,"

"They sound very close," Wei WuXian smiled.

"They were. It's a bit surprising to strangers when they learned the two weren't actually brother's by blood," Jin Guangshan laughed, and then sighed, "I remember when I was young, I was quite jealous of their bond. Sect Leader Nie's father and Wen Ruohan were only children like myself as well, so we often found ourselves envying the relationship between them,"

"I didn't know they were that close," Wei WuXian was shocked.

"I'm surprised you didn't know how their relationship was..." Jin Guangshan thought for a moment before shaking his head, "No, thinking about it, I suppose it makes sense. Once your mother came into the picture, everything changed,"

"My mother? What was she like?" Wei WuXian asks carefully.

"A bright and buzzing soul. Extremely beautiful and talented. She was a rare gem and was always smiling and getting into trouble," Jin Guangshan informed, "Much like you in that sense. Your father was the only person able to tame her and make her feel in the moment. Similarly, your mother was the only one who could break your father's seriousness, getting him to laugh and indulge in chaos. I suppose that is why they fell for one another in that way,"

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