Chapter 60: No Envies - part III

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A week had passed and Wei WuXian was still a prisoner. He was still being used by Wen Xu. Wei WuXian had thrown up more times this week than he had in his years of life. Wei WuXian hated everything except Wen Qing and Wen Ning.

He hated the cuffs/chains.

He hated the purple robes.

He hated the ponytail he wore.

He hated the bruises on his skin.

He hated his skin.

He feared Wen Xu.

Wei WuXian never knew he could cry and scream so much, but he could and he did. Wei WuXian's only thing grounding him was the Wen siblings, who would rush right in after Wen Xu left. Wen Ning cleaned him up and Wen Qing held him, allowing Wei WuXian to sob and wail into her. She was a sister. Wen Ning was a brother.

After another torture session, Wen Xu left. Wen Qing and Wen Ning came straight in, but there was something different. Things went normally at first, Wen Ning cleaned him up and Wen Qing cradled him with a loving smile. Wei WuXian was clean and a blanket was draped over him to cover up. Then, he was asked, "What color robes do you want?"

"W-what?" Wei WuXian frowned.

Wen Qing spoke in a low tone, "We found a way to get you out of here, I'm sorry it took so long,"

Wei WuXian felt a sense of hope, "Away? A-away from him?"

Wen Qing nodded, "Yes,"

"We can you get out tonight, since Wen Xu has been called to battle by his Father," Wen Ning explained, "He'll be leaving after dinner and he told Wen Chao to keep an eye on you until he returns,"

Wei WuXian inhaled shakily and for the first time in a week, he smiled. Wen Ning and Wen Qing both smiled back. The older said softly, "You can head to QingHe,"

Wei WuXian's smile vanished, "But my core..."

Wen Qing froze. She had forgotten about that. Seeing her state, Wei WuXian shook his head, "ah, I don't need it. It's okay, I can get to them in other ways,"

Wen Qing nodded hesitantly, "The problem is...once you're outside, it'll be complete luck. If you're caught this time...I don't think they'll keep you alive,"

Wei WuXian shrugged at that, "Death is better than being alive at this point,"

Wen Qing frowned sternly, "Wei Ying..."

"Qing-Jie, I'm serious," Wei WuXian pouted and then shook his head, "What about my sword?"

"We'll bring it with your robes," Wen Ning informed, "Now, what color?"

Wei WuXian thought for a moment. He should've said purple, but he didn't want to wear that color anymore. Not with all the things Wen Xu said. White wasn't his style, though it reminded him of Lan WangJi, he didn't need it to stain. So, after little thought, he chose his favorite colors, "Red inner, black outer,"

Wen Qing eye's softened, "No purple?"

Wei WuXian stiffened, gripping her sleeve and face turning pained. Understanding, Wen Qing placed a soft kiss on his head, "Alright, get some rest. A-Ning, get some food,"

"No! Don't go," Wei WuXian grabbed Wen Qing tighter.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll stay right here," Wen Qing promised.

"...okay," Wei WuXian mumbled, closing his eyes and curling into Wen Qing.

Wen Ning sighed sadly, walking out of the room. He was devastated and furious at the things Wen Xu had done. The first time Wen Xu raped Wei WuXian, there were no silencing talisman. Everyone heard the screams. Wen Chao and Wang LingJiao had laughed in pleasure, while most of the soldiers staying with Wen Qing and Wen Ning here cringed.

Wen Ning had already sent a letter back to the village, telling them to gather things and go somewhere far. He already explained to his cousins of the situation with Wei WuXian, and thankfully received a letter back with confirmation they would be leaving and running from Qishan. Also, many of them expressed their sorrow for the senior disciple, saying they would try and contact the young masters they met before to give them information.

When Wen Ning read this, he panicked and quickly sent a letter back asking his cousins to keep what Wen Xu was doing a secret. As medics, they knew the price it could have on Wei WuXian's mentality and he would have to be comfortable telling them.

The next letter back was a promise they wouldn't tell the full extent, but they would try to explain that Wei WuXian was in Wen custody and that Wen Xu and Wen Chao were definitely torturing him. Wen Ning didn't even find that a lie.

Shaking his head clear, Wen Ning grabbed a tray of food and returned to Wei WuXian's room. The Wen siblings sat with Wei WuXian, telling him news of the ongoing war and anything they'd heard of his family.

Jiang Cheng, Yu Ziyuan, and Jiang Fengmian had all reached QingHe safely and had rallied the YunmengJiang Sect. When Wei WuXian heard this, he sighed in relief, looking much calmer than he had before.

After the Wen siblings left, Wen Xu returned to the room.

Wen Ning and Wen Qing worked quickly, making sure that dinner could be served earlier than normal so Wen Xu would leave faster. When they had finished and served it out, they grabbed the robes and Suiban, along with a medical bag and rushed into Wei WuXian's room, shutting the door firmly.

Wei WuXian was on the bed, curled up tightly with a blanket over him, body shaking and softly crying into his knees. Wen Qing placed her bag down, hugging the boy softly and removing the blanket. Wen Ning began to clean up slowly, stalling for time. Wen Ning frowned at the large amount of bruises and hickies. Wei WuXian confessed pitifully, "I want to die..."

Wen Ning's hand stilled and he looked up shocked. Wen Qing was alarmed, but her voice remained soft, "Wei Ying-"

"I want to use lingchi on myself," Wei WuXian's shoulders shook, "I hate this body, I hate this skin, I hate this!"

Wen Qing frowned, "Wei Ying, you are no different than before this week,"

"Except I'm useless..." Wei WuXian laughed pathetically, "My core is fractured, my spiritual nerves are damaged, I can't cultivate, I have been raped more times than I can even count!"

"Young Master Wei," Wen Ning said softly, gently patting the Wen brand on Wei WuXian's chest, "You got this for saving someone. You took on Wen soldier's to save your family. You haven't said a word about us. Young Master Wei, you are an amazing person, nothing can change your heart...and that is most important,"

He sniffled, but didn't say anything else. Taking the silence, Wen Ning finished, placing herbs and medicine on all the bruises and marks so they would fade quicker. Wei WuXian grimaced uncomfortably as Wen Ning applied to his lower body, the boy muttering apologies. Wei WuXian brushed them off.

He trusted Wen Ning and Wen Qing.

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